PhytopowerI Discover the Power Through Targeted Probiotics and Phytonutrients.
In today's fast-paced world, our immune systems are constantly under attack from stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, and environmental factors. With 80% of our immune system cells residing in the gut, it's crucial to prioritize our gut microbiome health. Enter PhytoPowerI, a revolutionary daily beverage supplement designed to strengthen your immune defenses through a powerful combination of targeted probiotics and phytonutrient-rich impact ingredients.
PhytoPower I’s power comes from a combination of targeted probiotics and phytonutrient-rich impact ingredients. When you drink PhytoPower I, the first thing that happens is targeted probiotics plant themselves all over the gut microbiome, connecting with receptors in the gut to strengthen the immune system. This action boosts the body’s immune system response through the increased production of innate immune system cytokines and adaptive immune system lymphocytes. The body’s innate immune system is responsible for protecting the body from unwanted invaders (like viruses), while its adaptive immune system fights off germs and infections.
Additionally, proven boosters like papaya, elderberry, echinacea, orange, and turmeric provide prebiotic nourishment to the immune system. These impact ingredients enhance the proliferation of B- and T-cells, which play a vital role in active immunity.
For More Information on PhytoPower I:
Take Care Of Your Gut & It WILL Take Care Of You!
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