Words + Music by Geordie McElroy
Part Two
Portia hosted at Koopman’s cafe
A rich, aggressive bunch
Muffy Von Klump and Luz De La Cruz
These the ladies who lunch
“Delish! This dish… simply divine!”
“Bold boreal terroir!”
Caribou tartare, pine resin wine
Chowing down reindeer raw
“Tell me where you found your Santa”
“The line is out the door”
“Parents love him, kids terrified”
“And they keep coming back for more”
“Oh him? He’s Koopman’s special sauce
Says his name is Ruprecht”
“Your glass snow globe is filled with dough”
“The man commands respect”
A parent lugged her screaming child
Ruprecht hushed in his ear
Then youngin’ turned a sickly shade
Silent, quaking with fear
“Mercedes, won’t you see to Alfonso
Luz’s newly adopted son
Fresh from Mali? Or was it Malawi?
Some dump from whence he comes?”
“Go take him to Christmas Village
To sit on Ruprecht’s lap”
Mercedes cried: “That’s not Santa Claus
He doesn’t wear a patch”
Portia feigned shame before the gals
“Mercedes don’t talk back
Alfonso doesn’t know any better…
…Santa is handicapped”
I always wanted to adopt
Open my heart and home
I’ve got that idiot Izzy
Won’t move out, full grown”
“Oh yes…” said Muffy, “…Isidore
We caught his performance
A shame he soiled your parade
And lost those endorsements”
Luz pointed to the globe and said:
“Charity has two forms
The kind l have for Alfono
The other type performs”
Dunn stewed in silent apartment
Countless beer cans crushed
A Christmas tree 13 years dead
Ornaments cloaked in dust
He stared at Portia Koopman’s name
And cleaned his .22
Perused surveillance photographs
Silencer clockwise screwed
Dunn studied the plans for the store
Swigged down Peppermint Schnapps
No sense in procrastination
When assassins are cops
Dunn got a call from foot patrol
The North Star life raft found
In a sewer deep beneath city streets
In Koopman’s part of town
Dunn saddled up and slugged down rum
One-forty proof cologne
Heading down to Portia’s store
Kill two birds with one stone
Izzy hung out in the warehouse
These were his type of folk
Honest work from sweat of the brow
Clearly thought him...