• Andre Peart: Serving Untapped Communities with Untapped Solutions
    Jun 25 2024

    #117: Andre Peart is the CEO of Untapped Solutions, a community-driven network empowering folks who are formerly incarcerated, homeless, or from marginalized communities. The digital platform champions each individual's potential and strengths, creating pathways for professional and personal growth. Tune into the conversation to learn more about Andre and the impactful work of Untapped Solutions and more, including:

    • Andre's own re-entry experience after being incarcerated for five and a half years, and how this motivated him to create his own organization.
    • Recognizing transferable skills: Andre was always ambitious and solution-oriented, he was just using his strengths for the wrong outcomes.
    • How he takes care of himself, including fitness, therapy, and keeping a great system of friends and family surrounding him.
    • What's next for Untapped Solutions and how the organization is expanding its reach.

    Check out Untapped Solutions at Untappedsolutions.io and download the app at app.untappedsolutions.io.

    Check out Rise Recover Live episode #44 with Nick Wells: https://open.spotify.com/episode/74yBI5hY5M2nHDyCq7pVHS?si=13ztA_vfSRWRmrr6akkIHA.


    If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance use related crisis, the following resources can provide immediate help.*

    If you are experiencing a medical/mental health emergency, dial 911.

    • Dial 988 for the SAMSHA Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Available 24/7
    • Text “HOME” to 741-741 for the NAMI Crisis Text Line. Available 24/7
    • Dial 1-800-622-2255 to connect with a nearby treatment center & community resources through NCADD Hope Line. Available 24/7
    • Call/text 1-844-326-5400 for The GSCA CARES Warm Line. Answered by Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialists with lived experience of SUD. Available any day of the year, 8:30am-11pm EST

    *Note: The resources listed are provided for informational purposes only. This list is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by The Phoenix or the Rise Recover Live Podcast.


    Join the Phoenix community & sign up for classes with a single click by downloading The Phoenix App! In the app, you can connect with Liz, Bryce and other listeners in The Rise Recover Live Podcast Group. Let us know what you thought about today's episode, and what you'd like to hear in future shows! We can't wait to chat with you there.

    Learn more about The Phoenix, sign up for classes, or become a volunteer at https://thephoenix.org/ .

    Find us on Instagram at @riserecoverlive

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    35 mins
  • Tom Coyne: Teeing Up for Recovery
    Jun 18 2024

    #116: When Tom Coyne (he/him) got sober 12 years ago, he thought he would never be able to play golf again. As a sport that revolves quite a bit around alcohol, he thought that if he quit drinking then he would have to walk away from the fairway too. However, in recovery Tom found a deeper love and appreciation for the sport. Now golf is at the center of his recovery and his network is made up of sober golfers and friends. Tune into the episode to hear from Tom as he discusses his golf, his recovery journey and more, including:

    • Why adding recovery to your life is like adding salt to your cooking: it brings out flavors you didn't even know were there.
    • Traveling as a sober person, specifically on work trips, and the boundaries he puts in place to set himself up for success.
    • His second book which he wrote about golf in Scotland and why he decided to talk about the sobriety.
    • Carving out a slice of home in the Catskills where he can share the love of the sport with others.

    To learn more about Tom, visit his website at tomcoyne.com.

    Follow Tom on Instagram @coynewriter and on Twitter @coynewriter.

    Check out Tom's golf course, the Sullivan County Golf Club in Liberty, New York at sullivancountygolf.com.

    Check out the mission-driven golf club Old Barnwell in Aiken County, South Carolina at oldbarnwell.com.


    If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance use related crisis, the following resources can provide immediate help.*

    If you are experiencing a medical/mental health emergency, dial 911.

    • Dial 988 for the SAMSHA Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Available 24/7
    • Text “HOME” to 741-741 for the NAMI Crisis Text Line. Available 24/7
    • Dial 1-800-622-2255 to connect with a nearby treatment center & community resources through NCADD Hope Line. Available 24/7
    • Call/text 1-844-326-5400 for The GSCA CARES Warm Line. Answered by Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialists with lived experience of SUD. Available any day of the year, 8:30am-11pm EST

    *Note: The resources listed are provided for informational purposes only. This list is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by The Phoenix or the Rise Recover Live Podcast.


    Join the Phoenix community & sign up for classes with a single click by downloading The Phoenix App! In the app, you can connect with Liz, Bryce and other listeners in The Rise Recover Live Podcast Group. Let us know what you thought about today's episode, and what you'd like to hear in future shows! We can't wait to chat with you there.

    Learn more about The Phoenix, sign up for classes, or become a volunteer at https://thephoenix.org/ .

    Find us on Instagram at @riserecoverlive

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    48 mins
  • Bryan Wempen: Ugly Grace, Messy Resilience and Connecting with the Opposite
    Jun 11 2024

    #115: Bryan Wempen (he/him) is an acclaimed author and speaker, fearlessly redefining normal and inspiring personal growth. With his new groundbreaking book, "F**K My Demons Redefining Normal," Bryan challenges stigmas, empowering audiences to embrace imperfections and reclaim their power. Tune into the episode to hear the conversation with Bryan as we touch on his recovery journey and more, including:

    • What happens when the main focus becomes chasing a feeling and our curiosity and drive for self-discovery fall by the wayside.
    • Bryan's first exposure to recovery meetings while living in Atlanta. Although he was years away from recovery, these spaces became the only place he felt calm, connected, and above all happy.
    • The day that something clicked and he gave himself permission to phone a friend and ask for help.
    • Moments when Bryan heard his story in other people's and knew that he didn't have to navigate this alone.

    To learn more about Bryan and his three books, check out his website at bryanwempen.com.

    Find Bryan on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryanwempen/.

    Follow Bryan on Twitter at https://twitter.com/bryanwempen.


    If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance use related crisis, the following resources can provide immediate help.*

    If you are experiencing a medical/mental health emergency, dial 911.

    • Dial 988 for the SAMSHA Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Available 24/7
    • Text “HOME” to 741-741 for the NAMI Crisis Text Line. Available 24/7
    • Dial 1-800-622-2255 to connect with a nearby treatment center & community resources through NCADD Hope Line. Available 24/7
    • Call/text 1-844-326-5400 for The GSCA CARES Warm Line. Answered by Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialists with lived experience of SUD. Available any day of the year, 8:30am-11pm EST

    *Note: The resources listed are provided for informational purposes only. This list is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by The Phoenix or the Rise Recover Live Podcast.


    Join the Phoenix community & sign up for classes with a single click by downloading The Phoenix App! In the app, you can connect with Liz, Bryce and other listeners in The Rise Recover Live Podcast Group. Let us know what you thought about today's episode, and what you'd like to hear in future shows! We can't wait to chat with you there.

    Learn more about The Phoenix, sign up for classes, or become a volunteer at https://thephoenix.org/ .

    Find us on Instagram at @riserecoverlive

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Casey Kehoe: CrossFit, Resiliency & Pebbles in the Vase
    Jun 4 2024

    #114: Casey Kehoe (she/her) is a CrossFit Coach and Phoenix Volunteer from Philadelphia. As someone who has been doing CrossFit for 8 years, Casey knows the importance of community. Now with 15 months of sobriety under her belt, the notion of community has taken on a deeper meaning. Tune into the episode to hear Casey's story of resiliency, accountability and more, including:

    • Reframing how we view accountability from something negative and laborious to positive and community-building.
    • Building a relationship with ourselves so that we are able to show up for the tough situations that inevitably pop up in life.
    • Casey's exercise of dropping a pebble in a vase for every day sober, giving herself the visual of how far she had come.

    Follow Casey on Instagram @Caseyk121 and check out the Phoenix Philadelphia @phillysoberevents.

    Check out the non-profit Eluna, an organization supporting children and families impacted by grief or addiction. Visit their website at elunanetwork.org.


    If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance use related crisis, the following resources can provide immediate help.*

    If you are experiencing a medical/mental health emergency, dial 911.

    • Dial 988 for the SAMSHA Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Available 24/7
    • Text “HOME” to 741-741 for the NAMI Crisis Text Line. Available 24/7
    • Dial 1-800-622-2255 to connect with a nearby treatment center & community resources through NCADD Hope Line. Available 24/7
    • Call/text 1-844-326-5400 for The GSCA CARES Warm Line. Answered by Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialists with lived experience of SUD. Available any day of the year, 8:30am-11pm EST

    *Note: The resources listed are provided for informational purposes only. This list is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by The Phoenix or the Rise Recover Live Podcast.


    Join the Phoenix community & sign up for classes with a single click by downloading The Phoenix App! In the app, you can connect with Liz, Bryce and other listeners in The Rise Recover Live Podcast Group. Let us know what you thought about today's episode, and what you'd like to hear in future shows! We can't wait to chat with you there.

    Learn more about The Phoenix, sign up for classes, or become a volunteer at https://thephoenix.org/ .

    Find us on Instagram at @riserecoverlive

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    34 mins
  • Taylor Williams: Today is an Important Day
    May 28 2024

    #113: Taylor Williams (he/him) is a full time CrossFit and weightlifting coach, as well as a podcast host and a person in recovery. As someone who came of age during the height of the Opioid epidemic, substance use disorder was highly prevalent and normalized in his circle. What felt like small decisions led to bigger consequences and after a harrowing conversation with his mom, Taylor decided to change his trajectory. He went back to school and joined a CrossFit gym, finding friends that became like family. Tune into the episode to learn about Taylor and hear his story, including:

    • Taylor's favorite part of recovery: being surrounded by folks whose stories sound just like his, and now being able to amplify those stories on his podcast.
    • Conscious moments when he questioned "what am I doing?" and how in those moments thoughts of recovery slowly started to kick in.
    • How CrossFit helped him to become the person he always wanted to be.
    • Finding joy in the mundane and building a life you love even when it's boring.

    Follow Taylor on Instagram @tdakid91 and @hungrydogbarbell.

    Check out his podcast the Hungry Dog Barbell Podcast, available on all podcast players!

    Check out the Hungry Dog Barbell website at https://hungry-doghouse.square.site/.

    Check out Taylor's fundraising page for the Dewey Beach Championship benefitting pediatric cancer research at https://secure.qgiv.com/event/dv2024deweybeachchampionship/account/1756523-Hungrydog.


    If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance use related crisis, the following resources can provide immediate help.*

    If you are experiencing a medical/mental health emergency, dial 911.

    • Dial 988 for the SAMSHA Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Available 24/7
    • Text “HOME” to 741-741 for the NAMI Crisis Text Line. Available 24/7
    • Dial 1-800-622-2255 to connect with a nearby treatment center & community resources through NCADD Hope Line. Available 24/7
    • Call/text 1-844-326-5400 for The GSCA CARES Warm Line. Answered by Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialists with lived experience of SUD. Available any day of the year, 8:30am-11pm EST

    *Note: The resources listed are provided for informational purposes only. This list is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by The Phoenix or the Rise Recover Live Podcast.


    Join the Phoenix community & sign up for classes with a single click by downloading The Phoenix App! In the app, you can connect with Liz, Bryce and other listeners in The Rise Recover Live Podcast Group. Let us know what you thought about today's episode, and what you'd like to hear in future shows! We can't wait to chat with you there.

    Learn more about The Phoenix, sign up for classes, or become a volunteer at https://thephoenix.org/ .

    Find us on Instagram at @riserecoverlive

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    52 mins
  • Brian Hyman: Yoga and the Next Right Thing
    May 21 2024

    #112: Brian Hyman (he/him) is a certified yoga and meditation teacher, author, and father. Brian has been sober since 2009 and has been working at a prominent treatment center in Malibu, California since 2012. Yoga has played an instrumental role in his personal recovery journey. Nine months into sobriety yoga flowed into his professional life as Brian started teaching yoga so other folks in recovery could access its transformative effects. Check out the episode and hear Brian's story, including:

    • His experience on the yoga mat in early sobriety where he found that recovery was more than putting down the substance: it was a way of living and connecting.
    • The progression from discovering yoga to becoming a teacher at a treatment center, and how this mirrors Liz's own experiences.
    • Trusting that we are all worthy of redemption and healing, and that if recovery is available to everyone then it is available to me too.
    • Borrowing ideas from other folks in recovery and weaving them into the "patchwork quilt of our lives."

    Check out Brian's book Recovery with Yoga: Supportive Practices for Transcending Addiction at https://a.co/d/jhDhy7J.

    Visit Brian's website at brianhymanyoga.com.

    Check out Brian's courses on recovery and yoga and his guided meditations on the app Insight Timer at www.insighttimer.com/brianhyman.


    If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance use related crisis, the following resources can provide immediate help.*

    If you are experiencing a medical/mental health emergency, dial 911.

    • Dial 988 for the SAMSHA Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Available 24/7
    • Text “HOME” to 741-741 for the NAMI Crisis Text Line. Available 24/7
    • Dial 1-800-622-2255 to connect with a nearby treatment center & community resources through NCADD Hope Line. Available 24/7
    • Call/text 1-844-326-5400 for The GSCA CARES Warm Line. Answered by Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialists with lived experience of SUD. Available any day of the year, 8:30am-11pm EST

    *Note: The resources listed are provided for informational purposes only. This list is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by The Phoenix or the Rise Recover Live Podcast.


    Join the Phoenix community & sign up for classes with a single click by downloading The Phoenix App! In the app, you can connect with Liz, Bryce and other listeners in The Rise Recover Live Podcast Group. Let us know what you thought about today's episode, and what you'd like to hear in future shows! We can't wait to chat with you there.

    Learn more about The Phoenix, sign up for classes, or become a volunteer at https://thephoenix.org/ .

    Find us on Instagram at @riserecoverlive

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    41 mins
  • Natalya Fearnley: Recovery Dharma and the Thousand Pound Door
    May 14 2024

    #111: Natalya Fearnley (she/her) started her recovery journey by opening the thousand-pound door at The Phoenix gym in Denver to attend a yoga class. After trying out various recovery programs she found her home in Recovery Dharma. She threw herself into being of service and quickly became an active member in the community. A year and a half into sobriety, Natalya was elected to the Board of Directors of Recovery Dharma. Tune into the episode to learn more about Natalya and her recovery journey, including:

    • The practice of telling folks reminders you need to hear too, and how this is a way to serve others while serving yourself.
    • How recovery is a building a relationship with ourselves. What tools can we use to help us navigate the world?
    • Natalya's full circle moment when she returned to the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, which she had studied as a child.
    • Alchemizing loneliness into solitude and teaching yourself how to be your own best friend.

    Check out the Recovery Dharma Space on The Phoenix Mobile App here: ‎ https://thephoenix.page.link/onrq ‎

    To learn more about Recovery Dharma, check out their website at recoverydharma.org

    Check out Natalya's blog We All Need to Recover at rovingphrase.substack.com

    Check out rovingphrase.com and find them on Facebook and Instagram @rovingprhase


    If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance use related crisis, the following resources can provide immediate help.*

    If you are experiencing a medical/mental health emergency, dial 911.

    • Dial 988 for the SAMSHA Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Available 24/7
    • Text “HOME” to 741-741 for the NAMI Crisis Text Line. Available 24/7
    • Dial 1-800-622-2255 to connect with a nearby treatment center & community resources through NCADD Hope Line. Available 24/7
    • Call/text 1-844-326-5400 for The GSCA CARES Warm Line. Answered by Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialists with lived experience of SUD. Available any day of the year, 8:30am-11pm EST

    *Note: The resources listed are provided for informational purposes only. This list is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by The Phoenix or the Rise Recover Live Podcast.

    Join the Phoenix community & sign up for classes with a single click by downloading The Phoenix App! In the app, you can connect with Liz, Bryce and other listeners in The Rise Recover Live Podcast Group. Let us know what you thought about today's episode, and what you'd like to hear in future shows! We can't wait to chat with you there.

    Learn more about The Phoenix, sign up for classes, or become a volunteer at https://thephoenix.org/ .

    Find us on Instagram at @riserecoverlive

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    57 mins
  • Elizabeth Addison: From Surviving to Thriving
    May 7 2024

    #110: Elizabeth Addison (she/her) is a multi-hyphenate (composer, lyricist, librettist, producer, music director & director) as well as a person in recovery from a variety of things including substance use disorder. She is also a creative recovery coach with The Meghann Perry Group, an organization equipping the behavioral health workforce with tools and education on addiction recovery.

    Check out the conversation to learn about Elizabeth and her work exploring the intersection of recovery and the performing arts, and more:

    • Elizabeth's experience at a residential treatment center, and how she gave herself permission to grow out of the thing that initially saved her life.
    • How starting her musical nine months into recovery gave her an anchor and sense of purpose.
    • Seeing the world through a lens of love, and how this grounds her recovery.
    • Learning to trust yourself and being able to say "I trust my recovery."

    Visit the Meghann Perry Group website at www.meaghannperry.com.

    Follow Elizabeth on Instagram @elizabeth.addison3 where she regularly details her recovery journey and how she uses art as a therapeutic tool.


    If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance use related crisis, the following resources can provide immediate help.*

    If you are experiencing a medical/mental health emergency, dial 911.

    • Dial 988 for the SAMSHA Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Available 24/7
    • Text “HOME” to 741-741 for the NAMI Crisis Text Line. Available 24/7
    • Dial 1-800-622-2255 to connect with a nearby treatment center & community resources through NCADD Hope Line. Available 24/7
    • Call/text 1-844-326-5400 for The GSCA CARES Warm Line. Answered by Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialists with lived experience of SUD. Available any day of the year, 8:30am-11pm EST

    *Note: The resources listed are provided for informational purposes only. This list is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by The Phoenix or the Rise Recover Live Podcast.

    Join the Phoenix community & sign up for classes with a single click by downloading The Phoenix App! In the app, you can connect with Liz, Bryce and other listeners in The Rise Recover Live Podcast Group. Let us know what you thought about today's episode, and what you'd like to hear in future shows! We can't wait to chat with you there.

    Learn more about The Phoenix, sign up for classes, or become a volunteer at https://thephoenix.org/ .

    Find us on Instagram at @riserecoverlive

    Join the Phoenix community & sign up for classes with a single click by downloading The Phoenix App! In the app, you can connect with Liz, Bryce and other listeners in The Rise Recover Live Podcast Group. Let us know what you thought about today's episode, and what you'd like to hear in future shows! We can't wait to chat with you there.

    Learn more about The Phoenix, sign up for classes, or become a volunteer at https://thephoenix.org/ .

    Find us on Instagram at @riserecoverlive

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    45 mins