Welcome back after a short break due to my personal constraints as I was moving duty stations so I was not able to record the last episode. I am excited to be back with a new episode where I am talking to global GBV expert Sarah Martin, a Lead Associate with the consultancy group Gender Associations. Sarah has extensive experience in research, advocacy, training and project management with international organizations. She specializes in strengthening gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response in humanitarian settings and addressing sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping and humanitarian organizations. Sarah has also initiated a global peer support group for GBV aid workers, a wonderful resource to everyone in the sector.
Find some of the resources attached in the show notes, incl. a check-list on self-care for GBV aid workers (or any aid worker), check out more on the particular issues on women's protection and empowerment podcast: https://player.fm/series/womens-protection-and-empowerment, read more about the Gender AOR here: https://gbvaor.net/, and join the GBV community of practice for peer-to-peer support via email at gbvcop@gmail.com.
Come join The conversation on self-care and wellbeing in our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/The-Humanitarian-Self-Care-Podcast-108479874258539/, and write me at humanitarianselfcare@posteo.org for any suggestions or feedback you might have.
Disclaimer: The content of this podcast expresses my personal views and does not represent the position or views of any other individual or entities.