Words + Music by Geordie McElroy
Muffy Von Klump, Luz de la Cruz
Lunched at Bistro Chez Bleu
Where once the gang was a trio
Now there were only two
“There’s no decent reindeer anywhere”
Luz sulked and dropped her fork
Muffy sighed, “its out of fashion
But you knew that of course”
“Speaking of thing gone out of style
What did you do with Beth?”
“I wheeled her down to a group home
She rolled on my last nerve left”
Muffy asked, “How is Alfonso?”
“I hear he’s doing grand
Such a shame we needed his room
That reno was unplanned”
“Occasionally we get letters
For reunion pleading us
Frankly, they go straight to shredder
Neediness is tedious”
“Any new projects?” Muffy asked
“I took a page from Portia”
“Are you crazy? Committing fraud?
Or dealing in orphans?”
“Those are things that are just not done
Nothing… inelegant
I’m elevating charity
Making it more relevant”
“She was right about the justice system
The whole thing is rotten
Inmates linger in filthy cells
By the world, forgotten”
“So, I’ve committed to fix it
To let dignity ring
I’ve become a prison mentor
With felon under my wing”
“She reports to me her progress
Gives run down of her chores
Work beneath the righteous wives
Reforming for her I’m sure”
“Oh my, that sounds restorative
Muffy bubbled with glee
“Any chance you’ll meet with her soon
Now that, I’d love to see”
Inmates entered the visiting room
Guards barked out commands
Muffy and Luz sat by the glass
Receivers in their hands
Muffy’s eyes sparkled with delight
Seeing Luz’s project
Now this was a soul needing reform
Looking ragged, unkempt
Luz spoke into her receiver:
“Have you been doing good?
Are you staying out of trouble?
Like a model inmate should?”
Muffy produced Japanese fan
“It’s awful hot in here
What in god is that yeasty smell?
It reeks of rotten beer”
“Guards say you cell’s been messy
Grub’s constipating you
That jumpsuit fits like a trash bag
What’s with those hideous shoes?”
“Just think, in a decade you’re out
After you’ve made amends
This decor drab and depressing
Are you making any friends?”
“Time to say our affirmations
Repeat them after me:
I’m a felon worthy of love