Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown Did the Crystal Ball Crack? - With Guest, Professor and Political Analyst - Allan Lichtman Contemplating electing a vile and convicted felon to lead our great nation for the first time in American history, I think not about Donald Trump, but about us. Who have we become? In my America, we chose acceptance over bigotry, hope over fear, country over self. At the most divisive time in our country's history, President Abraham Lincoln stood up and called for "the better angels of our nature." I will speak with Professor Lichtman about what has changed, what has affected his model which has been so accurate and how we can move forward in a positive direction, in the midst of all this negativity. Where do we stand and where do we go from here? Join the conversation... Allan J. Lichtman's prediction system — The Keys to the White House — has correctly predicted the outcomes of all US presidential elections since 1984. He was listed in as #85 among 100 most influential geopolitical experts in the world and received the lifetime achievement award from Who's Who. Professor Lichtman has published 11 books and several hundred popular and scholarly articles. He has lectured in the US and internationally and provided commentary for major US and foreign networks and leading newspapers and magazines across the world. Lichtman has been an expert witness in some 100 civil and voting rights cases. His book, "WHITE PROTESTANT NATION: The Rise of the American Conservative Movement" was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in nonfiction. He co-authored a book with Richard Breitman, "FDR AND THE JEWS," which won the National Jewish Book Award Prize in American Jewish History and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times book prize in history. His book, "THE CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT" was a national independent bookstore bestseller. While many election forecasters base their findings exclusively on public opinion polls, Professor Allan J. Lichtman looks at the underlying fundamentals that have driven every presidential election since 1860. In his book, "PREDICTING THE NEXT PRESIDENT: The Keys to the White House," Professor Lichtman explains the 13 historical factors or “keys” (four political, seven performance and two personality) he uses. In the updated 2024 edition, Lichtman applies the keys to every presidential election since 1860 and shows readers the current state of the 2024 race. In doing so, he dispels much of the mystery behind electoral politics and challenges many traditional assumptions. This book is an indispensable resource for political junkies!