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Chronic pain can seem endless and the situation hopeless. But that doesn't need to be the case. Because the brain gives the orders we can manipulate the situation when we understand neural signaling pathways and other pathways and organs to calm the pain response. In fact there is little difference in dealing with physical or physiological pain than psychological pain. So you can use my book, Transforming Trauma, a drugless and creative path to healing PTS and ACE (adverse childhood experiences) as a way to heal.
When we tap into the body's basic needs, making sure to stay on an anti-inflammatory diet, know out allergies and investigate the mind-body connection we can alleviate many of the sources that keep us in chronic pain. Sometimes it's as simple as being well hydrated (coconut water is amazing for this) and sometimes it's just know a certain thought or feeling gives rise to psychic distress. Observe yourself is a mantra I learned as a teenager when I started meditating and this practice can free you up in a way never thought possible.
For more information on how to eat, and other medicine to heal, see my books Surviving a Viral Pandemic though the lens of a naturopathic medical doctor (Amazon) and Transforming Trauma (above), published by Hammersmith Books so anywhere.
My retreat Moving to Healing is coming in 2024. In the meantime online classes and in studio classes are becoming available. Email with retreat or classes in the subject line. And if you have any questions, it is the only way I see them.
I wish you only the best whoever you are and wherever you are on your journey to empowered wholeness!
Hugs and all the happiness and fun you can conjure! xo
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New book: Transforming Trauma, a drugless and creative path to healing PTS and ACE is published by Hammersmith Books is available globally.
Also Surviving a Viral Pandemic through the lens of a naturopathic medical doctor. On Amazon both paperback and eBook
Flawed, a novel - an eccentric family saga - is on Amazon both paperback and eBook...audiobook coming
Workshops and retreats coming.
Breathe in and out slowly and gently wherever you are.
We will survive this dark time of the world. It starts with you: standing, jumping, singing in the light of the divine.