• EP 103 - How to Use Templates to Streamline your Online Business, Save Time and Achieve Brand Consistency as a Digital Content Creator and Entrepreneur
    Oct 27 2022

    Ready to streamline content creation to save time and energy?

    Grab my free Podcast Episode Planner & Workflow TEMPLATE so you can stop wasting time rewriting the same information over & over again!



    Let’s start out today with a riddle. What item in your business can save you time and energy, reduce errors and omissions in your work, help you achieve more brand consistency, and boost your overall productivity and sense of accomplishment?

    If you just guessed templates, then give yourself a gold star.

    As we discussed in the last episode, templates can help your business in a number of ways. Using templates, you don’t need to create the same messages over and over again. This saves time and streamlines your online business, freeing you up to focus on more important things. Templates also help to reduce errors and boost your branding. With templates, it’s so much easier to keep your branding elements consistent across different platforms and types of content.

    And you can implement templates in literally all areas of your business.

    So today, I’m sharing my three favorite places to capitalize on the power of templates to streamline your online business and achieve brand consistency.


    Come on over to my free FB group at https://bit.ly/sfs-group, and I’ll share my Podcast Episode Planner and Workflow Template with you.

    If you found value in today’s episode of Content Creation Made Simple™, please take a minute and drop me a review on Apple Podcasts. I truly appreciate you. And hearing from you will positively make my day!  https://bit.ly/ccms-review

    Learn more and connect with me at https://simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    Questions? Contact me: kristi@simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    (Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee addiction, lol!)

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    10 mins
  • EP 102 - The Number One Way to Save Time and Stress as a Digital Content Creator: It's Probably Not What You're Thinking!
    Oct 21 2022



    I know - you’re super busy. As a digital content creator, you’re constantly doing all the things. Scripting and recording your podcast or video; posting on social media 24/7; sending out regular emails to your loyal subscribers; planning your next greatest digital product. Not to mention all the backend work like building sales funnels and putting the finishing touches on your latest course.

    So you’re probably thinking - please don’t tell me to pile even just one more thing onto my to-do list and already overcrowded plate.

    But it would be a disservice to you and your already crowded schedule, to not mention the amazing time-saving tool that I’m discussing on today’s episode. The secret weapon I use to save time and stress as a digital content creator. Ready to find out how to work smarter instead of harder? Then keep on listening to discover the secret weapon that you may be missing.

    Come join my free FB group: https://bit.ly/ccms-group

    If you found value in today’s episode of Content Creation Made Simple™, please take a minute and drop me a review on Apple Podcasts. I truly appreciate you. And hearing from you will positively make my day!  https://bit.ly/ccms-review

    Learn more and connect with me at https://www.simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    Questions? Contact me: kristi@simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    (Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee addiction, lol!)


    Content Creation Made Simple™ was born out of retirement from 30 years of teaching, extra time on my hands, the desire to do something creative, and the realization that I could do all this and more with an online business. (Something that wasn’t even possible back when I began teaching.)

    I devoured everything I could find online about starting a business, hoarded way too many resources, and collected/tried tool after tool. My “learning addiction” was real. (And a problem keeping me from taking action.)

    Hopping from niche to niche, mentor to mentor, and from one business idea to the next, I chased the “shiny objects” and shifted focus way too many times.

    What a mess everything was. No organization, no roadmap, lapsed motivation, and so much frustration & overwhelm. I knew I had to do something before my husband stopped supporting my “expensive hobby.” I desperately needed to put a plan into action.

    So, pulling myself together, I got my “learning addiction” under control and chose only a couple of mentors to learn from. I harnessed the organizational expert I’d been in my former teaching days and got everything organized into a simple online system. And I realized that this learning experience was God’s way of leading me to where I am today.

    I knew that I couldn’t possibly be the only older (‘er mature-ish) retired teacher that’s floundered in this digital business space. So I created Content Creation Made Simple™ to help other midlife Christian entrepreneurs (like you). I want to save you all that time and frustration by sharing the signature 3-step framework that I created to simplify the content creation system inside your online course business. If you're ready to skip to the front of the line, then you're in the right place!

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    11 mins
  • EP 101 - Consistently Create Podcast Content Easily and Quickly with this Amazingly Simple 5-Part Episode Formula: A Guide for Female Christian Entrepreneurs
    Sep 27 2022

    Ready to streamline content creation to save time and energy?

    Grab my free Podcast Episode Planner & Workflow TEMPLATE so you can stop wasting time rewriting the same information over & over again!



    Do you have lots of great ideas, lots of great content you want to share, but getting started and getting something on the page stops you in your tracks? Do you feel like if the whole process were easier and faster, then you’d have less mind drama about getting started and getting your ideas out into the world as a female Christian Entrepreneur?

    If this sounds like you, then today you’re in for a treat. Because I’ve got your back, sister. I’m sharing the super easy formula I use to easily, quickly, and consistently pump out content week after week. Podcasting + Simplified Formula = Being a content creation machine! Want to get started sharing your passion and talents with the world consistently with less stress and overwhelm? Let’s dive in.


    If you’re thinking - hmmm, maybe a podcast is what I’m missing - but you’re not sure how to even begin? Go grab Stef’s course, Podcast Pro University, and get your podcast up and running within as little as 30 days or less.

    I absolutely loved PPU and can attest to how easy, yet thorough, the course is. I originally bought a different podcasting course and was utterly disappointed. Do you hate to waste money as much as I do? With Stefanie Gass, you’re never disappointed. Trust me.

    So go grab PPU at https://bit.ly/stef-courses and get that podcast started. What are you waiting for?


    Come join my free FB group: https://bit.ly/ccms-group

    If you found value in today’s episode of Content Creation Made Simple™, please take a minute and drop me a review on Apple Podcasts. I truly appreciate you. And hearing from you will positively make my day!  https://bit.ly/ccms-review

    Learn more and connect with me at https://www.simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    Questions? Contact me: kristi@simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    (Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee addiction, lol!)

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    11 mins
  • EP 100 - Six Simple Steps to Build a Profitable Online Course Business Without All the Overwhelm: The Rise of the Mini-Course Business Model
    Sep 20 2022

    Ready to streamline content creation to save time and energy?

    Grab my free Podcast Episode Planner & Workflow TEMPLATE so you can stop wasting time rewriting the same information over & over again!



    Almost everywhere online you’re hearing if you want to be successful selling online courses, you have to go big. I mean big, like signature courses & programs. Huge launches with webinars and funnels, all taking months to create & actually launch. Exhaustion and overwhelm - inevitable. And promises of big profits.

    The sad truth is, for every course launch success, there are dozens—maybe even hundreds—of course creators who don’t earn five figures in a weekend, and many, many more who don’t even recoup the cost of their launch, much less make a profit.

    But wait. Don’t sag your shoulders and walk away. You can be extremely successful without all that work and overwhelm and stress and exhaustion. Wanna know how? I’m going to give you some simple steps to building a profitable online course business, one mini-course at a time.


    If you’re ready for a deep dive into creating a profitable mini course business, then head over to https://bit.ly/tcempire and purchase Tiny Course Empire to help you avoid the overwhelm and create courses your ideal client will love.


    If you found value in today’s episode of Content Creation Made Simple™, please take a minute and drop me a review on Apple Podcasts. I truly appreciate you. And hearing from you will positively make my day!  https://bit.ly/ccms-review

    Learn more and connect with me at https://www.simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    Questions? Contact me: kristi@simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    (Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee and chocolate addictions, lol!)

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    18 mins
  • EP 99 - The Three Simple Steps to Create Business Processes So You Can Save Time and Stress While Creating Content for your Online Business
    Sep 6 2022

    Ready to streamline content creation to save time and energy?

    Grab my free Podcast Episode Planner & Workflow TEMPLATE so you can stop wasting time rewriting the same information over & over again!



    I absolutely can't stand to waste time in my business. I mean, there aren't usually enough hours in my workday as it is. Are you feeling me, sister? Well, in today's episode, I'm talking all about how to create business processes, especially for content projects such as podcasting and course creation, so you can stop wasting time, be more consistent in your work/brand, and get rid of some of the overwhelm. If you haven’t listened to last week’s show, I covered what processes are and why they’re important. So be sure to go back and take a listen.

    If you’re ready to learn how to create processes in your own online business for less stress and more time freedom, then keep listening.

    How would you like to simplify your content creation system for less overwhelm and more time freedom? Get started with my Streamlined Content Creation guide where I introduce you to my 3-step framework so you can learn how to SERVE for Free, IMPLEMENT Simple Systems, and SELL Transformations. Sound good? Grab the free guide at https://bit.ly/streamline-content

    Join my free FB group: https://bit.ly/ccms-group

    If you found value in today’s episode of Content Creation Made Simple™, please take a minute and drop me a review on Apple Podcasts. I truly appreciate you. And hearing from you will positively make my day!  https://bit.ly/ccms-review

    Learn more and connect with me at https://www.simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    Questions? Contact me: kristi@simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    (Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee and chocolate addictions, lol!)

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    10 mins
  • EP 98 - A Simple Guide to Business Processes for Online Entrepreneurs: How Processes Can Streamline Your Business for Less Stress and More Time Freedom
    Aug 31 2022

    Ready to streamline content creation to save time and energy?

    Grab my free Podcast Episode Planner & Workflow TEMPLATE so you can stop wasting time rewriting the same information over & over again!



    Do you have too much to do and too little time? (Are you thinking “Duh” right now?)

    Do you spend tons of time trying to remember the steps to complete a business activity without forgetting an important step and having to go back and redo something? I know when that happens to me, I get really frustrated by the time wasted having to go back and fix mistakes. And many times it involves having to go back and start from scratch.

    Online entrepreneurs just like you face this problem every day. And it can prevent you from growing your online business and spending time on the tasks that really matter. Keep you from achieving success. Not to mention add to the stress and overwhelm you may already be feeling.

    Ready to find out how processes can streamline your business for less stress and more time freedom? Let’s dive in.

    How would you like to simplify your content creation system for less overwhelm and more time freedom? Get started with my Streamlined Content Creation guide where I introduce you to my 3-step framework so you can learn how to SERVE for Free, IMPLEMENT Simple Systems, and SELL Transformations. Sound good? Grab the free guide at https://bit.ly/streamline-content

    If you found value in today’s episode of Content Creation Made Simple™, please take a minute and drop me a review on Apple Podcasts. I truly appreciate you. And hearing from you will positively make my day!  https://bit.ly/ccms-review

    Learn more and connect with me at https://www.simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    Questions? Contact me: kristi@simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    (Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee and chocolate addictions, lol!)

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    12 mins
  • EP 97 - The 3 Steps You Need to Take Today as an Online Entrepreneur for More Time Freedom and Less Overwhelm: How to Limit Social Media in your Business
    Aug 23 2022

    I’m so glad you’re here with me today, because I’m going to address the elephant in the room. Yep, that one. Social media and your business. I know that some online entrepreneurs will tell you that you’ve gotta be on all the channels doing all the things. But I’m here to disagree.

    Stick around and listen to this episode if you want to find out how to spring clean your social media business accounts and actually start limiting time spent on social media marketing.

    Ready to tame the social media monster? Let’s dig right in.

    Want to know how I streamline my business and the amount of content that I create? Grab my free guide over at https://bit.ly/streamline-content for less overwhelm and more time freedom. You’ll be so glad you did!

    Join my FREE Facebook group at https://bit.ly/ccms-group. 

    If you found value in today’s episode of Content Creation Made Simple™, please take a minute and drop me a review on Apple Podcasts. I truly appreciate you. And hearing from you will positively make my day!  LINK HERE

    Learn more and connect with me at https://www.simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    Questions? Contact me: kristi@simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    (Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee addiction, lol!)

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    11 mins
  • EP 96 - The Only 3 Types of Content You Need to Serve your Audience Well and Create a Successful Online Business - How to Streamline Content Creation as a Female Christian Entrepreneur
    Aug 16 2022

    Ready to streamline content creation to save time and energy?

    Grab my free Podcast Episode Planner & Workflow TEMPLATE so you can stop wasting time rewriting the same information over & over again!



    Since the focus of this podcast is simplifying content, I want to talk to you about keeping your content streamlined and targeted so you can ditch the overwhelm and gain some time freedom in your online business. I’m asking you for a huge leap of faith here, since most of the advice you see online is directly at odds with what I’m about to propose. But I promise you can and will get results without doing all the things and being in all the places around the clock.

    The content you create for your audience/avatar/client/customer (or whatever term you want to call him/her) that content doesn’t have to be complicated or super time consuming. In today’s episode I’m showing you how to serve your audience well and create a successful online business with only three types of content. Sound good? Let’s dive in.

    How would you like to simplify your content creation system for less overwhelm and more time freedom? Get started with my Streamlined Content Creation guide where I introduce you to my 3-step framework so you can learn how to SERVE for Free, IMPLEMENT Simple Systems, and SELL Transformations. Sound good? Grab the free guide at https://bit.ly/streamline-content

    Questions or comments about today's episode? Shoot me an email at kristi@simplicityforsolopreneurs.com or come ask inside my free Facebook group at https://bit.ly/ccms-group.

    If you found value in today’s episode of Content Creation Made Simple™, please take a minute and drop me a review on Apple Podcasts. I truly appreciate you. And hearing from you will positively make my day!  https://bit.ly/ccms-review

    Learn more and connect with me at https://www.simplicityforsolopreneurs.com

    (Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee and chocolate addictions, lol!)

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    12 mins