• Episode 6
    Feb 20 2021

    Hey friends, it’s only fair to share right off the bat, that a few topics are discussed here which might serve to trigger some of you holding onto old or even fresh wounds. My sincerest wish is that you will listen on with an open and receiving heart. These words are intended in LOVE. Let my story become yours, my journey is yours too. We’re all mirrors for each other. I’ve experienced a lot of deep pain, yes, and I share some of that here, but I was careful not to record this show speaking FROM the pain, but more as a loving witness to it. I wish only peace for us all. Real peace. Real love. May all beings be happy. 

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    32 mins
  • Episode 5
    Jan 21 2021

    Yo! Hope you’re ready to have your script flipped because this week I caught up with a former student of mine who loves to question the nature of “reality” as much if not more than I do. We plowed right into a discussion on the role of the media — how it shapes our reality, and how, despite what they’d like us to believe, objectivity — not even just in terms of the media — is basically a pipe dream. No matter what the “news” or who’s delivering it — it’s always filtered, it’s always subjective. Or is it??? You decide. 

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Episode 4
    Jan 17 2021

    We’ve heard the words “unity” and “separation” our whole lives, but what do they *really* mean? What IS unity? And, just as importantly, what is unity NOT? That’s what we’re lookin at today in the School of Flux. It’s a quickie. Join us! 

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    23 mins
  • Episode 3
    Jan 11 2021

    Here’s a doozy for ya. Got my friend Siddiq on the show (he’ll be a regular guest) to talk about relationships. What really IS a relationship and why are they so difficult? What is blocking us from truly experiencing them? This episode is a pretty raw, revealing look at two people who are in relationship with each other, exploring their own individual relationships with others, the world around them and the world within them. And, you’re in luck! That thing we talked about in the last episode? About how in true dialogue, something that’s possible is for the participants to examine territory beyond what they’d thought possible before? Well it happened here! Join us. It’ll be an interesting ride. 

    Also want to invite you to engage with us here, or wherever you’re listening or watching. The algorithms can work for us or against us. If what you watched or heard today resonated, we’re asking for some action from you - whatever you feel comfortable. Like us, subscribe, comment, share — your call. THANK YOU <3 

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    50 mins
  • Episode 2
    Jan 2 2021

    In this episode, we lay out a brief framework of understanding for all future episodes. We outline the basic principles of what is known as Bohmian Dialogue, a kind of communication which has no set agenda, with no intentions to conclude or resolve anything; where all participants, including our dear listeners, are invited to suspend any and all allegiance to all accumulated knowledge, any and all belief systems (whether they were born into them or willingly chosen for themselves) — all in the interest of treading into totally new intellectual and, gasp, even spiritual territory. Can it be done?? Can we broaden our horizons? Are we willing? LET’S FIND OUT. 

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    18 mins
  • Intro Episode
    Dec 24 2020

    Hey! Nice to see you here! I did a podcast! I’m stoked to share it. Pardon the roughness, the ‘ers’ and ‘ums’ and any incoherent tangential mumbling. I tried to keep all that to a minimum. This is harder than it seems!

    For better or worse — or neither, I’m thrilled to dump these words into the collective conscious today. I hope they land well and are received with an open mind and, if you’re someone who thinks on that level, an open heart. 

    I welcome any thoughts, topic suggestions, and even snide remarks. Those are always good for generating a little chuckle and sometimes even a tear or two. 

    In the interest of not keeping things too serious here, I’ll leave you with this joke:

    “A father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie. He decides to test it out at dinner one night. The father asks his son what he did all afternoon. The son says, “I did some homework.” The robot slaps the son. “Ok, ok, I was over at a friend’s house watching movies.” The father says “name one of the movies.” Kid says, “Toy Story 2.” The robot slaps the son. “Ok, FINE, we were watching porn.” Dad says, “WHAT?! At your age I didn’t even know what porn was!” The robot slaps the father. Mom laughs and says, “Well, he certainly is your son!” The robot slaps the mother. 

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    14 mins