• Catcher in the Rye Conspiracies Pt 1: MKULTRA Incel Abused Killer, Secret Societies & Luigi Mangione!
    Mar 1 2025
    FREE book, social medias & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw

    On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we start talking about Catcher in the Rye! We’ll walk through the whole book and I’ll point out lots of symbolism and messaging that lends itself to a theory that the main character Holden Caulfield is a MKULTRA mind controlled Incel killer abused sexually (possibly trafficked) and mentally by MKULTRA scientists. We’ll touch on symbolism of the Joe Atwill Freemason conspiracy theory, I’ll point out the connections to secret society I discovered with a coded reference to Skull and Bones 322, his “people shooting hat”, sex obsession, violent fantasies, Luigi Magione connections and more!

    • Apollo 11, Trinity Nuclear Bomb, Twin Peaks & Eyes Wide Shut: Sex Magick Symbolism of 7/16 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/apollo-11-trinity-nuclear-bomb-twin-peaks-eyes-wide-shut-sex-magick-symbolism-of-7-16/
    • Georgia Guidestones: Who Was RC Christian, Population Reduction & Illuminati Rosicrucians- 322 Special! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/georgia-guidestones-who-was-rc-christian-population-reduction-illuminati-rosicrucians-322-special/

    • Show sponsors- Get discounts while you support the show and do a little self improvement!
      • *CopyMyCrypto.com/Isaac is where you can copy James McMahon’s crypto holdings- listeners get access for just $1

    • WANT MORE?... Check out my UNCENSORED show with my wife, Breaking Social Norms: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/
    • GRIFTER ALLEY- get bonus content AND go commercial free + other perks:
      • *PATREON.com/IlluminatiWatcher : ad free, HUNDREDS of bonus shows, early access AND TWO OF MY BOOKS! (The Dark Path and Kubrick’s Code); you can join the conversations with hundreds of other show supporters here: Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher (*Patreon is also NOW enabled to connect with Spotify! https://rb.gy/hcq13)
        *VIP SECTION: Due to the threat of censorship, I set up a Patreon-type system through MY OWN website! IIt’s even setup the same: FREE ebooks, Kubrick’s Code video! Sign up at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/
        *APPLE PREMIUM: If you’re on the Apple Podcasts app- just click the Premium button and you’re in! NO more ads, Early Access, EVERY BONUS EPISODE

    • More from Isaac- links and special offers:
      *BREAKING SOCIAL NORMS podcast, Index of EVERY episode (back to 2014), Signed paperbacks, shirts, & other merch, Substack, YouTube links & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw

    • *STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes. Audio clips used in Fair Use and taken from YouTube videos.
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Twin Peaks FINAL Analysis: Dale Cooper's Alchemy Journey, Laura Palmer Divine Goddess & Sex Magick Apocalypse! TP55
    Feb 23 2025
    Today's episode is the FINAL Twin Peaks Grey Lodge analysis! If you haven't followed along since May 2023; there are now 55 full episodes of analysis up on the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture supporter feeds! Join one of the three supporters feeds to unlock all of them with hundreds of other bonus shows- all ad-free!SUPPORTER FEEDS: Go ad-free with 160+ bonus episodes, early access and books!Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher,VIP Section (*with comparsion of Apple vs Patreon vs VIP): https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/Apple Podcasts Premium! You can now go ad-free with ALL the bonus episodes on the Apple app- just open up the podcast and subscribe!*Also- I started a Rumble channel you catch all my videos- typically about a month late (*Tier 2 supporters get instant ad-free videos). This final Twin Peaks analysis will unlock on Feb 23rd though! https://rumble.com/v6n4qic-twin-peaks-final-analysis-dale-cooper-alchemy-laura-palmer-goddess-and-sex-.htmlOn today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we head back to the Grey Lodge in this FINAL Twin Peaks episode of the Grey Lodge series! This episode we're unpacking all of the occult mysteries of Twin Peaks with a special focus on Twin Peaks: The Return and how it maps onto all of the other works discussed on the first 54 episodes of the Grey Lodge analysis!We’ll look at the big question “Is Twin Peaks Occult?” which will look at Kubrick, Eyes Wide Shut and the Anima Mundi.Then we’ll start zooming into some various concepts we saw throughout Twin Peaks: Space Time Disruptions and the idea of Saturnian time and the sacred spaces of Glastonbury Grove, Great Northern, Black Lake, the Red Room and of course: the Twin Peaks mountains as the twin pillars of Hermes and pillars of the Kabbalah Tree of Life!We’ll have a major focus on Alchemy when we look at Dale Cooper’s journey through the alchemical process and crossing the Abyss with evil forces of BOB, Judy and Baal! Another look at S3 reveals a dream state manifesting the entire realm to test Cooper’s individuation and dissolution of the ego and we’ll consider a Jungian Transcendent Function as part of the process of manifesting the symbols of the subconscious into the world of S3! We’ll analyze “Listen to the sounds” as various theories on Cosmic Breath of Brahma and the 8th Sphere of Anthroposophy.Magick plays a key role in all of this so we’ll consider Wizard of Oz similarities, electricity and the actual human emotion origin of garmonbozia BOB is feeding off!Entities and aliens manifesting in our world is explored with Thelema, Crowley, Parsons and sex magick.We wrap up with the final theories that explain what is going on with Twin Peaks: Savior mythology is displayed with Laura showing us she is the One, passion plays of overcoming darkness, goddess of the water, Sophia, Scarlet Woman of Babalon and the Divine Feminine. The alchemical journey of Dale Cooper attempting to become an Ascended Master like Major Briggs and Philip Jeffries. We then look into the cosmic battle of good and evil through sex magick, opposing polarities coming together and the Apocalyptic end of the world! We’ll look at the forces of Eros and Thanatos, Ouroboros Samsara, James Shelby Downard’s King Kill rituals, Judy’s journey from start to finish and Crowley’s description of Twin Peaks from Vision and the Voice! We’ll look at Tracy Twyman’s research leading to origins of Enoch and Cain opening up portals and Kenneth Grant’s Initiation of Aossic to unlock the occult powers!EXCLUSIVE GREY LODGE SERIES NOW UP ONLY ON AD-FREE SUPPORTER FEEDS!Links:Index of Twin Peaks Grey Lodge series: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/twin-peaks-occult-symbolism-guide-enter-the-grey-lodge/Show sponsors- Get discounts while you support the show and do a little self improvement!*CopyMyCrypto.com/Isaac is where you can copy James McMahon’s crypto holdings- listeners get access for just $1WANT MORE?... Check out my UNCENSORED show with my wife, Breaking Social Norms: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/GRIFTER ALLEY- get bonus content AND go commercial free + other perks:*PATREON.com/IlluminatiWatcher : ad free, HUNDREDS of bonus shows, early access AND TWO OF MY BOOKS! (The Dark Path and Kubrick’s Code); you can join the conversations with hundreds of other show supporters here: Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher (*Patreon is also NOW enabled to connect with Spotify! https://rb.gy/hcq13)*VIP SECTION: Due to the threat of censorship, I set up a Patreon-type system through MY OWN website! IIt’s even setup the same: FREE ebooks, Kubrick’s Code video! Sign up at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/*APPLE PREMIUM: If you’re on the Apple Podcasts app- just click the Premium button and you’re in! NO more ads, Early Access, EVERY BONUS EPISODEMore from Isaac- links and special offers:*BREAKING SOCIAL NORMS podcast, Index of EVERY episode (back to 2014), Signed ...
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    3 hrs and 22 mins
  • BONUS: Ye & Elon Love N@zis, Ashley St Clair, Jamie Foxx' Netflix Propaganda & Ellen's UK Goddess!
    Feb 17 2025
    FREE book, social medias & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw

    On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we have February's BONUS episode only for supporters! We'll TMZ style topics: Marianne Faithfull died (Lucifer Rising, Mick Jagger & British Intelligence), Ye loves N@zis, smut & Diddy, Elon Musk also loves N@zis and now has another child with ties to Mossad Israeli Intelligence and Ashley St Clair with conspiracies of ped0 claims, Bill Gates' divorce connected to his Epstein friendship, release of JFK, MLK & RFK files, speech at World Economic Forum with Blackrock, Jamie Foxx' Netflix special was propaganda to distance himself from Diddy and Ellen DeGeneres is being punished by Celtic goddesses!

    NOW UP AD-FREE ON SUPPORTER FEEDS! Free feed gets a preview!

    • SUPPORTER FEEDS: Go ad-free with HUNDREDS of bonus episodes, early access and books!
      • Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher,
      • VIP Section (*with comparsion of Apple vs Patreon vs VIP): https://wp.me/P2ijVF-aRL
      • Apple Podcasts Premium! You can now go ad-free with ALL the bonus episodes on the Apple app- just open up the podcast and subscribe!
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    13 mins
  • Kendrick Lamar Super Bowl Halftime Symbolism: Freemasonry, Shakti & American Political Statements!
    Feb 10 2025
    FREE book, social medias & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw

    On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we recap the symbolism at the 2025 Super Bowl Halftime Show with Kendrick Lamar! We'll talk Freemason Hailing Sign of Distress, Solomonic Middle Chambers, Shiva and Shakti triangles and some VERY political statements if you knew what to look for!

    • Super Bowl 2025 Symbolism Pre-Game: Illuminati Chiefs & Eagles, Kendrick Lamar Alien Abductions, Predictions & 666! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/super-bowl-2025-symbolism-pre-game-illuminati-chiefs-eagles-kendrick-lamar-alien-abductions-predictions-666/

    Show sponsors- Get discounts while you support the show and do a little self improvement!*CopyMyCrypto.com/Isaac is where you can copy James McMahon’s crypto holdings- listeners get access for just $1

    WANT MORE?... Check out my UNCENSORED show with my wife, Breaking Social Norms: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/

    GRIFTER ALLEY- get bonus content AND go commercial free + other perks:

    *PATREON.com/IlluminatiWatcher : ad free, HUNDREDS of bonus shows, early access AND TWO OF MY BOOKS! (The Dark Path and Kubrick’s Code); you can join the conversations with hundreds of other show supporters here: Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher (*Patreon is also NOW enabled to connect with Spotify! https://rb.gy/hcq13)
    *VIP SECTION: Due to the threat of censorship, I set up a Patreon-type system through MY OWN website! IIt’s even setup the same: FREE ebooks, Kubrick’s Code video! Sign up at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/
    *APPLE PREMIUM: If you’re on the Apple Podcasts app- just click the Premium button and you’re in! NO more ads, Early Access, EVERY BONUS EPISODE

    More from Isaac- links and special offers:
    *BREAKING SOCIAL NORMS podcast, Index of EVERY episode (back to 2014), Signed paperbacks, shirts, & other merch, Substack, YouTube links & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw

    *STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes. Audio clips used in Fair Use and taken from YouTube videos.
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    29 mins
  • Super Bowl 2025 Symbolism Pre-Game: Illuminati Chiefs & Eagles, Kendrick Lamar Alien Abductions, Predictions & 666!
    Feb 7 2025
    FREE book, social medias & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw

    On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we do our annual Super Bowl Pre-Game show! We'll talk about conspiracies and the history of the Kansas City Chiefs and HL Hunt, politics, Philadelphia Eagles symbolism of Phoenix, NFL rigging games conspiracies and the symbolism to expect from the Half-time show with Kendrick Lamar, Jay-Z's RocNation, Ab-Soul & Aleister Crowley! We'll talk about Kendrick Lamar's alien abduction claim, look at his alien lyrics and make some scoring predictions based on the number 666!


    Links (*these are the free feed versions of the episodes with ads- if you are on a supporter feed simply scroll back on your app to the date noted):
    • April 2020: The Fourth Kind Film Analysis: Symbolism of Sumerian Aliens & Blurring Cognitive Models!https://www.illuminatiwatcher.com/the-fourth-kind-film-analysis-symbolism-of-sumerian-aliens-blurring-cognitive-models
    • Feb 2022: Super Bowl Symbolism: Ritual Magick and Pagan Gods: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/super-bowl-illuminati-symbolism-ritual-magick-pagan-gods-of-forbidden-knowledge-and-the-new-atlantis/
    • SUBSTACK ARTICLE Feb 2025: Ab Soul and his clear adoration of Crowley and how it will fit into Jay-Z and the Super Bowl on my free substack: https://illuminatiwatcher.substack.com/p/luciferian-hip-hop-aleister-crowley?r=br4gm

    Show sponsors- Get discounts while you support the show and do a little self improvement!*CopyMyCrypto.com/Isaac is where you can copy James McMahon’s crypto holdings- listeners get access for just $1

    WANT MORE?...

    Check out my UNCENSORED show with my wife, Breaking Social Norms: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/

    GRIFTER ALLEY- get bonus content AND go commercial free + other perks:
    *PATREON.com/IlluminatiWatcher : ad free, HUNDREDS of bonus shows, early access AND TWO OF MY BOOKS! (The Dark Path and Kubrick’s Code); you can join the conversations with hundreds of other show supporters here: Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher (*Patreon is also NOW enabled to connect with Spotify! https://rb.gy/hcq13)
    *VIP SECTION: Due to the threat of censorship, I set up a Patreon-type system through MY OWN website! IIt’s even setup the same: FREE ebooks, Kubrick’s Code video! Sign up at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/
    *APPLE PREMIUM: If you’re on the Apple Podcasts app- just click the Premium button and you’re in! NO more ads, Early Access, EVERY BONUS EPISODE

    More from Isaac- links and special offers:
    *BREAKING SOCIAL NORMS podcast, Index of EVERY episode (back to 2014), Signed paperbacks, shirts, & other merch, Substack, YouTube links & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw

    *STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes. Audio clips used in Fair Use and taken from YouTube videos.
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    52 mins
  • Grammys 2025 Symbolism: Lady Gaga's Abracadabra Baphomet, Marina Abramovic, Ye's MKULTRA Mind Control & More!
    Feb 4 2025
    HOT NEWS:As you'll hear on the show- I posit the connections of Aleister Crowley's Amalantrah Working with Marina Abramovic's Star House with the Hudson River. After the show I found some pretty intriguing connections that I'll write up on my Substack (*another reason to subscribe there): illuminatiwatcher.substack.comNew Substack article (*subscribe for free while you're there): Luciferian Hip-Hop, Aleister Crowley & Ab-Soul: Symbolism for the New Age: Kendrick Lamar, Jay-Z and Prophecies of an Occult Super Bowl- https://open.substack.com/pub/illuminatiwatcher/p/luciferian-hip-hop-aleister-crowley?r=br4gm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=webSuper soft podcast logo shirts now back in stock! "THESE NERDS ARE GONNA KILLS US" has never been more true! https://isaacw.gumroad.com/On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we cover the 2025 Grammys! We'll briefly talk Beyonce, Kendrick, Drake and The Weeknd before getting into Ye MKULTRA mind controlling Bianca Censori and then a deeper dive in Lady Gaga's new "Abracadabra" performance that gets into the Baphomet, Abraxas, Marina Abramovic, Aleister Crowley, Pentagrams, Scarlet Women and Freemasonry! We're selling Devil fear p0rn today so join me!NOW UP AD-FREE ON SUPPORTER FEEDS! Links:Super soft podcast logo shirts now back in stock! "THESE NERDS ARE GONNA KILLS US" has never been more true! https://isaacw.gumroad.com/New Substack article (*subscribe for free while you're there): Luciferian Hip-Hop, Aleister Crowley & Ab-Soul: Symbolism for the New Age: Kendrick Lamar, Jay-Z and Prophecies of an Occult Super Bowl- https://open.substack.com/pub/illuminatiwatcher/p/luciferian-hip-hop-aleister-crowley?r=br4gm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=webFREE book, social medias & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw Show sponsors- Get discounts while you support the show and do a little self improvement!*CopyMyCrypto.com/Isaac is where you can copy James McMahon’s crypto holdings- listeners get access for just $1 WANT MORE?... Check out my UNCENSORED show with my wife, Breaking Social Norms: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/GRIFTER ALLEY- get bonus content AND go commercial free + other perks:*PATREON.com/IlluminatiWatcher : ad free, HUNDREDS of bonus shows, early access AND TWO OF MY BOOKS! (The Dark Path and Kubrick’s Code); you can join the conversations with hundreds of other show supporters here: Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher (*Patreon is also NOW enabled to connect with Spotify! https://rb.gy/hcq13)*VIP SECTION: Due to the threat of censorship, I set up a Patreon-type system through MY OWN website! IIt’s even setup the same: FREE ebooks, Kubrick’s Code video! Sign up at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/*APPLE PREMIUM: If you’re on the Apple Podcasts app- just click the Premium button and you’re in! NO more ads, Early Access, EVERY BONUS EPISODE More from Isaac- links and special offers:*BREAKING SOCIAL NORMS podcast, Index of EVERY episode (back to 2014), Signed paperbacks, shirts, & other merch, Substack, YouTube links & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw *STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes. Audio clips used in Fair Use and taken from YouTube videos.
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    31 mins
  • BONUS: LA Fire Conspiracies: Great Reset, Water Wars, Diddy, JLo, Mulholland, Resnicks & Maui!
    Jan 31 2025
    • VIP Section discount code “EGG” gets 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): https://wp.me/P2ijVF-aRL
    On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we have the January 2025 Supporters Only BONUS episode! We'll take a look at the Los Angeles Fires: celebrity houses that burned down, conspiracy rundown, LA Water Wars, Chinatown, William Mulholland, Frederick Eaton, Billionaire "WONDERFUL" Resnick Family, Diddy, Ben Affleck, JLo, "Wild King Nights", Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire", Maui, and how this is all part of the Blackrock and World Economic Forum Great Reset!

    NOW UP AD-FREE ON SUPPORTER FEEDS! Free feed gets a preview! Unlock the VIP Section supporter feed with discount code "EGG" and get 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): https://wp.me/P2ijVF-aRL

    • VIP Section discount code “EGG” gets 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): https://wp.me/P2ijVF-aRL
    • SUPPORTER FEEDS: Go ad-free with HUNDREDS of bonus episodes, early access and books!
      • Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher,
      • VIP Section (*with comparsion of Apple vs Patreon vs VIP): https://wp.me/P2ijVF-aRL
      • Apple Podcasts Premium! You can now go ad-free with ALL the bonus episodes on the Apple app- just open up the podcast and subscribe!
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    21 mins
  • UFO Occult Disclosure: Symbolism of Eggs, Alien Possession, LAM, Dee, Crowley, Parsons, Pasulka & Freemason Great Work!
    Jan 30 2025
    • VIP Section discount code "EGG" gets 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): https://wp.me/P2ijVF-aRL
    • Substack article Egg UFOs (subscribe while you're there): https://illuminatiwatcher.substack.com
    On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we breakdown the biggest alien revelation you probably missed- a new whistleblower claims he transported a downed egg-shaped UFO and that he had a spiritual possession in the process! I’ll give you the occult background of this entire story that News Nation and the mainstream media would never be able to explain: from John Dee to Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons we’ll connect the symbolism of the egg and how it is part of the Freemason Great Work to start a new alien religion. I’ll provide some background on Garry Nolan’s role and his history with Professor Diana Pasulka and we’ll connect it into LAM, Trinity site, tic tac video, Chris Bledsoe and the Gnostic god of winged eggs! If you already read my Substack article on this subject- don’t change your channel because I’m going much deeper into the occult concepts of alien gods today!


    • VIP Section discount code "EGG" gets 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): https://wp.me/P2ijVF-aRL
    • Substack article Egg UFOs (subscribe while you're there): https://illuminatiwatcher.substack.com

    FREE book, social medias & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw

    Show sponsors- Get discounts while you support the show and do a little self improvement!
    *CopyMyCrypto.com/Isaac is where you can copy James McMahon’s crypto holdings- listeners get access for just $1

    WANT MORE?... Check out my UNCENSORED show with my wife, Breaking Social Norms: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/

    GRIFTER ALLEY- get bonus content AND go commercial free + other perks:
    *PATREON.com/IlluminatiWatcher : ad free, HUNDREDS of bonus shows, early access AND TWO OF MY BOOKS! (The Dark Path and Kubrick’s Code); you can join the conversations with hundreds of other show supporters here: Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher (*Patreon is also NOW enabled to connect with Spotify! https://rb.gy/hcq13)
    *VIP SECTION: Due to the threat of censorship, I set up a Patreon-type system through MY OWN website! IIt’s even setup the same: FREE ebooks, Kubrick’s Code video! Sign up at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/
    *APPLE PREMIUM: If you’re on the Apple Podcasts app- just click the Premium button and you’re in! NO more ads, Early Access, EVERY BONUS EPISODE

    More from Isaac- links and special offers:
    *BREAKING SOCIAL NORMS podcast, Index of EVERY episode (back to 2014), Signed paperbacks, shirts, & other merch, Substack, YouTube links & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw

    *STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes. Audio clips used in Fair Use and taken from YouTube videos.
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    1 hr and 8 mins