Eva Yazhari is a force for positive change in the world. She is an impact investor, published author, and the co-founder and CEO of Beyond Capital. She joins us in conversation to share her early experiences of healthy food and how she carries the core principles she was raised with into her daily life today. For Eva, healthy, waste-free, sustainable eating is inextricably linked with preserving our planet and slowing the effects of global warming. This episode offers a clear insight into her daily habits, from feeding a family, prioritizing good choices while traveling, and embracing the tenets of Ayurveda to build vibrant health. We talk about planning ahead, food production in Africa and India, both frequently visited by Eva, and why eating local cuisine in Italy leaves you feeling healthier than choosing the same options elsewhere. We touch on grains and gluten-free diets, discussing what is wrong with our broken food systems with a few powerful ideas on how to resolve these issues in our lives. Tune in today to hear all this and more!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Introducing Eva Yazhari, impact investor, co-founder, and CEO of Beyond Capital.
- Eva’s general dietary principles for herself and her family with health and the planet in mind.
- How her experience of eating changed when she first went to college.
- Core dietary principles she brought into adulthood.
- Using specific foods such as bone broth as a reset mechanism.
- Navigating wheat, gluten, and grains as a family.
- Ensuring that travel activities align with dietary needs.
- How Eva approaches diet when traveling alone.
- Why she often finds it easier to eat well in India and Africa.
- Meeting room and airline food alternatives.
- Her approach to dairy and its impact on her skin.
- Learning what Ayurveda can do for her.
- Why planning ahead for your travels is a key element.
- Italian cuisine and why it is healthier than Italian cuisine elsewhere.
- Understanding that gluten-free does not mean healthy.
- How our eating affects climate change.
- Food storage, safety, and preservation.
- The clear link between food wastage, harmful chemicals, and warming the planet.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Eva Yazhari
Eva Yazhari on LinkedIn
Eva Yazhari on Instagram
Eva Yazhari Email
The Good Your Money Can Do
Inconspicuous Consumption
Thrive Market
Avra Group
Kroma Wellness
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