• Mudlick Hollow in.Beaver, PA: Phantom Carriages and Carnage
    Jun 27 2024

    In this eerie episode, we venture into the haunted depths of Mudlick Hollow in Beaver, PA. Known for its chilling paranormal activity, this street is the site of a tragic carriage crash that has left a lasting supernatural imprint. Residents and visitors alike report hearing the haunting sound of phantom horse hooves clopping down the road and witnessing the ghostly apparitions of the doomed carriage riders. Join us as we explore this tale and more eerie encounters that make Mudlick Hollow an incredibly haunted location.

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    19 mins
  • Twin Valley Tunnels in Downingtown, PA: Tunnels of Fear
    Jun 20 2024

    Step into the eerie world of the Twin Valley Tunnels in Downingtown, PA, where the shadows hold dark secrets and the air is thick with ghostly whispers. This notorious location has been associated with a tragic murder and linked to at least two other mysterious deaths, leaving behind a trail of hauntings that continue to baffle and terrify visitors. Hear about the phantom footsteps that echo through the darkness, the unsettling cries of a baby that seem to come from nowhere, and the full-bodied apparitions that have left witnesses frozen in fear.

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    19 mins
  • Bushy Run Battlefield in Jeannette, PA: Phantoms of the Flour Sacks
    Jun 13 2024

    This historic site, once a fierce battleground, now echoes with the spectral presence of those who perished in the 1763 conflict. Visitors and paranormal investigators alike have reported unexplained EMF activity and sudden, chilling temperature fluctuations, adding to the eerie atmosphere of this haunted locale. The restless spirits are said to roam the fields, their ghostly whispers carried by the wind, a haunting reminder of the battle that took place here. Join us as we delve into the paranormal phenomena surrounding Bushy Run Battlefield, exploring firsthand accounts and chilling experiences

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    21 mins
  • The Storm Witch of Lake Erie in Presque Isle, PA: A Siren’s Song
    Jun 6 2024

    With at least three accounts of ships mysteriously vanishing without a trace, the legend of the Storm Witch casts a shadow of fear over the tranquil waters of Lake Erie. Sailors speak in hushed tones of her eerie presence, warning of the dangers that lurk beneath the surface. But the legend doesn't end with the disappearance of ships. Those brave enough to sail the lake today report hearing the mournful cries of the drowned, echoing across the waves as a haunting reminder of the Storm Witch's deadly embrace. Join us as we dive into the depths of this chilling legend, exploring the tales of terror and tragedy that have shrouded Lake Erie for centuries. From the Storm Witch's seductive song to the storms she commands, each aspect of the legend offers a glimpse into the dark and mysterious world that lies beneath the surface.

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    23 mins
  • Fort Roberdeau in Altoona, PA: Guardians of the Shadows
    May 30 2024

    Built during the tumultuous days of the American Revolutionary War, this fortified outpost served as a vital hub for mining lead and defending the frontier against hostile forces. But beyond its storied history lies a darker, more mysterious side to Fort Roberdeau. Many visitors and staff alike have reported encounters with a shadowy figure, believed to be the ghost of a long-departed guard who once patrolled the fort's battlements. In addition to the ghostly guardian, strange happenings abound within the fort's walls. Are you ready to confront the ghosts of history that linger within its walls?

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    26 mins
  • Pythian Castle in Springfield, MO: Spectral Fortress of Fright
    May 23 2024

    Built for the Knights of Pythias, The Pythian Castle boasts a storied past that stretches back through time. Seized by the US government during World War II, it became a clandestine hub for interrogating prisoners of war, leaving behind a legacy steeped in mystery and intrigue. But it is the ghostly inhabitants that truly define The Pythian Castle's reputation as a paranormal hotspot. From ethereal orbs dancing in the darkness to sinister shadow figures lurking in the corners, and even full-bodied apparitions that materialize before the eyes of unsuspecting visitors, the castle teems with spectral energy at every turn. Join us as we lead an in-depth investigation into the supernatural phenomena that permeate The Pythian Castle's ancient walls. Armed with dowsing rods and EMF meters, we delve into the unknown.

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    34 mins
  • Butler Black Cross in Butler, Pa: Voices of the Silenced Spirits
    May 16 2024
    Join us in a haunting pilgrimage to Butler, Pennsylvania, where the chilling winds carry the whispers of the past. Our latest episode unravels the mysteries surrounding the Butler Black Cross—a somber memorial erected for a mass grave of immigrants claimed by the Spanish flu in the early 1900s. We uncover reports of disembodied voices echoing through the air, a haunting polyphony of languages from the immigrants that lost their lives. From hushed conversations to the heart-wrenching cries of babies, the Black Cross becomes a conduit for the voices of the silent, reaching across the veil between the living and the departed. Hear more about these hauntings and more! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/paranormalinpennsylvania/support
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    23 mins
  • The Palace Theatre in Greensburg, PA: Stage Frights
    May 9 2024

    From the dimly lit audience to the backstage corridors, The Palace Theatre is alive with ghostly energy. Among its spectral inhabitants is the mysterious man in the three-piece suit, whose enigmatic presence is felt by theatergoers in the audience. His silent vigil from the shadows adds an eerie ambiance to the performances, leaving audiences questioning the nature of his ghostly visitation. But the haunting specter of The Palace Theatre extends beyond the confines of the audience. Many report an unsettling sensation of being rushed to their seats, as if unseen hands propel them forward with an urgent haste. And in dressing room six, the atmosphere is palpably charged with paranormal activity. Tune in to this spine-tingling episode as we peel back the layers of The Palace Theatre's haunted history. Are you ready to take your seat in the spectral audience?

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    19 mins