
  • S2 - EP4: Paul Violis
    Mar 18 2025
    Understanding global security is more important than ever in a time of uncertainty. In this episode of SafetyChick Rules, we sit down with Paul Violis, a renowned global security expert, CEO of Violis Group International, and author of Safeguarding America. With decades of experience in law enforcement and national security, Paul has been a trusted analyst on every major national network and has even hosted his own radio show. Now, he joins us to break down the current state of security in America, offering expert insight on what individuals and communities can do to stay safe.
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    50 mins
  • S2 - EP2: Joe Schumacher
    Mar 11 2025
    there’s a silent threat many don’t see—cancer. 75% of firefighter line-of-duty deaths are caused by cancer, and they face a 14% higher risk of dying from cancer compared to the general population. In this powerful episode of the SafetyChick Rules Podcast, we sit down with Joe Schumacher, firefighter and COO of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network, to discuss the alarming realities of occupational exposure and what can be done to protect those who protect us. Joe shares his personal experience battling cancer twice during his 30-year career and how his organization is fighting for awareness, prevention, and support for firefighters nationwide.
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    28 mins
  • S2 - EP2: Tim Tester
    Feb 25 2025
    In this impactful episode of the SafetyChick Rules Podcast, we sit down with Tim Tester, Director of the Southwest Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy, to discuss his commitment to law enforcement training and honoring fallen officers. Tim shares his experience in shaping the next generation of officers and sheds light on the Virginia Officer Memorial, a tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. He also discusses the heartbreaking story of Officer Hunter Reedy, a tragedy that underscores the risks officers face daily and the importance of ongoing safety measures.
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    24 mins
  • S2-EP1: Michel Shane
    Feb 21 2025
    In this powerful episode of the SafetyChick Rules Podcast, we sit down with Michel Shane, the renowned producer behind films like Catch Me If You Can and I, Robot. But beyond Hollywood, Michel has dedicated his life to advocating for safer communities after the devastating loss of his daughter, Emily Shane. Michel shares the heartbreaking story of Emily’s tragic passing on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and his relentless efforts to push for change. From fighting for better road safety measures to raising awareness about reckless driving, Michel is turning personal pain into a mission to prevent future tragedies.
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    39 mins
  • EP 19: Scars That Run Deep - A Rape Victims Story of Wisdom and Truth
    Sep 10 2021
    1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. Every 68 seconds another American is sexually assaulted. I personally know many women who have been raped or sexually assaulted who never reported it. In fact, I bet more women do not report being raped than do. My guest today, Adele Hicks, is one of those women. She describes her emotional and poignant experience so that women out there who have similar stories will find peace and empowerment. I greatly appreciate her bravery and willingness to share such a personal story. Guest: Adele Hicks Sexual Assault Survivor The second part of the podcast sheds some light from a victim advocate's point of view, I wanted to bring on someone with decades of experience working in the sexual assault world, retired Master Investigator, Rachael Frost. Rachael is a twenty-year law enforcement veteran specializing in intimate partner violence-related cases, specifically, physical and emotional abuse, stalking, strangulation, restraining orders, sexual abuse, and child abuse. Rachael is the perfect person to educate victims on what to do if they have been raped, and how to go about getting help. She also examines what survivors can do to move on after trauma to live full and positive lives. Guest: Rachael Frost Master Investigator (ret.)/CEO, Frost ICED https://frosticed.com/
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    43 mins
  • EP 18: The Difficult Task of Dealing with a Stalker - A Victim's Story of Tenacity and Strength
    Sep 3 2021
    According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, 7.5 million Americans are stalked annually. BUT, proving a case of stalking is not easy. I know firsthand because I was part of passing the first anti-stalking laws in the country. Victims must prove a laundry list of behavior in order to get their stalker arrested. Obtaining a restraining order is difficult as well. If you are being stalked, you basically need to become your own case manager and work WITH the police to prove a case of Stalking. My guest today did just that and was able to get her stalker arrested, more than once. Lenora Claire was stalked by a man she met ONE TIME, he then began sending her extremely disturbing letters that escalated into graphic rape and death threats that ultimately led to his arrest. I wanted to have Lenora on the show to share her story of tenacity and strength in getting her stalker arrested and her crusade to help other victims. Guest: Lenora Claire Advocate, Activist & Media Personality www.LenoraClaire.com
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    44 mins
  • EP17: The Dangers of Ridesharing - What you need to know before you go...
    Aug 27 2021
    Today's show is about Ridesharing and the dangers that go along with it. 36% of people in the US use ridesharing apps. Uber has 95 million monthly users in the US, and Lyft has 32 million monthly users. 37% of 16–24-year-olds actively use Ridesharing in the US. But just how safe are these ridesharing services and what should you know before you hop into their car? My guest today is here to share invaluable insight into these services and has worked tirelessly to make Ridesharing safer for all users. Seymour Josephson is the father of Samantha Josephson, a University of South Carolina student who was brutally murdered by a man who was pretending to be a rideshare driver. Samantha mistakenly got into his car thinking he was her Uber driver, a common mistake hundreds of Rideshare users do every day. I always say, this podcast is about ordinary people doing extraordinary things out of great tragedy, and Seymour embodies all of that and more. This episode provides vital information for those of you who use Rideshare Apps, it could save your life. Guest: Seymour Josephson Founder, What's My Name Foundation https://www.whatsmyname.org/
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    39 mins
  • EP16: The Epidemic Crime Wave in America: WHY is this happening and what are YOU willing to do to stop it?
    Jul 9 2021

    Listen to the one and only Dr.Paul Viollis explain why crime is at an all time high in our cities,why criminals are running rampant, and what YOU can do to stop this crime surge! 

    Guest: Paul Viollis

    CEO Viollis Group International


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    42 mins