
  • Short Run: 'Smarter health: Episode I'
    Jun 28 2022

    American health care is complex. Expensive. Hard to access.

    Could artificial intelligence change that?

    In the first episode of On Point's series Smarter health, hear all about the potential of AI in health care — from predicting patient risk, to diagnostics, to just helping physicians make better decisions.

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    48 mins
  • Short Run: 'Smarter health: Episode II'
    Jun 29 2022

    There is a sophisticated computer model that can estimate a patient's chance of dying in the next year. It's being used at a Stanford hospital to encourage important end of life care conversations and decisions.

    But would you want to know if an algorithm predicted when you might die?

    Ethics and AI. It's episode II of On Point's special series Smarter health.

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    48 mins
  • Short Run: 'Smarter health: Episode III'
    Jun 30 2022

    Health care is heavily regulated. But can the FDA effectively regulate AI in health care?

    It's episode three of On Point's series “Smarter health."

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    48 mins
  • Short Run: 'Smarter health: Episode IV'
    Jul 1 2022

    The final episode of On Point's series Smarter health gets up close with the people working and developing AI technology, and the patients receiving AI care. How can this technology thrive in our complex and broken health care system?

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    48 mins
  • Short Run: 'Essential trust: Episode I'
    Dec 14 2022

    Jane Goodall formed incredible bonds with chimpanzees in the wild.

    "First they were afraid. Then they became belligerent. And then when I wouldn't go away, ‘Well, I guess she's okay.’ They came to trust," Goodall said.

    But were those bonds similar to what we humans experience as trust?

    In the first episode of On Point's series Essential trust, hear all about how the ability to trust strangers may be one of the things that makes us uniquely human.

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    48 mins
  • Short Run: 'Essential trust: Episode II'
    Dec 14 2022

    What happens in our brains when we trust someone? In the second episode of On Point's series Essential trust, neuroscientists explain how our brains process trust, and why it's worth the risk.

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    48 mins
  • Short Run: 'Essential trust: Episode III'
    Dec 14 2022

    Brazilians don't trust each other.

    Some studies find that more than 60% of Brazilians don't trust the people in their own communities.

    In the third episode of On Point's series Essential trust, we look for lessons from Brazil as trust in the United States erodes.

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    48 mins
  • Short Run: 'Essential trust: Episode IV'
    Dec 14 2022

    Trust is essential for survival, for relationships, for a civilized society. But trust needs an unexpected ally: skepticism. But what happens when your skepticism turns into cynicism, or outright disbelief? In the fourth episode of On Point's series Essential trust, we discuss the need for healthy skepticism.

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    48 mins