Looking for lasting freedom from porn? START with one of our 3 options here:
1. Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing
2. Book a Call with our Team to work 1:1 with Coach Shawn: https://secrethabit.ca/call/
3. Enroll in a DIY Mini Course: https://secrethabit.thinkific.com/
Most people struggle to feel momentum in their Christian walk. This leads to low self esteem, dull confidence and lukewarm living... which leads guys to relapsing with porn. Not a fun cycle to be in!
One of the biggest reasons I see for this is that we dont know how to truly sharpen one another (Scripture says that iron sharpens iron)
Most people are "great" at giving advice, but the advice is actually harmful, or unhelpful at best...
We focus way to much on the surface problem and neglect peoples deep pain
We must start asking questions that get to the heat of the issue
King Artaxerxis in Nehemiah 2 is a great example of what we call curiosity in the recovery world. He asks Nehemiah a wonderful question to get below the surface, and then further, he asks how he can help RATHER than assuming his advice is what he needs
I also dive ito some paradigm shifts when it comes to discipleship, accountability and friendship
These are some AWESOME tips on how to develop a healthier life which leads to quitting porn and growing in sexual integrity
Grab Our Free 90 Day Porn Withdrawal Guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG3jTjSAtEtsqxqHDI8fNG7m9L8mAv5/view?usp=sharing