• Oddity Nr. 23 – Multiple Spatialities
    Aug 28 2024
    In der 23. Episode berichten SFB-Sprecherin Prof. Martina Löw (B03: Smart People) und SFB-Doktorandin Eva Korte (A05: Zuhause) von ihren Eindrücken und Beobachtungen in Nairobi, Kenia. Mit Multiple Spatialities fokussiert der SFB 1265 die Pluralität und Gleichzeitigkeit unterschiedlicher räumlich-kultureller Figurationen spezifischer Gesellschaften. Am Beispiel Nairobis thematisieren wir die Konstitution des öffentlichen Raumes, die Dominanz des Bahnraumes, das Schicksal der Kikuyu sowie zentrale Unterschiede im Home-Making und in der Zeitlichkeit im Vergleich zu deutschen Gesellschaften.
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    34 mins
  • Oddity Nr. 22 – Ukrainian Displacement
    Jun 3 2024
    In this episode, Jeannine Teichert, Postdoc at the University of Paderborn and visiting researcher at CRC1265, talks to research associate Zoé Perko about the unique home-making processes of displaced Ukrainians amid the 2022 full-scale Russian invasion. They explore the relationship between home-making practices and the concept of "shuttle refuge", where Ukrainians move back and forth between their home and host countries, navigating physical and digital spaces of (in)security.
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    33 mins
  • Oddity Nr. 21 – Tanz der Disziplinen
    Apr 29 2024
    In dieser Ausgabe tauschen sich Gastwissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Oliver Frey (Hochschule Nürtingen-Geislingen) und Methodenlab- sowie Teilprojektleiterin Dr. Séverine Marguin (C06, SFB 1265) über Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen des interdisziplinären Arbeitens im akademischen Umfeld und das metaphorische interdisziplinäre Tanzen im soziologischen Streitgespräch aus.
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    34 mins
  • Oddity Nr. 20 – Spaces of Resistance
    Mar 18 2024
    In this episode, and in the context of our summer school "Power and Space," we talk with four activists about spaces of resistance, and we hear from two researchers about their reactions to what we have been discussing. The activists share their stories, lessons learned, and thoughts on everyday activism. Together with our colleagues, we try to understand how actors create spaces that are used as tools of resistance, and how these spaces are formed through social (collective) action, communication and networking, where relationships of solidarity and cohesion emerge.
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    50 mins
  • Oddity Nr. 19 – An Atlas of Spatial Figures
    Feb 12 2024
    “An Atlas of Spatial Figures" is the title of the forthcoming publication (to be released in autumn 2024) by CRC 1265 subproject PIs Ignacio Farias and Silke Steets. The book gathers over 40 stories of CRC 1265 researchers discovering new spatial figures in addition to the four previously identified dominant spatial figures. For the book project, they collaborated with Viennese artist Nikolaus Gansterer in multimodal workshops. This episode is an excerpt from a performance lecture, which took place at the international symposium "Spatial Figures in the Anthropocene" at the ICI Berlin in October 2023. It provides insights into the concept of the book and two performed "vectors of refiguration" through two stories and the spatial figures they express.
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    31 mins
  • Oddity Nr. 18 – Spatial Figures in the Anthropocene
    Dec 21 2023
    In this episode, we relive our latest international symposium, which took place on October 5-6 at the ICI Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, with our two organizers, Silke Steets and Ignacio Farías, and brief statements from four keynote speakers.
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    33 mins
  • Oddity Nr. 17 – Postcolonial Media Studies
    Oct 10 2023
    In this new episode, our two project researchers Eric Lettkemann (B04) and Simon Pohl (C07) talk to CRC Visiting Researcher Tanja Bosch (University of Cape Town). Together they reflect on the "Rhodes Must Fall" student protests and new forms of social activism, as well as on the question of a potential directionality from digital to physical space, how queer spaces are represented on Instagram or TikTok in the South African context, and what it means to decolonize research and digital methods.
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    45 mins
  • Oddity Nr. 16 – Quality of Space
    Aug 23 2023
    In this episode Space Oddity host Christopher is reflecting with his two guests, Letteria G. Fassari (Sapienza Rome) and Dominik Bartmanski (HU Berlin), on spatial quality and qualification, perception and sense, Berlin and Rome. This session has been recorded right after the final presentation of a two day workshop end of May 2023.
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    40 mins