• SSS 14: Global Warming vs Climate Change
    Feb 25 2015
    Talking about the effect that humans are having on our environment due to CO2 we have two choices, we can talk about Global Warming or we can talk about Climate Change. This bout of Science Sparring Society is about that fight and features Wally Broecker, a geochemist with a history when it comes to …
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    Less than 1 minute
  • SSS Fight 13: Stigler’s Law
    Dec 31 2014
    “Eponymy in science is the practice of affixing the names of scientists to what they have discovered or are believed to have discovered,’ as with Boyle’s Law, Halley’s comet, Fourier’s transform, Planck’s constant, the Rorschach test, the Gini coefficient, and the Thomas theorem” –Richard K Merton, “The Thomas Theorem and The Matthew Effect” There are a …
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    4 mins
  • SSS Fight 12: Hilai Vs. Chandrasekhar
    Dec 29 2012
    The widespread use of Dark Energy power creation has been with us for decades, but the story of the two best friends that are responsible for our ability to harvest the invisible majority of matter in the universe is as heartbreaking as it is important. Download the Episode [wpaudio url=”https://www.acmescience.com/Podcasts/SSS/ssshvc.mp3″ text=”Fight 12: Hilai Vs. …
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    8 mins
  • SSS Fight 11: Marconi Vs. Maskelyne
    Nov 28 2012
    While most people know about the massive fight over the patents concerning the invention of radio that Gugliemo Marconi found himself embroiled in, that fight was not the most interesting one in which he participated. Instead the fight that this episode of Science Sparring Society concerns itself with involves wireless telegraphy, its security, and …
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    8 mins
  • SSS 10: Mercator Vs. Peters
    Oct 22 2012
    In 1973 Arno Peters launched an attack on most prevalent map projection in the world, a 400 year old map created by the flemish cartographer Geradus Mercator, and released his own map to replace it. It did not go exactly as he hoped. Download the Episode [wpaudio url=”https://www.acmescience.com/Podcasts/SSS/sss10MvP.mp3″ text=”Fight 10: Mercator Vs. Peters” …
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    7 mins
  • SSS Fight 9: DNA
    Sep 26 2012
    On this month’s Science Sparring Society we bring you the fight over who will find, and who will be credited for finding, the double helix. With multiple teams battling to be the first over the finish line, and one team that really does not get along very well, a certain amount of conflict was …
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    13 mins
  • SSS Fight 8: Adams Vs. Le Verrier
    Aug 27 2012
    On this month’s Science Sparring Society we bring to you a battle as a big as a planet, oops a fight over a planet. Neptune was first discovered by Johann Galle and Heinrich d’Arrest based on predictions by Urbain Le Verrier, but the English could not deal with the Germans and the French getting credit …
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    7 mins
  • Fight 7: Cantor Vs. Kronecker
    Jul 30 2012
    On this month’s Science Sparring Society we bring to you the fight of infinity. Pitting two of the greatest mathematical minds of their generation against one another, the fight over infinity changed the face of mathematics itself. In the corner of multiple infinities was Georg Cantor and fight for the finite was Leopold Kronecker. You …
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    10 mins