• Ep 35 - Understanding the Tabernacle
    Sep 24 2024

    The whole issue in the Book of Exodus is about worshipping God correctly on earth. Now, why would that be important? Frances Hogan delves into the intricate details of the Mishkan, or Tabernacle. This is a pivotal point in the narrative, as it reveals the ultimate purpose behind the events that unfolded in earlier chapters.

    The Mishkan was more than just a structure; it was a tangible representation of God's presence among His people. It symbolized the meeting place between the divine and the human—a space where God could dwell and interact with His chosen people.

    As we explore the various components of the Mishkan, Hogan uncovers profound truths about God's nature, His relationship with humanity, and the ultimate fulfillment found in Jesus Christ. The Tabernacle serves as a foreshadowing of Christ, the ultimate dwelling place of God among us. Through its intricate design and symbolism, this deep dive into the scripture offers a better understanding of how the Old Testament prepares for and is fulfilled in the New Testament.

    Bible References:

    • Heb.10:1 – The Mishkan is a visible representation of heaven, where God dwells, and everything in the Tabernacle points to the realities fulfilled in Christ
    • Heb.10:5 – Jesus is the meeting place between God and humanity, and everything in the Tabernacle points to Him
    • Rev.11:9 – The Mishkan, sanctuary of God on earth
    • Jn.14:6 & Heb.8:1-2 – Everything about the Tabernacle foreshadows the Incarnate Word, revealing aspects of His person and His work
    • Col.2:9 – Jesus appeared poor and humble, unattractive to the rich and powerful, yet within Him dwelt all the glory of God
    • 1Cor.3:16 – What Jesus did for us was to make us a temple of God

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

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    36 mins
  • Ep 34 - The Call to Holiness
    Sep 15 2024

    True worship requires a pure heart and a commitment to God. In chapter 34, the relationship between Moses and God is explored, focusing on Moses’ authentic encounter with God. Frances Hogan highlights Moses’ total surrender and adoration as a model for how one should relate to God. This encounter with the gracious and merciful God is transformative, as Moses bows in gratitude for God's patience and compassion toward Israel—a stubborn and rebellious people.

    Hogan emphasizes the destructive nature of idolatry and the centrality of obedience to God's will. God desires a loving relationship with His people, and the Law is meant to guide them towards holiness, just as He is holy. As Moses descends from Mount Sinai, radiant with God’s presence, Hogan contrasts this with Jesus' time in the wilderness, drawing out themes of humility, reparation, and communion.

    Bible References:

    • Deut.32:9 – Moses asks God to adopt and accept the people, and God responds to his prayers in a wonderful way
    • Prov.23.26 – God desires His people's love to return to Him pure and holy, and He seeks to protect it
    • 1Cor.5:7-8 – The small pieces of bread consecrated by the priest are made of unleavened bread, symbolizing Christ's holiness
    • Ps.34:5 – Don't be afraid of God. Only fear if you're in grievous sin, and let that fear lead you to repentance and into His arms.

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

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    36 mins
  • Ep 33 - A Covenant Renewed
    Sep 8 2024

    Moses is instructed by God to carve two new stone tablets, as God will re-inscribe the commandments on them. God calls Moses back to Mount Sinai, signaling the renewal of the covenant despite Israel's rebellion. As Moses seeks a deeper understanding of God's glory, God reveals His name, unveiling a profound aspect of His character.

    Yahweh, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, yet who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.

    This revelation serves to deepen Israel’s understanding of how to relate to God as a people still in need of redemption. God’s nature—merciful, gracious, patient, and abounding in steadfast love—is key to their ongoing relationship with Him. Frances Hogan outlines the first six attributes revealed by God, drawing connections between the Old Testament passage and New Testament themes.

    Bible References:

    • Heb.7:25 – Jesus continually intercedes for His people, ensuring that both people and the church journey through the wilderness of this world to the promised land of heaven
    • Prov.18:10 – God is a refuge for those confronting their enemies, no matter who or what they may be
    • Mal.3:16 – Those who had a genuine relationship with God and honored His name maintained a relationship marked by reverence and awe
    • Ps.86:14-15 & Is.30:18-19 – The Lord patiently waits for you to turn to Him, give Him your time, repent, and seek to rebuild your relationship with Him

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

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    37 mins
  • Ep 32 - The Power of Intercessory Prayer
    Sep 1 2024

    Exodus 33 captures the aftermath of the Israelites' grave sin of idolatry with the golden calf and presents a pivotal moment in Israel's journey. Moses successfully averts God’s wrath and secures His mercy for the people. God instructs them to strip off their ornaments, symbolizing their need for repentance and humility. Previously behaving as privileged princes, the people now recognize their need for a radical transformation in their relationship with God.

    Frances Hogan highlights the tension between God’s holiness and the people's sinfulness, as well as Moses' deep commitment to his role as mediator. Moses engages in a heartfelt dialogue with God, stressing that Israel's distinct identity among the nations would be lost without God's presence. Through this intense dialogue, Moses demonstrates his love for both God and the people, becoming a model of sanctity and mediation. God responds by agreeing to accompany them, demonstrating His mercy and the power of intercessory prayer.

    Bible References:

    • Num.3:35 – God remained with them, but camped outside, offering them a chance to repent and restore their relationship with Him
    • Ex.33:11-17 – Moses goes back into union with God and intercede for the people at a very deep level
    • Ex.33:13, Ps.25:4-5 & Ps.16:11 – To walk with God, one must know His ways
    • Jer.31:3 – God's love is eternal, unchanging from the beginning, regardless of what we do or say
    • Ps.46:1 & Is.41:10 – Nothing is impossible with God ansd if He is with you and within you, you can turn to Him for any crisis
    • Ex.33:18-23 – Moses asks for a new revelation of God and He grants it
    • Ps.4:6 – Each of us need an encounter with God

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

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    38 mins
  • Ep 31 - A Battle Against Sin
    Aug 25 2024

    In a dramatic turn of events, the Israelites find themselves facing an unrecognizable Moses. His once gentle demeanor is replaced by righteous anger as he demands, "Who is on the Lord's side?" Scripture scholar Frances Hogan delves into this intense confrontation in Chapter 32, where the Israelites succumb to the cancerous sin of idolatry.

    Hogan unpacks the complexities of Moses' leadership, highlighting his difficult decision to order the Levites to execute the rebellion's leaders. Drawing a powerful analogy, she compares this act to a surgical removal of a cancerous tumor: painful but necessary to prevent the spread of a deadly disease. This event serves as a stark reminder of the severity of sin and the extreme measures sometimes required to safeguard the community's spiritual health.

    Hogan connects this Old Testament event to New Testament teachings, particularly Jesus' call for radical discipleship. She emphasizes that the cancer of sin must be eradicated from one's life, even if it requires painful sacrifices. Moses' decision to eliminate the idolatrous leaders, while harsh, was ultimately a means of preserving the nation's covenant with God.

    Bible References:

    • Matt.5:29 – The cancer of sin has to be cut out of every life to live in union with God
    • Josh.24:15 – Are you for or against the Lord?
    • 1Cor.10:1-6 & 2Cor.10:4 – In the New Testament, our battles shift from physical enemies to fighting the seven deadly sins and our own weaknesses. Though our weapons aren't physical, they are powerful for breaking down strongholds.

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

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    37 mins
  • Ep 30 - The Power of Intercession
    Aug 18 2024

    In this episode, we witness the power of intercessory prayer in the face of divine judgment and the significance of divine mercy. Moses intercedes for the Israelites after they fall into idolatry by worshipping the golden calf. God’s anger burns against the people for their blatant sin, and He threatens to destroy them and start anew with Moses. However, Moses fervently pleads with God to remember His covenant with the patriarchs, and to consider His own reputation among the nations.

    Moses’ prayer is a remarkable example of mediation, where he steps into the gap between God’s righteous anger and the people’s rebellion. His plea is both a defense of the Israelites and a defense of God's honor. This moment foreshadows Christ’s role as the ultimate mediator who intercedes on behalf of humanity.

    His intercession not only saves the Israelites from immediate destruction but also sets a precedent for future mediation in Israel’s history. Frances Hogan further explains the tension between divine justice and mercy and the role of human intercession in bridging that gap.

    Bible References:

    • Ps.106:23 – A testing of Moses
    • Jn.17 – Jesus’ great priestly prayer
    • Heb.11:24 – Moses made a crucial decision to reject the world's values, refusing to idolize power, wealth, or anything else
    • Is.48:9-11 & Ez.20:9-14 – God couldn't have his name and reputation destroyed
    • 1Cor.10:31 – Those around us would come to know God by knowing us
    • Mk.9:19 – When Jesus descends from Mount Tabor, He is met with unbelief among the disciples
    • Jas.2:10 – Why would Moses throw the Tablets he received from God?
    • Ex.32:20, Num.5:11-31 & Dt.9:7-21 – A trial by fire
    • 1Jn.5:21 – An idol is anything that displaces God in our soul
    • Dt.9:20 – Why wasn’t Aaron punished?

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

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    37 mins
  • Ep 29 - The Golden Calf: A Descent into Idolatry
    Aug 11 2024

    Frances Hogan delves deeply into a pivotal chapter of the book of Exodus, revealing insights into the frailty of human nature. While Moses is in close communion with God on the mountain, the people, left under Aaron's leadership, commit a grievous sin by constructing and worshipping a golden calf, calling it their “god.” This act of idolatry goes beyond simple disobedience. Hogan unpacks the gravity of this transgression.

    The Israelites made a calf in Horeb and worshipped a molten image, exchanging the glory of God for the likeness of an ox that eats grass. This act represents a drastic descent from the divine to the earthly. They forgot God, their savior, who had performed great miracles for them in Egypt, wondrous works in the desert, and awe-inspiring deeds at the Red Sea. Despite having recently signed the covenant at Sinai, they abandoned their faith. Had Moses not interceded on behalf of the people, God’s wrath would have destroyed them in an instant.

    But what was so terrible about the sin of Israel? Hogan explains by tracing it back to the creation of man, providing a comprehensive understanding of the implications of their actions.

    Bible References:

    • Ps.106:19-23 – Israel’s fall
    • Dt.32:17 – They actually had sacrificed to demons thinking it’s God
    • 1Cor.10 & Rom.7 – The battle of flesh against spirit
    • Ps.139 & Ex.32:7-11 – God is Omniscient and Omnipresent; He sees, hears, and understands everything; you cannot deceive Him
    • Dt.31:27 – Moses’ lament
    • Jer.17:23 – We either allow God to be God for us and guide us with His wisdom and truth or we don't
    • Acts.7:51 – The people were stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, meaning they were not surrendered to God and resisted the Holy Spirit
    • Dt.28:15 – The curse part of the law kicks in when they break the commandment

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

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    37 mins
  • Ep 28 – Divine Law and Human Frailty
    Aug 4 2024

    The glory of God descends on Mount Sinai and the people see the mountain devoured by consuming fire. Moses ascends the mount, summoned by the divine presence to receive the Ten Commandments and laws, the Debarim and the Mishpatim. These laws and directives will form the foundation of a nation governed by the very will of God.

    Moses leaves Aaron, Hur, and the elders in charge of the people while he ascends alone. Moses remains on the mountain for forty days and nights, receiving detailed instructions for Israel's worship, including the design for the tabernacle and the priesthood. The Israelites are left anxious and uncertain about Moses's return. Frances Hogan explains that this period was a test of the Israelites' faithfulness to God.

    After finishing with chapter 24, Hogan jumps to chapter 32. Upon returning from the mountain, Moses finds the Israelites in severe apostasy during his absence. The people’s fall into idolatry demonstrates the pressing need for a spiritual maturity that can withstand the trials of faith, even in the absence of their leader. Hogan explains in detail that Moses' journey up the mountain and the subsequent crisis at its base reflect the challenges of maintaining faith and holiness in a seemingly godless world.

    Bible References:

    • Ex.24:17-18 – From a distance, God's presence appeared as a devouring fire, but for Moses, who entered the cloud, it was simply the mystery of God's presence; perception of God depends on one's closeness to Him
    • Sir.45:1-6 – Moses' relationship with God far exceeded that of Abraham, despite Abraham being celebrated as the father of all believers
    • Heb.4:10 – Moses enters God's presence, and while receiving a profound revelation, he also finds rest, as union with God brings rest to the soul
    • Lev.19:2 – Israel encountered God as the untouchable, holy, and pure one, and He desires a holy people like Himself
    • Dt.32:15-17 – Israel’s apostasy

    We delve into the captivating history of how God liberated the children of Israel from slavery, forging them into a nation of His own. Frances Hogan, the renowned Irish scripture scholar, guides us through the pages of Exodus, unlocking the timeless wisdom and insights that will enrich your understanding of scripture.

    Shalom World Podcasts: https://www.shalomworld.org/podcasts

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

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    Frances Hogan: https://www.franceshogan.com/

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    37 mins