Hey, y'all - Joel here. Entry 48 just dropped about 3 minutes ago. This is to say - I'm writing these notes about a week after the entry actually dropped. I wrote in the entry 48 notes that I've been concerned with the quality of my writing the past few weeks which has led me to not write notes at all. However, this has been exacerbated by some other elements that I've yet to touch on.
Ever since my youth I've dealt with a certain amount of numbness and tingling in my hands. Particularly whenever I would read a book or play a video game, my activity would be routinely interrupted by a minute or so of holding my hands at my side. This would occur because after holding an item up for no more than a few minutes, my hands would fall asleep. This has continued into my adulthood and now occurs as I use my phone and even as I write these words.
It wasn't until just recently that I found out that this is not normal. Which would be fine, except that it's gotten worse as of recent. I now find myself waking at night in pain because my hands are in pain. I worry it may be because of my barista job, but I just don't know. I've taken steps to mitigate this, but as a musician and functional member of society, I'm afraid.
Pray would be appreciated. Also, free health insurance if you have some lying around.
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