John Allen and what is.
00:30 You say you want a revolution
1:55 I like the battle of Stalingrad as much as the next guy
2:22 True confessions.
3:08 My friend Dave
4:00 Another Cassandra moment
4:35 Terrific bang...Yuuch...I didn't like the way I said that. At all
5:05 No no no we are just friends.
5:50 Lets face it Old Guys are not great.
6:30 I'll just dance by myself and look at the floor.
7:00 Snitch culture
7:45 High falutin'
9:03 I just don't talk to anybody. It's easier.
9:45 When they take over they aren't going to be very nice to the people they take over from...Just guessin'
10:50 Okay not cheering about somebody being shot. Making a point about the media acting like a squirrel on speed.
14:00 Lets rat each other out.
15:30 They are showing you who they are...
17:20 Purity test
18:15 You are the one who is high and mighty
19:00 We come in wholes not parts
20:00 PTSD dating flash back
21:50 Jazz baby jazz
23:00 The Soon Come
25:02 Those gals they brought it down
26:15 Sex clubs and dancing.
29:25 I don't want to know anymore.
30:20 This is actually funny
31:00 Dick farm
32:00 The dream: Commenting about myself commenting about myself.
32:30 Snitch culture
33:15 Ooops...raised my voice...
34:00 If I say chick and it just makes you fucking crazy...
39:00 Don't die for your country let the other poor dumb fucker die for his.
41:00 Twinkly lights. My origin story
42:00 I had to find out. What happened? Where did those people go? Where will I go?
45:25 There is nothing as horny as a married guy.
47:00 That Soon Come feeling.
48:07 I didn't get to talk about how I feel like I am going to die all the time. Too bad.
49:00 Speaking about dying...
49:30 Quick Dad story.
51:00 Where was I?