In this special winter episode of "Paedsoc on a Pod," join us as we delve into the world of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) in children. From exploring the anatomy of the respiratory system, we look at the development of the immune system in infants, and the intricate mechanisms behind how the body fights off infections. With practical advice and engaging discussions, this episode equips you with valuable knowledge to navigate the winter months and keep yourself and any little ones safe and well in the frosty season to come. If you have any questions or topics you'd like us to cover, please connect with us on social media at "unepaedsoc" on instagram. Interested in learning more about what we talked about? Check out where we got our information from:,-URIs%20are%20the&text=They%20include%20rhinitis%20(common%20cold,acute%20rheumatic%20fever%2C%20respectively).,cool%20mist%20vaporizer%20or%20humidifier.,and%20those%20in%20poor%20health.