• Poppyland Songs Episode 9: A Musical Tapestry
    Sep 6 2024

    The final episode... for now at least! Episode 9 brings into focus some of Poppyland's musical history from step dancing fisherman to the sex pistols! An interview with local artist Fiona Davies about her infamous fishing and step dancing family. An interview with Amanda West of Northrepps about gigs at the West Runton Pavillion.

    The songs included in this final show are 'The Last Step Dancer', a song inspired by a conversation with Fiona. 'Templewood' a song using a poem written by Joanna Emmons about her memories with her grandmother in Northrepps. And finally When The Skies Are Weeping, a poem by the Victorian 'Ploughman Poet' Frederick Stibbons.

    All the songs are now available to buy as a digital download and also as a CD with a beautiful 32 page accompanying book containing all the lyrics and lots of photos and images and bits of history. All availble from my https://bertiebow.bandcamp.com/

    Or if you happen to be in Cromer then you can buy a copy of the book/CD album from Jarrolds. It will contain a code so you can get a digital version too.

    Through continued research of my great great aunt Kit's journals I uncover new stories and compose new songs.

    Another branch of research has lead me to talk to the current residents of Poppyland and share their stories and memories.

    If you have a story to share with me then please get in touch via my website or social media @bertiebow.



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    59 mins
  • Poppyland Songs Episode 8: Welcome To Arcadia
    Jun 13 2024

    This episode introduces current residents of Poppyland who shared their stories and experiences of living here and resulted in 3 new songs being written. 'First Walk' with words by Patricia Romilly-Dennis, 'Weary Bone' words by Nikki Rodwell and 'Life On A Cliff Edge' sharing stories from Jill Genders, Martin Rodwell and Peter Stibbons.

    All the songs are now available to buy as a digital download and also as a CD with a beautiful 32 page accompanying book containing all the lyrics and lots of photos and images and bits of history. All availble from my https://bertiebow.bandcamp.com/

    Or if you happen to be in Cromer then you can buy a copy of the book/CD album from Jarrolds. It will contain a code so you can get a digital version too.

    Through continued research of my great great aunt Kit's journals I uncover new stories and compose new songs.

    Another branch of research has lead me to talk to the current residents of Poppyland and share their stories and memories.

    If you have a story to share with me then please get in touch via my website or social media @bertiebow.



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    54 mins
  • Poppyland Songs Episode 7: Hungry Hill
    Nov 21 2023

    After a hiatus I return to Poppyland, North Norfolk and to Life On A CLiff Edge. The road over Hungry Hill leads from Sidestrand to Northrepps, the neighbouring Parish and site of many a tale..

    All the songs are now available to buy as a digital download and also as a CD with a beautiful 32 page accompanying book containing all the lyrics and lots of photos and images and bits of history. All availble from my https://bertiebow.bandcamp.com/

    Or if you happen to be in Cromer then you can buy a copy of the book/CD album from Jarrolds. It will contain a code so you can get a digital version too.

    Through continued research of my great great aunt Kit's journals I uncover new stories and compose new songs.

    Another branch of research has lead me to talk to the current residents of Poppyland and share their stories and memories.

    If you have a story to share with me then please get in touch via my website or social media @bertiebow.



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    35 mins
  • Poppyland Songs Episode 6: Love, connection, comfort and rememberance.
    Jul 13 2022

    Stories of love, connection, comfort and rememberance from Poppyland past and present. Good times and bad.

    Songs are inspired by life on a cliff edge here in North Norfolk.

    All the songs are now available to buy as a digital download and also as a CD with a beautiful 32 page accompanying book containing all the lyrics and lots of photos and images and bits of history. All availble from my https://bertiebow.bandcamp.com/

    Or if you happen to be in Cromer then you can buy a copy of the book/CD album from Jarrolds. It will contain a code so you can get a digital version too.

    Through continued research of my great great aunt Kit's journals I uncover new stories and compose new songs.

    Another branch of research has lead me to talk to the current residents of Poppyland and share their stories and memories.

    If you have a story to share with me then please get in touch via my website or social media @bertiebow.



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    39 mins
  • Poppyland Podcast Episode 5: Misty Visions
    Jul 13 2022

    Poppyland is full of ghost stories, Black Shuck sightings and the dark dread of Shrieking Pits. We hear some of your stories as well as some from Kit's journals. Also we take a look at the history of smuggling. Who was doing it and where. Songs are inspired by life on a cliff edge here in North Norfolk

    All the songs are now available to buy as a digital download and also as a CD with a beautiful 32 page accompanying book containing all the lyrics and lots of photos and images and bits of history. All availble from my https://bertiebow.bandcamp.com/

    Or if you happen to be in Cromer then you can buy a copy of the book/CD album from Jarrolds. It will contain a code so you can get a digital version too.

    Through continued research of my great great aunt Kit's journals I uncover new stories and compose new songs.

    Another branch of research has lead me to talk to the current residents of Poppyland and share their stories and memories.

    If you have a story to share with me then please get in touch via my website or social media @bertiebow.



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    40 mins
  • Poppyland Songs Episode 4: The Curve Of A Field
    May 9 2022

    The shape of a field got me wondering about the when, how, what and whys of the natural history of Poppyland. I'm joined by my Dad Eddie Anderson again as we learn about the medieval feld names, the tiny River Mun and our beautiful ever changing coastline. The music is inspired by life on a cliff edge in North Norfolk.

    All the songs are now available to buy as a digital download and also as a CD with a beautiful 32 page accompanying book containing all the lyrics and lots of photos and images and bits of history. All availble from my https://bertiebow.bandcamp.com/

    Or if you happen to be in Cromer then you can buy a copy of the book/CD album from Jarrolds. It will contain a code so you can get a digital version too.

    Through continued research of my great great aunt Kit's journals I uncover new stories and compose new songs.

    Another branch of research has lead me to talk to the current residents of Poppyland and share their stories and memories.

    If you have a story to share with me then please get in touch via my website or social media @bertiebow.



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    41 mins
  • Poppyland Songs Episode 3: The Village of Millionaires
    May 4 2022

    We hear all about the fascinating goings on in Overstrand at the turn of the century. A Great British Gatsby perhaps?! Keith Hobday from The Belfry Centre for Music and Art fills us in on the many characters who decided to move to Poppyland and build giant houses here! Songs are inspired by life on a cliff edge here in North Norfolk.

    All the songs are now available to buy as a digital download and also as a CD with a beautiful 32 page accompanying book containing all the lyrics and lots of photos and images and bits of history. All availble from my https://bertiebow.bandcamp.com/

    Or if you happen to be in Cromer then you can buy a copy of the book/CD album from Jarrolds. It will contain a code so you can get a digital version too.

    Through continued research of my great great aunt Kit's journals I uncover new stories and compose new songs.

    Another branch of research has lead me to talk to the current residents of Poppyland and share their stories and memories.

    If you have a story to share with me then please get in touch via my website or social media @bertiebow.



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    47 mins
  • Poppyland Songs Episode 2: The Origin Story
    May 4 2022

    In this episode I will sdpeak to local historian Peter Stibbons all about how and why Poppyland got it's name. We will meet Clement Scott and Louie Jermy and there will be more songs all about life ona cliff edge here in North Norfolk.

    All the songs are now available to buy as a digital download and also as a CD with a beautiful 32 page accompanying book containing all the lyrics and lots of photos and images and bits of history. All availble from my https://bertiebow.bandcamp.com/

    Or if you happen to be in Cromer then you can buy a copy of the book/CD album from Jarrolds. It will contain a code so you can get a digital version too.

    Through continued research of my great great aunt Kit's journals I uncover new stories and compose new songs.

    Another branch of research has lead me to talk to the current residents of Poppyland and share their stories and memories.

    If you have a story to share with me then please get in touch via my website or social media @bertiebow.



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    43 mins