• Season 3 Episode 6: A Conversation with Young Feminist MEP Hannah Neumann
    Oct 10 2022

    The first episode of:

    Dr. Amal’s conversation with Feature MEP Hannah Neumann.

    More about our guest:

    Hannah Neumann is the peace and human rights spokesperson of "The Greens/European Free Alliance (EFA)", Vice-Chair of the Human Rights Committee (DROI), member of the Committee on Security and Defence Policy (SEDE) and substitute in the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) as well as head of the delegation for relations with the Arabian Peninsula. At the German Green party, she is also a member of the motions committee. Hannah Neumann studied media sciences and peace and conflict studies, which is also the subject she chose for her Ph.D. Her academic career brought her to Ilmenau, Berlin, Manila, and Monrovia. Before joining the European Parliament, she was a self-employed expert and consultant for peace projects, i.a. in projects for the United Nations, the Society for International Cooperation, the European Commission, the DGAP, GPPi, and aid organizations. She advised ministries and non-governmental organizations on campaigns on anti-discrimination, the promotion of democracy, climate protection on the local level, and human rights. From 2013 until 2016, she worked as a policy advisor in the German Bundestag.

    Our guest’s website:


    EU Website: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/e...

    Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannah_...

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    12 mins
  • Season 03 Episode 05: A Conversation with Young Feminist Aisha
    Oct 10 2022

    Aisha is one of Qatar’s most popular singers and songwriters, with her talent, drive, and passion have led to headlining performances around the world, including at the United Nations General Assembly in New York and at the grand opening of Doha Festival City.

    Check out our guest’s socials:

    Instagram: @aishaofcl

    Twitter: @aishaofcl

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aishaofcl

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGsA...

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    21 mins
  • Season 3 Episode 4: A Conversation with Young Feminist Ola Shahba
    Jul 3 2022

    Today’s episode is featuring Ola Shahba!

    Get to know more about our guest:

    A social activist who contributed in founding more than one political group, including a left-wing party that emerged after the January revolution. She was also an organizing member of other formations and youth movements.

    A Trainer from the Informal Education Authority, forms and objects of origin from the organization.

    University of London, College of Oriental and African Studies, and on the Fellowship of the University of British Columbia School of International Studies.

    She worked with the Council of Europe, several international, local and community agencies, including various agencies of the United Nations, Europe and the Arab world.

    And was part of many projects produced by the Participation.

    Our guest’s socials:

    Instagram: @OlaShahba

    Twitter: @OlaShahba
    Facebook: @OlaShahba

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    23 mins
  • Season 3 Episode 3: A Conversation with Young Feminist Banan AbuZainEddin [Arabic]
    Mar 8 2022

    Banan Abu Zain Eddin is a feminist activist, co-founder, and executive director of Takatoat feminist collective and advocacy and gender trainer. She is a holder of a Diploma degree in Management of Non-Profit institutions and is currently pursuing a second Bachelor in Law. Banan have more than eight years of experience working in the civil society and humanitarian field. She is the co-founder of the “Feminist Sessions” initiative aiming to spread feminist and women’s rights knowledge and contribute to strengthening the young feminist movement in Jordan. Banan worked as a Youth civic engagement Coordinator at Mercy Corps- Jordan and a Field Coordinator with Save the Children international- Jordan. As part of her activism on women’s rights, Banan is a member of the Youth Gender Innovation Agora (GIA), a consultative forum established by the UN Women Regional Office for the Arab States, and a member of the Arab Women network which promotes the role of women in society and works towards ending gender-based violence.

    Our guest socials:

    Facebook: Banan Abo Zain Aldeen

    Twitter: @abuzaineddin

    Instagram: abuzaineddin

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    38 mins
  • Season 3 Episode 3: A Conversation with Young Feminist Banan AbuZainEddin [Dubbed]
    Mar 8 2022

    Banan Abu Zain Eddin is a feminist activist, co-founder, and executive director of Takatoat feminist collective and advocacy and gender trainer. She is a holder of a Diploma degree in Management of Non-Profit institutions and is currently pursuing a second Bachelor in Law. Banan have more than eight years of experience working in the civil society and humanitarian field. She is the co-founder of the “Feminist Sessions” initiative aiming to spread feminist and women’s rights knowledge and contribute to strengthening the young feminist movement in Jordan. Banan worked as a Youth civic engagement Coordinator at Mercy Corps- Jordan and a Field Coordinator with Save the Children international- Jordan. As part of her activism on women’s rights, Banan is a member of the Youth Gender Innovation Agora (GIA), a consultative forum established by the UN Women Regional Office for the Arab States, and a member of the Arab Women network which promotes the role of women in society and works towards ending gender-based violence.

    Our guest socials:

    Facebook: Banan Abo Zain Aldeen

    Twitter: @abuzaineddin

    Instagram: abuzaineddin

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    31 mins
  • Episode 2: Conversations with young feminists with Khawla Ksiksi
    Nov 10 2021

    Our guest for the second episode of season 03 is Khawla Ksiksi.

    Khawla Ksiksi is co-founder of the collective “Voices of Tunisian Black Women”. She is a lawyer by training and head of programmes at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. She works mainly on environmental justice and natural resources and is heavily involved in the feminist, intersectional anti-racist struggle.

    She is a Tunisian jurist, advocate for environmental justice and activist who is engaged in feminist, anti-racist, intersectional activism. After the Tunisian Revolution (2011), she joined Mnemty (My Dream), an association that fights against all forms of discrimination, especially racial, and promotes unity, peace, and justice. She is a human rights expert and member of a radical feminist movement called Falgatna (We’re Fed Up), which defends queer and women’s rights and lobbies against sexual violence in Tunisia. In January 2020 she co-founded the collective “Voices of Black Tunisian Women” which offers them a safe space for self-expression. It is the first initiative that addresses issues affecting black women, gives voice to their experiences and promotes research about their social conditions.

    Our guest socials:


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    39 mins
  • Season 03 Episode 01: A Conversation with Young Feminist Nourah Al-Sulaiman
    Oct 5 2021

    Nourah Al-Sulaiman is the Student Outreach Manager for the Ensaniyat Project, a Migrant-Rights.Org initiative. Nourah was able to identify injustices around her from a young age. Acknowledging the privilege she had being a Kuwaiti in the Gulf, she made it her mission to make sure injustices faced by marginalized groups in the region are addressed. Using the power of dialogue in shaping societies, she focuses on getting the conversation going as a bottom-up approach to achieving change in attitudes towards migrant workers.

    Having completed her Bachelors in International Relations with a minor in History, she plans to pursue her postgrad in International Human Rights Law. With an LLM in Law, she aspires to address societal factors allowing for poor treatment of migrant workers from a legal, historical and political aspect.

    Our guest’s socials:






    Brief about Nourah Al-Sulaiman’s mentor:

    Vani Saraswathi is the Editor-at-Large and Director of Projects, Migrant-Rights.org, and the author of Stories of Origin: The Invisible Lives of Migrants in the Gulf. The book is an anthology of reporting from seven origin countries over a period of three years.

    Vani moved to Qatar in 1999, working with several local and regional publications, and launching some of Qatar’s leading periodicals during her 17-year stint there. During her stay in Qatar she, along with like-minded people, mobilized a grassroots community to help migrants in distress.

    She writes extensively on human rights issues. Since 2014, in her role with Migrant-Rights.org she reports from the Gulf states and countries of origin. She also organizes advocacy projects and human rights training targeting individual employers, embassies, recruitment agents, and businesses in Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and UAE, working with nationals and long-term residents in these countries. A special emphasis is on female migrants, including domestic workers. Much of her advocacy effort is geared towards mainstreaming issues facing female migrant workers. She is a member of the Migration Advisory Group (previous Policy Advisory Committee) of ILO ROAS, the Policy Advisory Group of Freedom Fund’s Ethiopia hotspot, and Humanity United’s Advisory Group on Forced Labour and Human Trafficking. She has worked with ILO Addis Ababa on training modules for labor attaches being deployed to the Gulf states. She contributes as an expert commentator on issues related to human rights in the GCC for various internat...

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    55 mins