• #75 | Prometheus & Chiron | Live from Greece! (Thessaly)
    Sep 13 2024

    This episode is recorded in Thessaly, Greece. In ancient times it was considered to be the land of sorcery, witchcraft and healing. In fact, it still feels that way today due to the abundance of healing herbs in the region.

    Thessaly was the birthplace of the centaurs including Chiron and Pholus, and the God of Medicine Asclepius. When I say 'birthplace' here, I'm referring to the land that dreamed up these mythic figures.

    The concept of the land dreaming is foreign to the modern mind. And yet, to the ancient mind this is just a matter of course. Different lands have different dreams embedded in them, and therefore dream up different kinds of humans, animals and plant life.

    In this episode I explore some of these topics with, of course, the help of mythology. Prometheus steals fire from the gods and therefore is a good symbol for that 'higher' way of knowing. Chiron is a centaur, inseparable from nature, and therefore a good symbol for that knowledge that comes from the ground up.

    It's a tension that I'm sure we all feel on some level. Perhaps we experience it as the instinct vs the mind. The feeling vs the thoughts. The gut sense vs the logic. And it's a tension I feel as I wander the lands of Greece, trying to make contact with the many apparently dead gods.

    Cover Art: Heracles and Nessus by Giambologna

    Podcast Musician: Marlia Coeur
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    38 mins
  • #74 | Hercules | Part Two | Entangled in the Wild
    Aug 29 2024

    After some time of unusual introspection and restraint, Hercules sets off on his fourth task: tracking down the Erymanthion Boar. The boar is the wild and uncontrollable side of nature. By taking a side road and visiting the centaur Pholus on the way to the boar, Hercules convinces the centaur to open a sealed jar of Dionysian wine. And with that, all hell breaks loose.

    This sets off the chain of events that leads to the wounding of our beloved healer, centaur and guide, Chiron. His animal side now wounded, he reflects our current state in the civilised world. And our current quest - to rediscover the beauty of animal consciousness.

    The movement from the deer to the boar also brings into focus the tension between Artemis (goddess of the hunt) and Aphrodite (goddess of sensual pleasure). Although both deer and boar are sacred to Artemis, the boar is associated with Aphrodite due to her tragic love affair with Adonis who was speared by a boar (who was actually Apollo, Artemis' twin (yes the Greek myths are like this!)).

    The jar of Dionysian wine is symbolic of delighting in the senses. Sealed for four generations, once it's opened the animal side that has been repressed breaks free and causes absolute chaos. So what are we to do? Keep the jar sealed and stay safe but overly controlled? Or open it up and take the consequences of unbridled wildness?

    It brings forth a conversation around addictive processes. Something that I discuss with Brice Hancock from Mile High Recovery in Colorado. That conversation is coming soon to the podcast.

    Episode Artwork: Hercules fighting against the Centaurs, 1542 by Hans Beham

    Podcast Musician: Marlia Coeur
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    48 mins
  • #73 | Hercules | Part One | Growing Pains & the First Three Labours
    Aug 13 2024

    Hercules, or Heracles in Greek, was one of the greatest figures of the ancient mythic world. He was seen as an amalgamation of many different heroes, relying on brute strength and his trusty club, and was generally at a loss when a problem required more than simply force for its solution.

    A quintessential solar hero, Hercules battles with the monsters of the world sent by the spiteful Hera who wants to crush him at every turn. And yet, the two of them, Hera and Heracles, are forever linked to each other. Heracles, after all, means 'Glory of Hera'.

    In this episode we will use the opposition between these two to look at the astrological archetypal tension between the Sun: our shining golden light of the spirit in its quest for individuation, and Saturn: the blocks and limits that get in our way.

    The exploration then moves into the first three labours of Hercules: Wrestling an enormous lion; becoming entangled in a swamp snake; and tracking a deer with golden antlers for a full calendar year. These tasks align with the Zodiac signs of Leo, Cancer and Virgo respectively and teach us about our own sacred process of individuation.

    This is the first of a series of episodes on Hercules. His stories are vivd and filled with archetypal information, each monster representing elements of our consciousness that challenge us to move into the essence of who we are here to become.

    Cover Art: Peter Paul Rubens

    Podcast Musician: Marlia Coeur
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    39 mins
  • #72 | Dr David Russell | Psyche & Eros (& Aphrodite) | Imagination's Innate Ability to Heal the Great Divide
    Jul 25 2024

    What if the ancient myths held the key to modern therapeutic practices? In our latest episode, we sit down with Dr. David Russell, a distinguished past president of the Sydney Jung Society and former associate professor at Western Sydney University, to uncover the profound relevance of the myth of Psyche and Eros to psychotherapy. We begin by exploring how these timeless stories offer blueprints for navigating human struggles, with Dr. Russell emphasizing the critical role of imagination in the therapeutic journey. Our discussion highlights how the myth of Psyche and Eros symbolizes the integration of the human and divine, reflecting the goals of modern psychotherapy.

    From grappling with impossible tasks set by Aphrodite to the profound descent into the Underworld, the myth of Psyche is a treasure trove of psychological insights. Dr. Russell guides us through these mythological trials, illustrating how they parallel the challenges clients face in therapy. We delve into the themes of surrender vs. control, understanding vs. acceptance, and the essential balance between rational thought and intuitive awareness. The conversation also touches on the technique of free association, introduced by Freud, and its importance in fostering an imaginative, harmonious inner life.

    Join us as we unravel the intricate relationships between mythic figures like Aphrodite and Persephone, shedding light on their symbolic significance in psychotherapy. From the harsh lessons of the underworld to the transformative power of mythic imagination, we reflect on the evolving understanding of the unconscious in both neuroscience and therapeutic practices. This episode promises a rich, Jungian perspective that underscores the timeless relevance of mythology in healing the human psyche and cultivating a soulful presence in both our personal and collective lives.

    The image is a statue in the Louvre: Antonio Canova - Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss

    Podcast Musician: Marlia Coeur
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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • #71 | Cancer & Capricorn | The Handless Maiden | Cinderella | The Frog King | Psyche & Pan
    Jul 18 2024

    Cancer: a moon-ruled water sign plunging into the depths of the subjective, internal realm of Psyche.

    Capricorn: a Saturn-ruled earth sign lifting us up the mountain through perseverance, discipline and sacrifice.

    The two opposing archetypal forces in our stars represent the struggles of youth & wisdom; the Puer Aeternus (eternal youth) & Senex (old man); emotions & practicalities; the inner child & the inner critic.

    In this episode we get to move into the tension of these timeless forces as they weave through our inner and outer experiences of life on earth. The lens of myth & fairytale helps us to make alchemical moves to separate, purify and integrate the images to discover the possibilities of the magical third thing.

    The image is of Venus de Milo: an armless Aphrodite discovered on my favourite Greek island of Milos.

    Podcast Musician: Marlia Coeur
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    40 mins
  • #70 | Kari Hohne | Nature's Wisdom | Dreams, Taoism & Ancient Astrology
    Jul 4 2024

    Today we kick the new season off with a bang with a soul provoking chat with Kari Hohne. Kari's assistant reached out to me over six months ago with an interest for Kari to come on the show to discuss her areas of expertise: dream work, archetypes and ancient wisdom. Although it took us a little while to get here, it was certainly worth the wait.

    Kari's mind is able to traverse across many different eras of history as well as multiple disciplines of thought. To say her knowledge is expansive undersells it.

    In this conversation we begin with the Tao, visiting ancient ways of seeing time and space that go beyond our everyday consensus awareness. Rather than telling us how it is, Kari is able to leave us with invitations and suggestions to bring our mind into this natural way of perceiving reality.

    From there, we venture into the stars behind the stars. Kari shares with us her knowledge of Sumerian astrology and ancient texts in order to bring forth the lost symbols of the signs we know and love. The inanimate scales of Libra give way to 'Two Ravenous Dogs'. The crab of Cancer becomes a mischievous turtle scratching around in the sand stealing eggs. Aquarius' water-bearer shifts into a man walking up a mountain with water flowing off of his back.

    Truly fascinating.

    Along the way we also discuss the work of Julian Jaynes: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. The World Heritage site of Göbekli Tepe. A mysterious phenomenon of handbags being carried by the figures of ancient carvings which Kari suggests referred to the constellation we now know as Pegasus; a square in the sky that contained all ancient knowledge. And so much more.

    I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed the chat.

    More About Kari:

    Kari Hohne is a dream analyst and expert on the eastern and western archetypes that inspire our dreams and oracles. Through her website Cafe au Soul, she bridges the gap between an appreciation for nature and the spiritual journey. Her online I Ching is ranked #1 in internet searches. She is the author of seven books that discuss topics such as dreams, ancient astrology and the archetypes of the Tarot. She has also released translations of the Tao te Ching and I Ching.

    For more about Kari check out her YouTube Wellness Videos and her Books on Amazon.

    The image for the episode was taken from Kaylee Hancock.

    Podcast Musician: Marlia Coeur
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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • #69 | A New Chapter | The Cyclops & Restoring the Second "I"
    Jun 20 2024

    What if the stories of the stars had more to tell than just our zodiac signs? Join us for a reflection on the Great Round project, where we journeyed through the mythic elements of each astrological sign with extraordinary guests like Rick Levine, Micheal Meade, and Melanie Reinhart. We've wrapped up a year of exploring these cosmic archetypes, and now, as the myths urge us onward, we're setting sail into broader realms of mythology and cosmology. Special thanks to our collaborator, Faye Northgrave, whose support was invaluable along this enlightening path.

    In this episode, we ponder the deeper "why" behind our work, drawing insights from Ian McGilchrist's "The Master and His Emissary" and Leonard Shlain's "The Alphabet vs the Goddess." We'll examine the delicate balance between the brain's right and left hemispheres, and how the modern world's tilt towards logic over creativity impacts us all. We also weave in the ancient Greek myth of the Cyclops, inviting you to journey with us through the celestial tapestry of astrology, Greek mythology, and depth psychology, enriching our appreciation of the soul's voyage through the cosmos.

    Episode Artwork: Grabáu d'Erasmus Francisci zu Nürnberg (1627-1680) Kiklop, 1680

    Podcast Musician: Marlia Coeur
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    16 mins
  • #68 | Martha Alter Hines | Bridging Worlds
    Mar 14 2024

    In this episode I talk with Martha Alter Hines. Martha is a mom, an author, a healer, and an astrologer. She has twenty years of experience as a clinical social worker, psychotherapist, and body worker. She has primarily studied Evolutionary Astrology with Ari Moshe Wolfe as well as with Heather Ensworth.

    Martha bridges her trauma informed clinical background with her astrological knowledge, as well as a deep understanding of ourselves as beings of the cosmos, Earth, divine, heart, mind, and so much more.

    The image of Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions, connected by a column of stars. Today, Martha opens up about her own mediation between these two fish, one heading down towards the mystical waters of soul, the other swimming up to the everyday world.

    I want to thank you all for joining me for this tour of the Zodiac and to all the incredible guests who’ve joined me along the way. It’s been a true voyage of discovery and I hope you’ve enjoyed it. If you have any feedback for the show I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to email me at chris@skidmoredynamics.com.

    I’ll be taking a break for a couple of months and will be back soon with a new project for the podcast with the working title: A Year of Myth.

    Join the Myth, Stars, and Soul series with Chris and Martha here: https://living-the-one-light.teachable.com/p/myth-stars-soul-chris-skidmore?affcode=412518_vuytp8nl

    More about Martha:

    Website: https://livingtheonelight.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livingtheonelight

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgNGs08tGaA3AdK0LpuWJTg

    Teachable Site: https://living-the-one-light.teachable.com

    Email: livingtheonelight@gmail.com

    Podcast Musician: Marlia Coeur
    Please consider becoming a Patron to support the show!
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    1 hr and 10 mins