• Episode 7: Growth of the Church—Grace, not Law to Gentiles in Cyprus and Asia Minor
    Oct 16 2024

    Book 5 traces the church's growth through the church's missionary efforts in Antioch and under Paul's leadership. Paul’s first missionary journey to Cyprus and Asia Minor brings the issue of the relationship between the Law of Israel and the grace of the church to a head. Choosing grace instead of the Law, the early church leaders rightly concluded that the body of Christ was for every tribe, tongue, and nation, and God's grace was for all who believed.

    Against all odds, the church expanded from a Gentile church into the Gentile territories of Asia Minor under Paul’s leadership and preached the message of the grace of Christ rather than the Law of Moses.

    The Christian life is lived by grace through faith, not by following the Law.

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    29 mins
  • Episode 6: Expansion in the Holy Land—The Word of God Grew and Multiplied
    Oct 9 2024

    Book 4 records the shift of the church’s center from Jerusalem to Antioch of Syria. Luke emphasizes the Gospel’s spread increasingly to Gentiles in three momentous stages: Peter’s ministry to Hellenistic Jews in the port cities of Palestine (9:23-43), Peter’s ministry to the Gentile centurion, Cornelius, and his friends in Caesarea (10:1-11:18), and the beginning of the church in Antioch (11:19-30). In the face of tremendous persecution, the Jerusalem church remains vital for opening their lives to Gentiles (12:1-23). This proves that the word of God, Jesus’ words and promises to His church, cannot be resisted by earthly powers (12:24).

    Against all odds, the church expands into Gentile territory and establishes an outpost in Antioch to deploy to the end of the earth.

    Do you want to be a door opener? Prepare to be attacked by Christians and Satan.

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    29 mins
  • Episode 5: Growth of the Church—Disciples Multiplied
    Oct 2 2024

    Luke divides his history into panels or Books, separated by progress reports. Book 1 takes the reader from Christ's ascension to the birth of the church and concludes with the first progress report: “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (2:47).

    Throughout his account, Luke presents Christianity as an irresistible force in the face of significant opposition and persecution. Book 2 traces the expansion of the church in Jerusalem and introduces the two forces that oppose Christ’s followers—persecution from the enemies of Christ and pollution in the people of Christ.

    The same factions that crucified Christ now try to suppress His apostles.

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    31 mins
  • Episode 4: Growth of the Church—Disciples Multiplied
    Sep 25 2024

    Luke divides his history into panels or Books, separated by progress reports. Book 1 takes the reader from Christ's ascension to the birth of the church and concludes with the first progress report: “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (2:47).

    Throughout his account, Luke presents Christianity as an irresistible force in the face of significant opposition and persecution. Book 2 traces the expansion of the church in Jerusalem and introduces the two forces that oppose Christ’s followers—persecution from the enemies of Christ and pollution in the people of Christ.

    The same factions that crucified Christ now try to suppress His apostles.

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    33 mins
  • Episode 3: Birth of the Church—Disciples Added
    Sep 18 2024

    The first day of the church was truly eventful. A mighty wind attracted a huge crowd of devout Jews who heard the disciples miraculously proclaim the wonderful works of God. When Peter explained what they just saw with prophetic precision they were cut to the heart, and 3,000 joined the ranks of the Jerusalem church.

    Luke wraps up his account of the birth of the church by describing the everyday life of the first Christians in Jerusalem. The infant church enjoyed a brief period of sweet effectiveness before the onset of persecution from without and division from within. Still totally Jewish but transformed by God's grace, these men and women were enamored with Christ.

    Though their growth was amazing, their impact on the city has made Christians of every generation look to their example for clues to effectiveness. What can we learn from them?

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    29 mins
  • Episode 2: Jesus High and Lifted Up—The Ascension of Christ
    Sep 11 2024

    Luke’s sequel to his gospel, the Book of Acts, begins where he left off—the ascension of Christ. The emphasis is different. The Gospel of Luke stresses the work of Christ while He walked on earth; Acts highlights the work of Jesus done by the Holy Spirit through the Apostles.

    Without Acts, we would have no record of the beginning and growth of the early church. Luke traces the birth and expansion of the church to strengthen the faith of Theophilus, a fellow Christian who may have helped finance Luke’s missionary and writing ministry (Luke 1:1-4). The Holy Spirit had a much broader audience in mind—the church of Christ throughout the age of grace. Luke’s selective but accurate history of the first 30 years of the church answers Theophilus’ questions in a timeless way.

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    29 mins
  • Episode 1: Acts of the Apostles: Overview—Against All Odds
    Jun 18 2024

    The debut episode begins with an overview of the Book of Acts. You will hear how, against all odds, the church grew from 12 disciples into a thriving faith across the known world by the power of the Holy Spirit. Learn how we have the same hope of spreading the gospel when we follow The Great Commission.

    But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8).

    Luke’s sequel to his gospel, the Book of Acts, begins where he left off—the ascension of Christ. The emphasis is different. The Gospel of Luke stresses the work of Christ while He walked on earth; Acts highlights the work of Jesus done by the Holy Spirit through the apostles.

    Without Acts, we would have no record of the beginning and growth of the early church. Luke traces the birth and expansion of the church to strengthen the faith of Theophilus, a fellow Christian who may have helped finance Luke’s missionary and writing ministry (Luke 1:1-4). The Holy Spirit had a much broader audience in mind—the church of Christ throughout the age of grace. Luke’s selective but accurate history of the first 30 years of the church answers Theophilus’ questions in a timeless way:

    • What about the coming of the Holy Spirit?
    • What was the ministry of the Apostles?
    • How did the Gospel spread from Jerusalem to the rest of the world?
    • How did Christianity become a world religion rather than a Jewish sect?
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    42 mins