Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Saying Goodbye: A Sister's Leap Toward New Horizons Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-03-11-22-34-02-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 北京首都国际机场总是那么繁忙。En: Beijing Capital International Airport is always so busy.Zh: 人群匆匆忙忙,广播不断地播报着各航班的信息。En: The crowd is bustling, and the announcements continuously broadcast information about various flights.Zh: 门外,春天的樱花正在悄然绽放。En: Outside, the spring cherry blossoms are quietly blooming.Zh: 明宇站在出发口,他心里有些沉重。En: Mingyu stands at the departure gate, with a heavy heart.Zh: "嘉怡,行李都准备好了吗?" 明宇关切地问。En: "Jiayi, is all your luggage ready?" Mingyu asked with concern.Zh: 他是嘉怡的哥哥,一向把她照顾得无微不至。En: He is Jiayi's older brother and has always taken care of her meticulously.Zh: 嘉怡的手握紧了行李箱的把手,她微微点头,却没能掩饰内心的焦虑。En: Jiayi gripped the handle of her suitcase tightly and nodded slightly, unable to hide her inner anxiety.Zh: “准备好了。但我还是有些紧张,明宇哥。”En: "I’m ready, but I’m still a bit nervous, Mingyu ge."Zh: “不要怕。你一定可以。你的选择是对的。”En: "Don’t be afraid. You can definitely do it. Your choice is the right one."Zh: 明宇说这些话时,感觉到责任的重量。En: Mingyu felt the weight of responsibility as he said these words.Zh: 他知道,作为哥哥,必须鼓励她,而不是给她增加负担。En: He knew that as an older brother, he had to encourage her instead of adding to her burden.Zh: 嘉怡低下头,声音里有些歉意。En: Jiayi lowered her head, her voice tinged with apology.Zh: “我怕家人会失望。我怕他们觉得我离开不好。”En: "I’m afraid the family will be disappointed. I’m afraid they'll think it's not good for me to leave."Zh: 明宇伸出手,轻轻拍了拍嘉怡的肩膀。En: Mingyu extended his hand and gently patted Jiayi's shoulder.Zh: “嘉怡,家人都很支持你。去追求你的梦想,我们都会为你感到自豪。”En: "Jiayi, the family is very supportive of you. Go pursue your dreams, and we’ll all be proud of you."Zh: 嘉怡看着明宇,眼里有感激。En: Jiayi looked at Mingyu, gratitude in her eyes.Zh: “谢谢你,哥哥。我能勇敢出发,是因为有你在。”En: "Thank you, brother. I can set off bravely because you’re here."Zh: 终于,到了登机的时刻。En: Finally, it was time to board.Zh: 明宇深吸一口气,嘱咐道:“在国外要照顾好自己,记得常联系。相信自己,我们都会在这里支持你。”En: Mingyu took a deep breath and advised, "Take good care of yourself abroad, remember to keep in touch often. Believe in yourself; we will all be here to support you."Zh: 嘉怡重重地点了点头,透过登机口,她挥手告别。En: Jiayi nodded heavily, waving goodbye through the boarding gate.Zh: 那一刻,嘉怡满脸自信,她知道自己可以做到。En: At that moment, her face was full of confidence, knowing she could do it.Zh: 明宇看着妹妹的身影渐渐消失,他心中感到一丝宽慰。En: Mingyu watched his sister's figure gradually disappear, feeling a sense of relief in his heart.Zh: 机场依旧繁忙,但明宇心里却有了宁静。En: The airport remained busy, but Mingyu felt a sense of peace.Zh: 他知道自己的角色已然转变,从保护者到支持者。En: He knew his role had changed, from protector to supporter.Zh: 无论多远,家就是她永远的港湾。En: No matter how far away, home would always be her harbor.Zh: 嘉怡也在起飞的旅途中,带着哥哥的叮咛,迎接新的冒险。En: Jiayi was also on her journey, carrying her brother’s words, ready to embrace new adventures.Zh: 春天的樱花,在这时仿佛开得更加绚烂。En: The spring cherry blossoms seemed to bloom even more brilliantly at this time. Vocabulary Words:bustling: 匆匆忙忙broadcast: 播报cherry blossoms: 樱花departure gate: 出发口anxiety: 焦虑apology: 歉意pursue: 追求gratitude: 感激confident: 自信harbor: 港湾meticulously: 无微不至burden: 负担encourage: 鼓励supportive: 支持figure: 身影relief: 宽慰brilliantly: 绚烂embrace: 迎接adventures: 冒险broadcast information: 播报信息anxiety: 焦虑lowered: 低下board: 登机departure: 出发supporter: 支持者responsibility: 责任inner: 内心abroad: 国外gradually: 渐渐quietly: 悄然