At Dawson, Lei is hoping to start an interdisciplinary activity between the following two courses (note that these descriptions are from Fall 2021):
Web Design 2 (570-569-DW)
This course builds on basic technical and conceptual web design skills acquired in Web Design 1 (570-469-DW). Accessibility, user needs, creating optimum user experiences and prototyping continue as primary objectives while students explore current best practices for the creation of interactive websites. In this course, special emphasis is placed on responsive web design to control presentation of websites on multiple screen sizes and platforms including mobile devices. Students apply user interface principles and fluid grid layout tools to create advanced responsive prototypes. They are also introduced to Webflow, where they will become familiar with the interface.
Web Development 4 (420-520-DW)
The course will examine web performance from the end-user perspective. Students are introduced to factors that impact browser loading and rendering time, tools that help in measuring performance, and patterns and tips to improve performance. Students will design and build a full-stack application in JavaScript, with an emphasis on modern best-practices for scalable web applications, including algorithm optimization and server-side/client-side performance considerations.
References Augsburg, T. (2006). Becoming Interdisciplinary: An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies. Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Barab, S. A., & Landa, A. (1997, March). Designing Effective Interdisciplinary Anchors. Educational Leadership, 52–55.
Haynes, C. (2002). Innovations in interdisciplinary teaching. Oryx Press.
Lattuca, L. R. (2001). Creating interdisciplinarity: Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching Among College and University Faculty. Vanderbilt University Press.
Mishra, P., Koehler, M. (2006). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1017-1054.