As a (beginning) psychodynamic practitioner, you know you should read more. But where to start and what is worth your time? Maybe I can help.
If you're new here: Hi! My name is Alina, I'm a German psychologist and psychoanalyst in training. I dive into psychodynamic books for a living and try to simplify complex theories whenever I can.
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On this podcast, I sometimes dive into concrete theories and present them in the most concise and clear manner I can muster. Other times, like today, I take you behind the scenes of what I'm reading. Be prepared for an unscripted, chatty episode.
What I read in August 2024:
- Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving: (Amazon affiliate link)
- W. R. D. Fairbairn, Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality: (Amazon affiliate link)
- Mark Solms, The Neurobiological Underpinnings of Psychoanalytic Theory and Therapy:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- My video on the neuropsychology of dreams:
- My video on different psychodynamic theories (an overview):
- My video on Melanie Klein:
- Thomas H. Ogden, Fear of Breakdown and the Unlived Life (2014)
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