Chris Sasser joins us today. We’ve had Chris on before and he’s extremely wise and helpful in discussing real life topics, like performance and how to parent against the mentality of EVERYTIHNG IS A PERFORMANCE! We’re our kids’ parents, not their agents. ☺
Chris is the pastor of family ministries at Port City Community Church in Wilmington, NC and author of the book, “Bags.” (If you haven’t read this book…read it!)
There is a ton of pressure in a child’s life to perform in the classroom, on the field and at home. Chris shares 3 practical thoughts for parents to consider in parenting them to know their identity is in Jesus Christ and not in what they do.
“We must redefine what success looks like in our family.”
He encourages parents to view the Ted xTalk, “Change the Game Project” by John O’Sullivan.
As always, thanks for listening! We appreciate you! Lisa and Chrissie
Raising Sinners is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit
Lisa Clark and Chrissie Dunham co- host Raising Sinners as well as The Wonder Podcast. Lisa is the author of the book Raising Sinners, available at Amazon and other retail outlets.
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