• Ep 08 - Hope for those Battling Addiction
    Sep 23 2024

    In this episode of The Church Says, Father Rob Galea opens up about his personal struggle with addiction to drugs and alcohol, offering hope and practical advice to those facing similar battles. With honesty and vulnerability, Father Rob shares how he transformed his life through faith, prayer, and accountability, replacing destructive habits with life-giving ones. The episode provides guidance on how to overcome addiction by seeking help from Jesus, supportive individuals, and avoiding harmful environments.

    Key Highlights:

    Father Rob's Personal Battle with Addiction

    • Father Rob shares his experience with drug and alcohol addiction as a teenager and how it led him to a dark place.

    The Importance of Prayer in Overcoming Addiction

    • Prayer is the first step to healing, as Father Rob explains the power of turning to Jesus when feeling helpless.

    Accountability: Seeking Help from Others

    • Father Rob emphasizes the need for accountability, encouraging listeners to reach out to a priest, counselor, or trusted person for support.

    Changing Your Environment to Break Free

    • The episode highlights the importance of staying away from environments and people that trigger addiction.

    Finding Hope and Freedom in Christ

    • Father Rob reminds viewers that God calls everyone to freedom and that with His help, overcoming addiction is possible.

    Fr. Rob Galea is a Catholic priest and a passionate advocate for faith-based discussions on contemporary issues. Through “Church Says: WKLY with Fr. Rob”, he aims to provide clarity and understanding of Church teachings while fostering an inclusive and respectful dialogue.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    ICON Ministry: https://www.iconministry.com/

    Fr. Rob Galea: https://www.frrobgalea.com/

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    19 mins
  • Ep 07 - Is Contraception blocking God's Gift
    Sep 16 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the Church’s perspective on contraception, exploring its theological and practical implications. Fr. Rob Galea guides us through the reasons behind the Church’s stance, emphasizing the belief that contraception interferes with the natural gifts of unity and procreation in marriage. We also discuss the Church's endorsement of natural family planning as a morally acceptable alternative and address common questions about how to navigate difficult situations where contraception might seem like the only option.

    Key Highlights:

    Understanding the Church’s View on Contraception

    • Fr. Rob discusses why the Church opposes contraception, focusing on its belief that it blocks the gift of life and unity within marriage.

    The Gift of Sexual Union and Procreation

    • A deep dive into the dual purposes of sexual intimacy in marriage: unity and procreation, and how contraception can impact these gifts.

    Natural Family Planning vs. Contraception

    • Fr. Rob explains natural family planning as an alternative to contraception, highlighting how it respects the natural cycle and maintains openness to life.

    Addressing Health Concerns and Moral Dilemmas

    • The discussion covers how to handle situations where contraception might be used for health reasons, balancing moral considerations with practical needs.

    Exploring Moral Choices and Generosity

    • Fr. Rob addresses the concept of “my body, my choice” and emphasizes the importance of generosity and trust in God within the marital act.

    Fr. Rob Galea is a Catholic priest and a passionate advocate for faith-based discussions on contemporary issues. Through “Church Says: WKLY with Fr. Rob”, he aims to provide clarity and understanding of Church teachings while fostering an inclusive and respectful dialogue.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    ICON Ministry: https://www.iconministry.com/

    Fr. Rob Galea: https://www.frrobgalea.com/

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    18 mins
  • Ep 06 - Why your silence on Racism might be a Sin
    Sep 9 2024

    In this episode, Fr. Rob delves into the topic of racism, exploring its roots, impact, and the Christian response to combating it. The discussion highlights the biblical teachings on love and respect, practical steps for addressing racism, and the importance of seeing Jesus in all people. Fr. Rob emphasizes that racism is both a social and spiritual issue that requires active engagement, prayer, and a commitment to equality and understanding.

    Key Highlights:

    Biblical Teachings on Respect

    • A discussion on how the Bible teaches us to treat others with love and respect, and how this can address issues of racism.

    The Spiritual Nature of Racism

    • Fr. Rob emphasizes that racism is a sin and a spiritual issue that destroys communities and divides people.

    Practical Steps to Combat Racism

    • Fr. Rob outlines three actionable steps for Christians: speaking out against racism, recognizing Jesus in all people, and praying for unity and justice.

    Institutional Racism and Historical Context

    • An examination of racism within church institutions and the concept of generational sin, with a focus on breaking the cycle of injustice through prayer and proactive measures.

    Handling Racial Stereotypes

    • A discussion on distinguishing between humorous and offensive racial stereotypes, emphasizing the importance of maintaining dignity and respect.

    Fr. Rob Galea is a Catholic priest and a passionate advocate for faith-based discussions on contemporary issues. Through “Church Says: WKLY with Fr. Rob”, he aims to provide clarity and understanding of Church teachings while fostering an inclusive and respectful dialogue.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    ICON Ministry: https://www.iconministry.com/

    Fr. Rob Galea: https://www.frrobgalea.com/

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    16 mins
  • Ep 05 -Where is God in the Refugee Crisis?
    Sep 2 2024

    In this episode, Father Rob Galea delves into the Catholic perspective on the refugee crisis, exploring the tension between the biblical call to welcome the stranger and the practical challenges faced by individuals and governments. He reflects on the moral obligations of the faithful to extend compassion while balancing the need for security. Through scripture, personal insights, and real-world examples, Father Rob encourages listeners to examine their own responses to this pressing issue and challenges them to embrace discomfort in the service of helping others.

    Key Highlights:

    Biblical Teachings on Welcoming Strangers

    • A discussion of key biblical passages that highlight the call to welcome and care for refugees, grounding the conversation in scripture.

    Balancing Compassion with Practicality

    • Father Rob addresses the challenges of implementing these teachings in today's complex world, acknowledging the tension between compassion and the need for security.

    Personal Reflections and Real-World Examples

    • Insights from Father Rob's experiences and contemporary examples illustrate the difficulties and importance of living out the Church’s call to support refugees.

    Embracing Discomfort for the Sake of Others

    • Father Rob challenges listeners to reflect on their own willingness to step out of their comfort zones and make sacrifices to aid those in need, encouraging a faith-driven response to the refugee crisis.

    Fr. Rob Galea is a Catholic priest and a passionate advocate for faith-based discussions on contemporary issues. Through “Church Says: WKLY with Fr. Rob”, he aims to provide clarity and understanding of Church teachings while fostering an inclusive and respectful dialogue.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    ICON Ministry: https://www.iconministry.com/

    Fr. Rob Galea: https://www.frrobgalea.com/

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    16 mins
  • Ep 04 - Why dose God warn against Occult?
    Aug 26 2024

    Join us for an eye-opening discussion on the occult in this week's episode of "Church Says WKLY with Fr. Rob." We delve into what the occult truly entails and why it can lead us away from God's path. Father Rob Galea guides us through understanding how seemingly innocent practices can have deeper spiritual implications.

    Key Highlights:

    Defining the Occult

    • Father Rob defines the occult, explaining its supernatural aspects and spiritual consequences.

    Spiritual Dangers

    • Discussion on the spiritual dangers of engaging in occult practices and how they can lead one away from God.

    Why Avoid the Occult?

    • Father Rob explores God's call to avoid the occult, emphasizing its contradiction to God's plan for us.

    Personal Testimony

    • Father Rob shares a personal encounter involving occult objects and spiritual disturbances in a parishioner's home.

    Practical Steps

    • Practical advice on recognizing and stepping away from occult influences, trusting in God's protection.

    Fr. Rob Galea is a Catholic priest and a passionate advocate for faith-based discussions on contemporary issues. Through “Church Says: WKLY with Fr. Rob”, he aims to provide clarity and understanding of Church teachings while fostering an inclusive and respectful dialogue.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    ICON Ministry: https://www.iconministry.com/

    Fr. Rob Galea: https://www.frrobgalea.com/

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    17 mins
  • Ep 03 - Is Chastity Outdated ?
    Aug 19 2024

    Welcome to Episode 3 of "Church Says WKLY with Fr. Rob," where we dive deep into the complexities of contemporary issues through the lens of Church teachings. In this episode, Father Rob Galea explores the nuanced topics of chastity, celibacy, and the role of sexuality in today's society.

    Key Highlights:

    Exploring Chastity

    • Father Rob discusses the relevance of chastity and abstinence in modern society, challenging outdated perceptions.

    Physical and Spiritual Health

    • Emphasizing the importance of exercise in managing temptations and maintaining overall well-being.

    The Theology of the Body

    • Drawing from Pope John Paul II's teachings, Father Rob discusses the goodness of human sexuality.

    Practical Guidance

    • Father Rob provides practical advice on prayer, self-awareness, communication in relationships, and accountability.

    Marriage and Chastity

    • Exploring the sacramental aspect of marriage and how chastity within it fosters emotional and spiritual unity.

    Freedom in Chastity

    • Father Rob discusses true freedom in choosing love over lust and the dignity of human sexuality.

    Fr. Rob Galea is a Catholic priest and a passionate advocate for faith-based discussions on contemporary issues. Through “Church Says: WKLY with Fr. Rob”, he aims to provide clarity and understanding of Church teachings while fostering an inclusive and respectful dialogue.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    ICON Ministry: https://www.iconministry.com/

    Fr. Rob Galea: https://www.frrobgalea.com/

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    16 mins
  • Ep 02 - Can War ever be justified by faith
    Aug 12 2024

    Welcome back to another episode of "Church Says WKLY with Fr. Rob"! In this episode, Father Rob Galea delves deep into the intricate topic of just war. Join us as we navigate through the moral and ethical considerations surrounding war and its justification in the eyes of the Church.

    Key Highlights:

    1.Defining Just War

    • Exploring what constitutes a just war according to Church teachings, and whether war can ever be justified in God's eyes.

    2.Criteria for Just War

    • Father Rob breaks down the six essential criteria that must be met for a war to be considered just.
    • Just Cause: The necessity of a morally justifiable reason to initiate war.
    • Comparative Justice: Evaluating whether the good achieved by war outweighs the harm caused.
    • Competent Authority: Ensuring that those who declare war have legitimate authority and sound reasoning.
    • Right Intention: Emphasizing the importance of noble motives behind entering into conflict.
    • Probability of Success: Assessing the realistic chances of achieving the war's objectives.
    • Last Resort: Exhausting all peaceful alternatives before resorting to war.

    3.Historical Perspective

    • Reflecting on historical instances, including the Crusades, where the application of just war principles has been debated.

    4.Modern Application

    • Addressing contemporary issues such as Catholics participating in armed forces and reconciling military service with the commandment "Thou shalt not kill".

    Fr. Rob Galea is a Catholic priest and a passionate advocate for faith-based discussions on contemporary issues. Through “Church Says: WKLY with Fr. Rob”, he aims to provide clarity and understanding of Church teachings while fostering an inclusive and respectful dialogue.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    ICON Ministry: https://www.iconministry.com/

    Fr. Rob Galea: https://www.frrobgalea.com/

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    17 mins
  • Ep 01 - The Church & Homosexuality: A Path Forward
    Aug 5 2024

    In this episode of "Church Says: WKLY with Fr. Rob," Father Rob Galea tackles the sensitive and often controversial topic of same-sex marriage from a Catholic perspective. Delving deep into the church’s teachings, Father Rob addresses the complexities surrounding same-sex attraction, the nature of marriage as a sacrament, and the Church’s stance on these issues.

    He emphasizes the importance of love, respect, and truth in navigating these conversations, and explores how Catholics can maintain their faith while showing compassion and dignity towards everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation.

    Key Highlights:

    1. Understanding Same-Sex Attraction

    • Father Rob Galea provides an empathetic exploration of what it means to be same-sex attracted and the Church's compassionate response.
    • Emphasis on compassionate understanding and respect for individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.

    2. Church's Stance on Same-Sex Marriage

    • Addresses whether the Church harbors hate towards gay people, clarifying the Church’s call to love and respect everyone while upholding its doctrinal truths.
    • Offers a clear explanation of the Church’s teachings on marriage, dispelling common misconceptions.

    3. The Sacrament of Marriage

    • Explains why the Church views marriage as a sacrament between a man and a woman, highlighting the importance of openness to life.
    • Provides clarity on the theological and doctrinal reasons for the Church's stance on marriage.

    4. The Importance of Intentions in Marriage

    • Discusses how the intention to have children impacts the validity of a marriage according to the Church’s teachings.
    • Underlines the significance of procreative intentions in the sacrament of marriage.

    5. Balancing Faith and Compassion

    • Offers practical advice on how to approach relationships with same-sex couples while maintaining Catholic beliefs.
    • Provides guidance on navigating relationships and discussions around same-sex attraction while staying true to faith.

    Fr. Rob Galea is a Catholic priest and a passionate advocate for faith-based discussions on contemporary issues. Through “Church Says: WKLY with Fr. Rob”, he aims to provide clarity and understanding of Church teachings while fostering an inclusive and respectful dialogue.

    Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org

    Support us: https://shalomworld.org/donate

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shalomworldpodcasts/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087483505045

    ICON Ministry: https://www.iconministry.com/

    Fr. Rob Galea: https://www.frrobgalea.com/

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    18 mins