Tyler and Kevin encounter the divine beings who lurk in the landscape of the Boyne Valley Neolithic burial complex, including the world-famous passage tomb, Newgrange.
Note this episode contains references to sex, rape, and incest.
Main topics addressed: The Wooing of Étaín, Neolithic passage tombs, the Irish Otherworld, Newgrange, dindshenchas, cultural memory.
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12e4aV8oAGNK8BCMSYGJirXXXAyRj96zcon0itKHDWfM/edit?usp=sharing
References and Suggested Media:
Bergin, O. and Best, R. I. ‘Tochmarc Étaíne’, Ériu, 12 (1938), pp. 142-193. Available on Irish Sagas Online: https://iso.ucc.ie/Tochmarc-etaine/Tochmarc-etaine-text.html
Gwynn, E. The Metrical Dindshenchas vol. 3. Dublin: Irish Texts Society
- Vol 3: ‘Boand II’ and ‘Cnogba’ (Knowth), available on CELT: https://celt.ucc.ie/published/T106500C/index.html
- Vol 4: ‘Dubad’ (Dowth), available on CELT: https://celt.ucc.ie/published/T106500D/index.html
Koch, J. T. and Carey, J., The Celtic Heroic Age, pp. 144-145 (‘The Origin of Dowth’)
O’Kelly, M. J. et al. Newgrange: Archaeology, Art, and Legend (London 1982).
Newgrange and the Winter Solstice: http://irisharchaeology.ie/2011/12/newgrange-and-the-winter-solstice/
Stout, G. and Stout, M. Newgrange (Cork, 2008).
Timeline of Archaelogical Periods in Ireland: http://irisharchaeology.ie/work/