In Part 1 of Episode 3, Season 2, the boys discuss the following:
- The Passion Project.
- Hayden's Dickshark Movie Challenge: he had to watch The Hottie & The Nottie and Wild Mountain Thyme, or he had to watch Dickshark.
- Film's Doc Hasn't Seen: Doc had to watch The Last Starfighter or Hayden could spoil the end of either Jaws, Casino Royale or Citizen Kane.
- Owen watches a Blockbuster, then the Mockbuster.
- We take Hayden's Anti Cast list to strange new places!
Stay tuned for Part two of this episode, which will be released 7 days after this part!
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Opening credits music: Soulaflair - Cue 3
Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground
Other music used in this episode:
Hayden's Dickshark Movie Challenge music: SergeQuadrado - Randy Bass
Film's Doc Hasn't Seen music: Setuniman - Intro v24m
Watch a Blockbuster the the Mockbuster music: Setuniman - undercover 1P58
Hayden's Anti Cast List music: Lost Dream - Intro