Words + Music by Geordie McElroy
Part Four
In a parking lot, Dunn waited
Desperate, fleeing gallows
In the backseat of a federal fleet
Obscured among shadows
When agent Jones entered her car
Dunn made himself known
“Please, this whole things is a setup
Couldn’t reach out by phone”
Dunn produced the North Pole matchbook
The burden that he lugged
Who could these markings belong to
These fingerprints in blood
"How did you know where to find me?”
“I know what your routine is”
"I need your help to search this thumb
No way it’s Joe Martinez”
Jones and Dunn worked in underground lab
Federal agent convinced
Needed to find the owner of
These bloody fingerprints
The system ran a billion thumbs
To try to make a match
With a ding as it landed on
A perfect pair at last
“It’s just like you said,” Jones showed him
“These prints are Joe Martinez”
“But he’s been dead 13 years
Any explanation for this?”
“Let’s check Martinez’s first arrest
In analogue era
If system hits another print
We can pin-point error”
Jones pulled up Martinez’s file
From 1993
There was a different ink thumb
For anyone to see
“What happens if we run this one?
It might land on our Joe
But if its a sloppy hacking job
The culprit’s one may show”
Jones ran the print from ’93
“I think that there’s a glitch”
A face and name appeared on screen
"Not sure how this was missed”
“His name is Kolya Kalmykov
With deep alias list
Nicky Green Eyes, Ochi Nefrit
Others call him: St. Nick”
“13 years ago he vanished
Gave Interpol the slip
How did he and Joe Martinez
Get their fingerprints flipped?”
Agent showed a grainy photo
From years and year long past
A man with topknot, golden teeth
And dangling mustache
“I know I’ve seen that face somewhere
Doppelgänger for Kohl
But that man can’t be our sergeant
He’s decades way too old”
“Could Kalmykov be Kohl’s father?
Fingerprints passed to son?”
“No, every set is unique
That’s just not how its done”
“If these prints belong to Kolya
Could be a lighting trick
Or perhaps plastic surgery
But your sergeant is St. Nick”
Kohl and Noel entered banya
Obscured in clouds of...