Welcome to a special episode where we chat to the lovely Beverly Jones from Awaken Mentoring as she walks us through her journey of how she experienced burn out in her life, what it felt like at the time of going through it, what the pivotal moment was that acted as a catalyst towards where she wanted to be. Bev goes into detail of how to prevent burn out and how her happily ever after came true in her and manifested into her life. Bev also explains what she is currently doing now as a mentor and how she helps people to break and beat burnout in their personal, business and corporate lives. So grab yourself a cuppa and come and have a catch up with us, listen on your way to work or how ever and when ever at your own leisure. Want to get in touch and know more? Check out the links below. Beverly Jones - Awaken Mentoring Book - Made It Thru The Rain https://www.awakenmentoring.co.uk/shop/p/made-it-thru-the-rain-book-signed-copy https://www.awakenmentoring.co.uk/ 7 Tips to Avoid Burnout e-book https://www.awakenmentoring.co.uk/shop/p/7-tips-to-avoid-burnout Amanda - https://amandabowden.co.uk/ amandabowden222@gmail.com Creator of Master Miracle Manifester®️ and founder of Pheonix Academy - Spirology©️ Sharon - https://www.bengalrose.co.uk/ Find my products, books, CD's and digital items https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/BengalroseHealing Work with me - https://quantutrancehealing.co.uk https://www.bengalrose.co.uk/courses/ Creator Founder of One Spiritual Movement©️ https://onespiritualmovement.com/ Sharon@bengalrose.co.uk