While today’s highly processed and pre-packaged foods are super convenient, they can also have increasingly harmful effects on our health. Making the shift to “real food” may be one of the most important things you can do to maintain good health, and it’s a whole lot simpler than you might think! Today, you’ll hear from entrepreneur and real food advocate, Monica Ford. Monica is the founder of Real Food Devotee, where she and her team create ancestral cuisine based on traditional techniques using only the highest quality ingredients. She's also a warm and inspiring teacher and educates widely about the powerful healing modalities of real, whole, pesticide-free food. In this episode, we talk about Monica's personal journey of healing her allergies using food, some of the surprisingly easy ways we can all improve our diets starting today, how seeds can help us balance our hormones, and so much more. As you’ll learn from our conversation, Monica believes that optimal health is our birthright and that food empowers us with the tools we need to heal ourselves from the inside out. Ready to start your real food journey? Tune in now!
Key Points From This Episode:
- What ignited Monica’s passion for cooking and changed her perspective on health.
- A remarkable true story of how beet kvass healed a fatty liver diagnosis.
- Where to find this fabulous fermented tonic (or learn how to make your own!)
- The origins of Real Food Devotee: empowering people with the tools to heal themselves.
- How real food impacts our health not just physically, but emotionally and cognitively too.
- The benefits of seed cycling to balance your hormones.
- Surprisingly simple tips for improving your diet today.
- The gift of fermentation and the role it plays in Monica’s love for ancestral cuisine.
- How to “vote with your dollars,” even when it’s difficult to find organic produce.
- Challenges Monica comes up against while advocating for real, whole, organic food.
- Why just a cup or a tablespoon of these real foods are a total game-changer!
- Actionable advice for being a more intentional participant in your own life.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Real Food Devotee
Real Food Devotee on Instagram
Real Food Devotee: Beet Kvass
Nourishing Traditions
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