• 03 Why the Lord Will Not Answer
    Sep 1 2024
    We have not placed the importance upon prayer that God places in His Word. We live in this great day of knowledge and intellect, and we think we can scheme our way out of anything; but God will make sure we have times when we cannot make it without Him.
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  • 14 A Good Minister of Jesus Christ
    Sep 1 2024
    This is message 14 in the Labor in the Church series 1 Timothy 3:16- 4:6 Paul instructs Timothy to be a faithful minister by reminding the church of essential truths of the faith. Timothy is to focus on teaching sound doctrine, including the fundamental truth that Jesus is God manifested in the flesh, and the gospel is for all people. Paul warns of the rise of false teacher who, having abandoned the truth, decieve others with lies and manmade traditions. A good minister must counter these errors by upholding and teaching the Word of God, emphasizing the importance of trusting in Scripture over human traditions and opinions. Don't forget to download our app for more from the Riverview Baptist Church. http://onelink.to/rbcapp Find more at https://riverviewbc.com/ Donate through Pushpay https://pushpay.com/pay/riverviewbc
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  • 13 Called us With a Holy Calling
    Sep 1 2024
    This is message 13 in the Labor in the Church series 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Paul, writing from imprisonment, encourages Timothy to recognize and fulfill God's purposeful calling in his life. He highlights how God uses our spiritual mentors, upbringings, and spiritual gifts to prepare us for His service. Paul also emphasizes that trials and afflictions are part of God's plan to strengthen our faith and testimony, just as Christ's suffering has a divine purpose. Ultimately, we can trust that God will continue to work through us and keep what we commit to Him, enabling us to faithfully carry out our calling through the power of the Holy Spirit. Don't forget to download our app for more from the Riverview Baptist Church. http://onelink.to/rbcapp Find more at https://riverviewbc.com/ Donate through Pushpay https://pushpay.com/pay/riverviewbc
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  • 10 Approving Ourselves as the Ministers of God
    Aug 28 2024
    This is message 10 in the 2 Corinthians series 2 Corinthians 6:1-18 Paul urges the Corinthians to live out their salvation by serving God, emphasizing that believers are called to be active in ministry, not passive. He highlights the importance of enduring suffering and challenges with patience and integrity, showing that true ministers of God must persevere through trials. Paul also stresses the necessity of separation from worldly influences, explaining that righteousness, reality, redemption, and reason all demand it. The call to separation is not just a suggestion but a command that comes with the promise of a deep and fulfilling relationship with God. Don't forget to download our app for more from the Riverview Baptist Church. http://onelink.to/rbcapp Find more at https://riverviewbc.com/ Donate through Pushpay https://pushpay.com/pay/riverviewbc
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  • 02 Prayer Begins with God
    Aug 25 2024
    The goal of prayer is not for God to find out what is in our hearts. We pray to find out what is in the heart of God. God speaks to people who will listen, people who will obey, and people who will have faith in Him. God's children talk to Him, and God talks to them. Prayer is a privilage purchased by Christ. God has promised to answer our prayers!
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  • 09 Ministry of Reconciliation
    Aug 25 2024
    This is message 9 in the 2 Corinthians series 2 Corinthians 5:12-21 Paul teaches that because Christ died for us, we should no longer live for ourselves but for Him. As new creations in Christ, we are called to see others through the lens of His love and grace. God has entrusted us with the ministry of reconciliation, using the gospel to restore broken relationships between humanity and God. As ambassadors for Christ, we represent Him to the world, sharing the message that through His sacrifice, we are made righteous before God. Don't forget to download our app for more from the Riverview Baptist Church. http://onelink.to/rbcapp Find more at https://riverviewbc.com/ Donate through Pushpay https://pushpay.com/pay/riverviewbc
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  • 08 The Judgment Seat of Christ
    Aug 25 2024
    This is message 8 in the 2 Corinthians series 2 Corinthians 5:1-11 Paul emphasizes the temporary nature of our earthly bodies and the assurance of a future glorified body. He encourages believers to live with courage, knowing that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Paul also highlights the importance of living to please Christ, as every believer will stand before the Bema Seat Judgment to receive rewards for their faithful service. These rewards, represented by crowns, are ultimately to be offered back to Christ in worship, acknowledging His grace and glory. Don't forget to download our app for more from the Riverview Baptist Church. http://onelink.to/rbcapp Find more at https://riverviewbc.com/ Donate through Pushpay https://pushpay.com/pay/riverviewbc
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  • 07 For Jesus Sake, for Your Sake
    Aug 21 2024
    This is message 7 in the 2 Corinthians series 2 Corinthians 4:8-18 Paul shares the secret the secret of victorious Christian life; dying to self so that Christ may live through him. Despite facing immense pressures, perplexities, persecution, and being cast down, Paul remained steadfast because he knew God was in control. He emphasizes that present sufferings, though difficult, are temporary and pale in comparison to the eternal glory that awaits. Because Jesus lives, believers have the assurance of resurrection and the strength to endure, knowing that their afflications are momentary and purposeful for God's glory. Don't forget to download our app for more from the Riverview Baptist Church. http://onelink.to/rbcapp Find more at https://riverviewbc.com/ Donate through Pushpay https://pushpay.com/pay/riverviewbc
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