• Will Tomorrow Bring You Sorrow?
    Jan 11 2025

    If you are not right with Jesus, what will tomorrow bring?

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    JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
    Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
    Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.

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    7 mins
  • Who Are You in Debt To?
    Jan 9 2025

    God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit want us to live according to our means, not above our means as slaves to the values and ways of this world.

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    JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
    Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
    Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.

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    7 mins
  • Will you DRINK the cup I GIVE YOU?
    Jan 8 2025

    Key QUOTE:

    ~ "There are in these times many who put on the facade that they love Me and are believers in My Son Jesus, yet they refuse to follow the pattern He established for them. In such choices, they dash away the cup that I offer unto them and instead drink of the cup of demons and by the same are poisoned."

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    JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
    Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
    Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.

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    7 mins
    Jan 8 2025

    Key QUOTE:

    ~ "There are multitudes who claim that it is Me that they serve, yet when I desire to speak to them, they do not believe Me. This is because they allow their minds to be clouded over by fear, unbelief, doubt, and inward disputation with Me. I do not want My people to be in any such condition, I want My people to listen to the voice of My Holy Spirit and obey the commands given."

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    JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
    Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
    Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.

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    7 mins
  • Bitter Quitter or Rejoicing Refugee?
    Jan 7 2025

    Do you REALLY want to be a REAL SPIRIT-LED BELIEVER IN JESUS, or are you just a BITTER QUITTER?

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    JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
    Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
    Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.

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    8 mins
    Jan 6 2025

    Key QUOTES:

    ~ "I speak unto you this day and I ask, do you want to be found as those who are entrusted, or those with whom I am disgusted? When I do give to people treasure, they are meant to invest the treasure as I would direct them to do. They are not meant to hoard the treasure then moan and groan because of their bad opinion of Me."
    ~ "I do not intend evil towards My people they are the ones who invite the same unto themselves because they are receiving the doubt, fear, and unbelief being pumped into them by the devil."
    ~ "When you see people who are losers because they are accusers know that they have a high opinion of themselves and their own judgments about Me."
    ~ "Look at the evil that came upon humanity when Eve believed the serpent and brought about their banishment from the Garden. Don’t be deceived, be entrusted and proven worthy of the trust I have that you will make use of My treasure."

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    JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
    Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
    Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.

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    8 mins
  • Guard Your Garden!
    Jan 5 2025

    Key QUOTES:

    ~ "The demonic powers that are raging throughout the land are attempting to irritate, subjugate, and infiltrate any and all that are open to them."

    ~ "Therefore realize that it is My intention that My people would keep their hearts with diligence and obedience to Me as the One they love and want to please."

    ~ "I do not want My people to enter into covenants with unbelievers and imagine that I will bless them in the same."

    ~ "Do not be under those things that the enemies want you to believe for the same are not of Me and are sent to infect you with darkness and cause you many sorrows. This is why it is so important to guard the garden of your hearts and keep subject to the commands of My Holy Spirit. There are many who start out and end up wrong because they allow themselves to be deviated and turned aside. Over and over they are distracted and taken into captivity by the very things that are deviations from My purposes and plans for them."

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    JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
    Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
    Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.

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    7 mins
    Jan 4 2025

    Key QUOTES:

    - "The truth is that the demon powers will always be attempting to sneak attack and get you to accept their messages of sickness, afflictions, attitudes, and reactions. However, you are not meant to be controlled by demons, you are meant to be controlled by Me through My Holy Spirit."
    - "I do not want My people to be dominated by the cares, the concerns, the troubles, and the terrors that are the vexations of the world’s people."
    - "You are meant to take dominion over demons and drive them out of yourselves and others."

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    JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
    Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
    Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.

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    7 mins