
  • How to think about... summary statistics ("short" version)
    Aug 15 2023
    For those who can't even spare 8 minutes, this podcast clocks in just north of 5. How can we explain what the different summary statistics actually mean?
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    5 mins
  • How to think about... summary statistics ("long" version)
    Aug 15 2023
    Coming in at nearly 10 minutes, this is the long version of the summary statistics podcast. What are they, why do we like certain ones over others, and how do they behave?
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    9 mins
  • How to think about... sustainability in pharmacy
    Aug 8 2023
    With the world imploding and the climate crisis emerging, what role does pharmacy and medicines have in the area? And more importantly, what can we do as individuals working in the area to make things better and make a difference?
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    9 mins
  • Why don't pharmacy departments have windows?
    Jul 31 2023
    Of all the many conundrums of hospital pharmacy, this is possibly one of the greatest - why are most of them designed with terrible offices and no windows? Just in time for your summer holiday, this is the pharmacy / architecture crossover podcast episode you never knew you needed but now can't live without. Covering Florence Nightingale, germ theory, the birth of the NHS, the Linstead and Noel Hall reports, plus the omnipresent and omni-malevolent Toyota method, this is a whistle stop tour through pharmacy history to try to explain this most puzzling fact.
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    9 mins
  • How to think about... SPCs
    Jul 24 2023
    What's the plural of "Summary of Product Characteristics"? Summaries of Product Characteristics, or Summary of Product Characteristicses? Just one of the many questions this podcasts doesn't answer (because it's only 8 minutes long and about pharmacy stuff so there's loads of stuff outside the bounds of the podcast). But if your question is "how should I think about SPCs, and what are their benefits and limitations," then you've just hit the jackpot by finding this podcast! And if that wasn't your question - why not? Listen anyway, to find out why it should have been. Enjoy!
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    8 mins
  • How To Think About... Volume of Distribution
    Jul 17 2023
    Just when you thought pharmacy couldn't get more interesting, here we go with a podcast about pharmacokinetics basics. What is a volume of distribution, what does it mean, and why should we care? All this and even more epic stuff! Hold onto your hats, kids - this is going to be a wild one! Give it a listen and see if exceeds your (low) expectations! (We've tried to keep it to under 7 minutes to compensate for the subject matter)
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    7 mins
  • 1 minute(ish) Friday micro-quiz: Rosie!
    Jul 14 2023
    It's a quiz. On a Friday. About pharmacy things. There's almost zero chance you'll get 6/6
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    1 min
  • Eptinezumab and network meta-analyses
    Jul 10 2023
    We're back into critical appraisal of unpronounceable medicines! Using eptinezumab as an example, how does it work to treat migraines, how well does it work, and most importantly, how did NICE use a network meta-analysis to look at how good it is compared to its equally unpronounceable friends? What is a network meta-analysis, and what are the key points? Enjoy!
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    9 mins