• Tetsuo the Iron Murph
    Jan 22 2024

    Welcome back to Queerdo Babes From the Horror Pod-O-Rama with its goofy but excited host, Murphy.

    Today is a solo episode about Tetsuo the Iron Man, the non-binary body and abjection through Murphy's eyes. The first episode to first be written out as an essay first and recorded after. Refrences used and looked at for research are listed below

    thank you for listening

    Contains spoilers for Tetsuo the Iron Man 1989


    Iron Man: The Cinema of Shinya Tsukamoto by Tom Mes

    Metal-Morphosis: Post Industrial Crisis and the Tormented Body in the Tetsuo FIlms By Ian Conrich (Included in Japanese Horror Cinema edited by Jay McRoy)

    "Assault on the Senses" Film Essasy by Jasper Sharp

    Shinya Tsukamoto self-cunducted interview for Third Eye Films 2012 

    Shinya Tsukamoto interview for MidnightEye.com 2011

    Shinya Tsukamoto interview with Tom Mes for BFI 2020

    Tom Mes film commentary for Arrow Tetsuo release as part of Solid Metal Nightmares Box set

    "Our Love Will Turn This Whole Fucking World to Rust" -article Perry Ruhland, FilmandFishnet.com

    Julia Kristeva's Theory of Abjection

    Follow us on instagram @QueerdoBabesPodorama

    or email us at WeAreTheQueerdos@gmail.com

    Artwork by @otaconnor

    Intro/outro music is The Spook Returns by ROADTOMUSIC

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    25 mins
  • Queerdo Babes at Nightmare Weekend Live
    Nov 17 2023

    We are back from a break with our first ever live episode! Recorded on the Nightmare Weekend Live stage in Richmond by Chuck Lindsey @chuck_load_of_comics with very special guest Alan Terrell.

    Our wonderful contributors to the discussion were:

    Aaron Fleming @autobotvulcan92

    Dee Schroeter @dee.schroeter

    thank you so much to both of you for being awesome!

    Due to the live recording there may be some differences in sound levels so hopefully that isn't too crazy.

    Follow us on instagram @QueerdoBabesPodorama

    or email us at WeAreTheQueerdos@gmail.com

    Artwork by @otaconnor

    Intro/outro music is The Spook Returns by ROADTOMUSIC

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    49 mins
  • Cats Forever, Details Now
    Aug 23 2023

    Welcome back to Queerdo Babes From the Horror Pod-O-Rama with its goofy but excited host, Murphy.

    Today is a solo episode on the topic of Cats in Horror as a small tribute to my late beloved pet, Rosie. I was not as diligent with my sources as I didn't dig too much into different theories for this episode, so my apologies. I hope you all enjoy this episode and check out some of the films mentioned.

    thank you for listening

    Contains spoilers and mentions of:
    Cat People 1942, Tales of Terror (1962 The Black Cat segment), Kuroneko 1968, Housu 1977, The Uncanny 1977, Pet Semetary 1989, and Sleepwalkers 1992.

    Follow us on instagram @QueerdoBabesPodorama

    or email us at WeAreTheQueerdos@gmail.com

    Artwork by @otaconnor

    Intro/outro music is The Spook Returns by ROADTOMUSIC

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    27 mins
  • Off The Slab: Daughters of Satan
    Aug 20 2023

    Contains Spoilers for the film Daughters of Satan (1972)

    The 3rd episode of a bonus series formerly called Shelf Life, now called Off The Slab focusing on quick overviews, reviews and reflections on films Murphy owns but either hasn't watched or hasn't watched in years to the point of forgetting. In the future, we will eventually return to these films to see how they are sitting after the initial watch and reaction.  

    This is episode is on the 1972 film Daughters of Satan, I watched the blu-ray released by Scream Factory.

    Follow us on instagram @QueerdoBabesPodorama

    or email us at WeAreTheQueerdos@gmail.com

    We'd love your comments and questions. thank you for listening.

    Artwork by @otaconnor


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    17 mins
  • Mandy, There's a Weapon Handy
    Jul 20 2023


    Contains spoilers for Mandy 2018

    Our guest for this week is Kill Gill, a burlesque performer, cage dancer, and Elon Musk destroyer and together we discuss their film pick, Panos Cosmatos's 2018 film, Mandy. Join us as we talk cults, grief, and gnarly bikers.

    The first title card Murphy couldn't remember was "The Shadow Mountains 1983 A.D."

    Find Kill Gill at:

    On instagram @MightyTug  & @Kill_Gil

    Refrences mentioned

    -Filmschoolrejects.com "Recognizing the Predator ygaze in Mandy" Mary Beth McAndrews 

    and another link found through FSR, linking article by Meg Shields - "Mandy: the film concert" by Alex Hobbs available through vimeo video

    Mentioned interviews with Panos Cosmatos on Evolution of Horror Podcast and Visitations podcast.

    Also Gaylords of Darkness podcast

    Follow us on instagram @QueerdoBabesPodorama

    or email us at WeAreTheQueerdos@gmail.com

    Artwork by @otaconnor


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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Off the Slab: The Dybbuk 1937
    Jul 12 2023

    Welcome back to Queerdo Babes From the Horror Pod-O-Rama with its goofy but excited host, Murphy. Murphy is a horror enthusiast seeking to immerse themselves further in the genre by watching, reading, research, playing, and, of course, discussing aspects both hidden and obvious particularly from a queer point of view.

    Contains Spoilers for the film The Dybbuk (1937)

    The 2nd episode of a new bonus series formerly called Shelf Life, now called Off The Slab focusing on quick overviews, reviews and reflections on films Murphy owns but either hasn't watched or hasn't watched in years to the point of forgetting. In the future, we will eventually return to these films to see how they are sitting after the initial watch and reaction.  

    This is episode is on the 1937 film The Dybbuk

    also contains short mention of The Orphanage 

    Follow us on instagram @QueerdoBabesPodorama

    or email us at WeAreTheQueerdos@gmail.com

    Artwork by @otaconnor

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    14 mins
  • The Price Is Root
    Jun 29 2023

    Welcome back to Queerdo Babes From the Horror Pod-O-Rama with its goofy but excited host, Murphy. Murphy is a horror enthusiast seeking to immerse themselves further in the genre by watching, reading, researching, playing, and of course discussing aspects both hidden and obvious particularly from a queer point of view.

    Today is a solo episode on the topic of one of Murphy's horror roots, which involves The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo, Vincent Price, and Camp as sensibility.

    For more discussion and fun about Vincent Price check out Geeks Under the Influence episode 263: Vincent Price Scream King

    Refrences used:


    Unpublishedzine.com "The Theory of Camp" Rodrigo Costa Ribeiro

    Women, Camp, and Popular Culture 2017 "chapter 2 The History and Theory of Camp" Katrn Horn

    "Notes On Camp" Susan Sontag

    LItHub.com "Camp is a sensibility, On Susan Sontag, Extravagance, and sexuality" Amelia Abraham

    Follow us on instagram @QueerdoBabesPodorama

    or email us at WeAreTheQueerdos@gmail.com

    Artwork by @otaconnor

    Intro/outro music is The Spook Returns by ROADTOMUSIC

    Show More Show Less
    29 mins
  • Shelf Life: Body Parts
    Jun 11 2023

    Welcome back to Queerdo Babes From the Horror Pod-O-Rama with its goofy but excited host, Murphy. Murphy is a horror enthusiast seeking to immerse themselves further in the genre by watching, reading, research, playing, and, of course, discussing aspects both hidden and obvious particularly from a queer point of view.

    Contains Spoilers for the film Body Parts

    This is the first episode of a new bonus series called Shelf Life focusing on quick overviews, reviews and reflections on films Murphy owns but either hasn't watched or hasn't watched in years to the point of forgetting. In the future, we will eventually return to these films to see how they are sitting after the initial watch and reaction.  This first episode is on the 1991 film, Body Parts.

    podcast recommended during the episode was Colors of the Dark Podcast

    Follow us on instagram @QueerdoBabesPodorama

    or email us at WeAreTheQueerdos@gmail.com

    Artwork by @otaconnor

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    18 mins