“If you’re not having a good time doing something, you won’t stay consistent, and consistency is the name of the game”
- Fit Fun Carly Philosophy
Discussion Topics:
About Carly Fauth
- A passion for helping people find joy in Fitness
- Physical Activities Growing up
- Sports - Basketball, Softball, Tennis, Running etc.
- Mom of 2 boys
- Fitness Instructor - 7 yrs
- Barr
- Yoga
- Splash-it - Aqua Fitness
- Tri-Athlete (Swimming, Biking, Running)
A Fit Family
- Fitness as part of everyday activities
- Fitness as a norm
- Wholesale eaters
- Everything in balance, moderation
- Is it fun…?
The Power of Influence
- Parental influence
- Community influence
- Action speaks louder than words
- Results
Life Abroad - Trying a new Carly
- Denmark & Spain
- Finding your identity
- Food & Culture
- A healthy relationship with food
Carly’s Fitness Journey
- Movement or activity every day
- Triathlon - “That looks really fun”
- Keeping things fun, something enjoyable
- Races & Celebrations
Fit Fun Carly Brand & Mindset
- Philosophy
- Consistency is the name of the game
- Be creative & motivated
- Creating a Lifestyle change
- Specialties
- Barr Fitness (strengthen, lengthen, posture)
- The Carly Way: Strength & Fun
- A sense of lightness & humor
- Splash-It
- Party in the pool
- High-intensity water aerobics
- Training programs
Note: This is an episode everyone can relate to, whether you're a mom, an athlete, or a coach. We are grateful to Carly for being such a fun guest! Her emergency is remarkable! You do not want to miss this episode.