
  • Unshaken Study - Week 1, Day 5: Psalm 46
    Jul 5 2024

    Welcome to Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    In this final episode of our first week, we delve into Psalm 46, a powerful declaration of God's presence and strength in tumultuous times. This psalm serves as a beacon of hope and a foundation for acceptance, asserting God as our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. As we face health challenges, embracing acceptance doesn’t mean giving up; it means acknowledging our reality and trusting in God’s unwavering support. Let’s explore how this acknowledgment can lead to a profound sense of peace and resilience, even amidst life’s storms.

    Week 1, Day 5: Embracing Acceptance

    Opening Reflection: Heather takes us through Psalm 46, emphasizing God's role as our refuge and strength. This Psalm encourages us to accept our health challenges by acknowledging God's constant presence and support, leading to a profound sense of peace and resilience.

    Scripture Focus: Psalm 46

    Psalm 46 reassures us of God’s unwavering presence and power. The imagery of a world in chaos—mountains falling and waters roaring—mirrors the turmoil we may feel with health issues. Despite this, the psalmist emphasizes the stability and peace found in God’s presence.

    Questions to Ponder:

    1. Recognizing God as Refuge: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble" (v.1). How does recognizing God as your refuge change your approach to accepting health challenges?
    2. Relating to Chaos: The psalmist describes a world in chaos, where mountains fall and waters roar (v.2-3). Can you relate these images to the turmoil you’ve felt with your health issues? How does framing your situation within this context of natural upheaval help in moving toward acceptance?
    3. Cultivating an Unshakable Spirit: The City of God is described as unshakable because God is within her (v.5). How can you cultivate a similar unshakable spirit within yourself by accepting God’s presence in your life, especially during health challenges?
    4. Practicing Stillness: "Be still, and know that I am God" (v.10). What are some ways you can practice being still in the midst of your health struggles? How might stillness lead to deeper acceptance?
    5. Experiencing God’s Peace: Reflect on how the themes of this psalm—God’s power and protection—can guide you from struggling against your reality to embracing it with faith and trust. How does acceptance of your circumstances enable you to experience God’s peace more fully?


    Join us as we embrace acceptance through Psalm 46, finding strength in acknowledging God's unwavering support. Let’s learn to be still and know that He is God, allowing this acceptance to bring us peace and resilience in the midst of our health challenges.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Order Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    We love hearing from our listeners! Share your insights, questions, or prayer requests. Join our online community for supportive and engaging discussions or email us at hello@therescuedletters.com.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the No Dusty Bibles Podcast. Remember, every page turned in the Bible is a step closer to understanding the heart of God. We're here to journey with you, one chapter at a time.

    In our daily readings, we are grateful to utilize the World English Bible (WEB) translation, a resource committed to making the words of Scripture accessible to all. The WEB is in the public domain, allowing it to be freely used and shared. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the contributors and supporters of the World English Bible for their dedication to making this valuable translation available to the public. Their work enables us to explore and share the Bible's teachings with everyone, furthering our mission to make the Bible accessible and available for every woman.

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    7 mins
  • Unshaken Study - Week 1, Day 4: Psalm 31
    Jul 4 2024

    Welcome to Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    In this episode, we explore the theme of depression amidst health challenges through the lens of Psalm 31. This poignant scripture offers profound insights into the depths of despair and the steadfast trust in God’s deliverance, providing a powerful resource for those grappling with similar emotions.

    Week 1, Day 4: Navigating Depression

    Opening Reflection: Heather delves into Psalm 31, where David’s heartfelt plea for deliverance and his lament about being a "broken vessel" vividly capture the essence of feeling forsaken and overwhelmed by life's trials. This psalm serves as a guide for articulating our own feelings of depression and seeking God’s presence and relief during our darkest times.

    Scripture Focus: Psalm 31

    Psalm 31 reveals David’s journey through distress and his unwavering trust in God. His plea for deliverance, his vivid description of sorrow, and his ultimate praise for God’s goodness provide a framework for understanding and navigating our own experiences with depression.

    Questions to Ponder:

    1. Resonating with Despair: David describes his distress and sorrow, his body and soul consumed by grief (v.9-10). How does this reflection of deep despair resonate with your own experiences during health challenges? Can you identify a time when you felt similarly overwhelmed?
    2. Feeling Forgotten: David feels forgotten and discarded, like a broken vessel (v.12). Have there been moments in your health journey when you've felt broken or forgotten? How did you address these feelings with God or others?
    3. Trust in God: In verse 14, despite his anguish, David asserts, "But I trust in you, LORD; I say, 'You are my God.'" How can declaring your trust in God, even in the midst of depression, alter your emotional or spiritual state?
    4. Focusing on God's Goodness: At the end of the psalm, David praises God for his goodness (v.19-21). How can focusing on the goodness of God, even when it feels distant, provide a counterbalance to the weight of depression in your life?
    5. Honest Prayer: Reflect on the way David handles his emotions by being brutally honest in his prayer (v.22). How does expressing your true feelings to God during depression help you in coping with these intense emotions?


    Join us as we explore the depths of despair and the unwavering trust in God’s deliverance through Psalm 31. Let’s find strength and courage in declaring our trust in God, seeking His presence, and focusing on His goodness, even in the midst of our darkest times.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Order Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    We love hearing from our listeners! Share your insights, questions, or prayer requests. Join our online community for supportive and engaging discussions or email us at hello@therescuedletters.com.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the No Dusty Bibles Podcast. Remember, every page turned in the Bible is a step closer to understanding the heart of God. We're here to journey with you, one chapter at a time.

    In our daily readings, we are grateful to utilize the World English Bible (WEB) translation, a resource committed to making the words of Scripture accessible to all. The WEB is in the public domain, allowing it to be freely used and shared. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the contributors and supporters of the World English Bible for their dedication to making this valuable translation available to the public. Their work enables us to explore and share the Bible's teachings with everyone, furthering our mission to make the Bible accessible and available for every woman.

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    6 mins
  • Unshaken Study - Week 1, Day 3: Psalm 30
    Jul 3 2024

    Welcome to Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    In this episode, we continue our devotional journey with the third theme: bargaining. Today, we explore Psalm 30 and its insights into the dynamics of pleading and negotiating with God during times of distress.

    Week 1, Day 3: Bargaining in Health Crises

    Opening Reflection: Heather guides us through Psalm 30, where David celebrates his deliverance from near-death experiences. This Psalm provides a powerful backdrop for understanding how we might bargain with God in our times of health crises, blending expressions of gratitude with desperate pleas for help. Through David's experience, we reflect on our own bargains with God and the deeper trust that can emerge from these conversations.

    Scripture Focus: Psalm 30

    Psalm 30 highlights David's journey from distress to deliverance, emphasizing God's mercy and the joy that follows suffering. David's plea for healing, his negotiation with God, and the resulting transformation from mourning to joy offer a profound lesson in how we approach our own health challenges.

    Questions to Ponder:

    1. Bargaining with God: David speaks of crying out to God for help and receiving healing (v.2). Think of a time when you bargained with God during a health crisis. What did you promise or ask for, and how did you feel about this exchange?
    2. Faith and Bargaining: Consider the phrase, "To you, O Lord, I called; to the Lord I cried for mercy" (v.8). How do you reconcile the act of bargaining with a sincere faith in God’s plan for your health and life?
    3. Logic in Prayer: In verse 9, David questions what benefit there is in his demise, appealing to God’s desire for praise and thanksgiving. Have you ever used similar logic in your prayers during difficult health situations? Reflect on the implications of this kind of bargaining.
    4. Transformation: David shifts from mourning to dancing, from sackcloth to joy (v.11-12). How does this transformation reflect the potential outcomes of our own bargaining with God? Have there been instances where your bargaining led to a deeper understanding or change in perspective?
    5. Moving to Gratitude: Psalm 30 ends with praise and thanksgiving for God's favor (v.12). How can you move from bargaining to gratitude in your own health journey, regardless of the outcome?


    Join us as we explore the role of bargaining in our faith journey through health challenges. Let's learn to trust in God's mercy, seek His help earnestly, and find ways to transition from bargaining to gratitude, embracing the deeper understanding and peace that can follow.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Order Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    We love hearing from our listeners! Share your insights, questions, or prayer requests. Join our online community for supportive and engaging discussions or email us at hello@therescuedletters.com.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the No Dusty Bibles Podcast. Remember, every page turned in the Bible is a step closer to understanding the heart of God. We're here to journey with you, one chapter at a time.

    In our daily readings, we are grateful to utilize the World English Bible (WEB) translation, a resource committed to making the words of Scripture accessible to all. The WEB is in the public domain, allowing it to be freely used and shared. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the contributors and supporters of the World English Bible for their dedication to making this valuable translation available to the public. Their work enables us to explore and share the Bible's teachings with everyone, furthering our mission to make the Bible accessible and available for every woman.

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    6 mins
  • Unshaken Study - Week 1, Day 2: Psalm 5
    Jul 2 2024

    Welcome to Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    In this episode, we continue our exploration of emotional responses to health challenges with our second devotional in the Unshaken series. Today, we delve into Psalm 5 and the theme of anger.

    Week 1, Day 2: Acknowledging Anger

    Opening Reflection: Heather takes us through Psalm 5, where David expresses his frustration and anger, imploring God for justice. This Psalm reflects the anger we might feel towards our bodies or circumstances when facing health issues. David's candid approach to expressing his emotions to God provides a model for us to acknowledge and channel our anger constructively through prayer and seeking God's guidance.

    Scripture Focus: Psalm 5

    David's prayer in Psalm 5 begins with a plea for God to hear his cries and considers his words (v.1-2). This sets the stage for a heartfelt expression of frustration and a request for divine justice against his enemies. The Psalm continues to emphasize God's rejection of wickedness and deceit while highlighting David's trust in God's righteousness and protection.

    Questions to Ponder:

    1. Expressing Anger to God: David starts by asking God to listen to his cry for help. When you are angry about your health situation, how do you express it to God? Do you feel comfortable sharing your true feelings with Him?
    2. Morning Routine: David mentions laying his requests before God each morning. How can establishing a routine of laying out your frustrations and requests each morning affect your handling of anger related to health challenges?
    3. Consequences of Anger: Reflect on a time when anger about your health led to negative consequences either for yourself or others around you. What might you have learned from that situation about managing anger more healthily?
    4. God’s Righteousness: David trusts that God will lead him in righteousness despite his enemies. How can focusing on God’s righteousness and guidance help you deal with anger concerning ongoing health issues?
    5. Protection from Anger: David pleads for protection from those who do evil. How can you apply this plea to seek protection from the destructive aspects of anger in your own life while navigating health challenges?


    Join us as we learn to channel our anger constructively through prayer and seek God's guidance in the midst of our health challenges. Let's take refuge in Him and find joy and protection, knowing that He surrounds us with favor as a shield.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Order Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    We love hearing from our listeners! Share your insights, questions, or prayer requests. Join our online community for supportive and engaging discussions or email us at hello@therescuedletters.com.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the No Dusty Bibles Podcast. Remember, every page turned in the Bible is a step closer to understanding the heart of God. We're here to journey with you, one chapter at a time.

    In our daily readings, we are grateful to utilize the World English Bible (WEB) translation, a resource committed to making the words of Scripture accessible to all. The WEB is in the public domain, allowing it to be freely used and shared. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the contributors and supporters of the World English Bible for their dedication to making this valuable translation available to the public. Their work enables us to explore and share the Bible's teachings with everyone, furthering our mission to make the Bible accessible and available for every woman.

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    5 mins
  • Unshaken Study - Week 1, Day 1: Psalm 55
    Jul 1 2024

    Welcome to Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    In this episode, we introduce our new Bible study, "Unshaken." This four-week devotional journey explores the emotional responses to health challenges, grounding them in Scripture. Together, we'll navigate fear, anxiety, and the importance of rest, all while discovering how our experiences can comfort others and bring glory to God.

    Week 1: Understanding Our Responses

    Opening Reflection: Heather shares her personal journey through numerous health challenges, likening her responses to the five stages of grief. These stages, originally identified by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, highlight the natural grieving process during health crises. Heather emphasizes that it's normal to feel a range of emotions, even as believers, and reassures us of God's abundant grace and kindness.

    Scripture Focus: Psalm 55

    We delve into the theme of denial, with David expressing a desire to escape turmoil. This Psalm mirrors our instinct to avoid harsh realities when facing health issues, prompting reflection on our initial responses and God's readiness to bear our burdens.

    Questions to Ponder:

    1. Reflect on a time when distress and terror accompanied a health issue. How did you handle it?
    2. Have you ever wished to escape your health challenges? What drives that impulse?
    3. What are your coping mechanisms when dealing with denial? Are they constructive?
    4. Consider a time when denial delayed seeking help. What were the lessons learned?
    5. How can faith help you move from denial to actively managing health challenges?


    Join us as we cast our worries onto God, finding comfort in His steadfast care. Together, let's hurl our feelings to Him this week—He's ready.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Order Unshaken: Faith-Filled Responses to Health Challenges

    We love hearing from our listeners! Share your insights, questions, or prayer requests. Join our online community for supportive and engaging discussions or email us at hello@therescuedletters.com.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the No Dusty Bibles Podcast. Remember, every page turned in the Bible is a step closer to understanding the heart of God. We're here to journey with you, one chapter at a time.

    In our daily readings, we are grateful to utilize the World English Bible (WEB) translation, a resource committed to making the words of Scripture accessible to all. The WEB is in the public domain, allowing it to be freely used and shared. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the contributors and supporters of the World English Bible for their dedication to making this valuable translation available to the public. Their work enables us to explore and share the Bible's teachings with everyone, furthering our mission to make the Bible accessible and available for every woman.

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    19 mins
  • 2 Corinthians 5-6
    Jun 28 2024

    In this episode, we continue our journey through the New Testament with the book of 2 Corinthians. Join us as we uncover the depth and richness of these foundational scriptures.

    In This Episode:

    • Scripture Reading: Today, we are reading from 2 Corinthians 5-6, where Paul teaches on our heavenly dwelling, the ministry of reconciliation, his hardships, and not being yoked to unbelievers.
    • No Dusty Bibles Community: We're more than just a podcast; we're a community committed to keeping our Bibles open and active. Dive deeper into God's Word and connect with fellow believers who share your passion for Scripture.
    • Weekly Email Sign-Up: Interested in getting more out of your Bible study? Sign up to receive our weekly email at No Dusty Bibles. Every Monday we’ll send you a weekly reading plan and extra resources to enhance your understanding of the Bible.
    • The Rescued Letters Collective: Learn more about our broader mission at The Rescued Letters Collective. Visit this link for more information and to follow us on social media. Stay connected with us and be part of a movement that brings hope and healing through the power of God's Word.

    We love hearing from our listeners! Share your insights, questions, or prayer requests. Join our online community for supportive and engaging discussions or email us at hello@therescuedletters.com.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the No Dusty Bibles Podcast. Remember, every page turned in the Bible is a step closer to understanding the heart of God. We're here to journey with you, one chapter at a time.

    In our daily readings, we are grateful to utilize the World English Bible (WEB) translation, a resource committed to making the words of Scripture accessible to all. The WEB is in the public domain, allowing it to be freely used and shared. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the contributors and supporters of the World English Bible for their dedication to making this valuable translation available to the public. Their work enables us to explore and share the Bible's teachings with everyone, furthering our mission to make the Bible accessible and available for every woman.

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    11 mins
  • 2 Corinthians 3-4
    Jun 27 2024

    In this episode, we continue our journey through the New Testament with the book of 2 Corinthians. Join us as we uncover the depth and richness of these foundational scriptures.

    In This Episode:

    • Scripture Reading: Today, we are reading from 2 Corinthians 3-4, where Paul teaches on ministers of the new covenant, the glory of the new covenant, and treasures in jars of clay.
    • No Dusty Bibles Community: We're more than just a podcast; we're a community committed to keeping our Bibles open and active. Dive deeper into God's Word and connect with fellow believers who share your passion for Scripture.
    • Weekly Email Sign-Up: Interested in getting more out of your Bible study? Sign up to receive our weekly email at No Dusty Bibles. Every Monday we’ll send you a weekly reading plan and extra resources to enhance your understanding of the Bible.
    • The Rescued Letters Collective: Learn more about our broader mission at The Rescued Letters Collective. Visit this link for more information and to follow us on social media. Stay connected with us and be part of a movement that brings hope and healing through the power of God's Word.

    We love hearing from our listeners! Share your insights, questions, or prayer requests. Join our online community for supportive and engaging discussions or email us at hello@therescuedletters.com.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the No Dusty Bibles Podcast. Remember, every page turned in the Bible is a step closer to understanding the heart of God. We're here to journey with you, one chapter at a time.

    In our daily readings, we are grateful to utilize the World English Bible (WEB) translation, a resource committed to making the words of Scripture accessible to all. The WEB is in the public domain, allowing it to be freely used and shared. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the contributors and supporters of the World English Bible for their dedication to making this valuable translation available to the public. Their work enables us to explore and share the Bible's teachings with everyone, furthering our mission to make the Bible accessible and available for every woman.

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    8 mins
  • 2 Corinthians 1-2
    Jun 26 2024

    In this episode, we continue our journey through the New Testament with the book of 2 Corinthians. Join us as we uncover the depth and richness of these foundational scriptures.

    In This Episode:

    • Scripture Reading: Today, we are reading from 2 Corinthians 1-2, where Paul teaches on the God of all comfort, his change of plans in visiting areas around Corinth, forgiveness for the sinner, and ministers of the new covenant.
    • No Dusty Bibles Community: We're more than just a podcast; we're a community committed to keeping our Bibles open and active. Dive deeper into God's Word and connect with fellow believers who share your passion for Scripture.
    • Weekly Email Sign-Up: Interested in getting more out of your Bible study? Sign up to receive our weekly email at No Dusty Bibles. Every Monday we’ll send you a weekly reading plan and extra resources to enhance your understanding of the Bible.
    • The Rescued Letters Collective: Learn more about our broader mission at The Rescued Letters Collective. Visit this link for more information and to follow us on social media. Stay connected with us and be part of a movement that brings hope and healing through the power of God's Word.

    We love hearing from our listeners! Share your insights, questions, or prayer requests. Join our online community for supportive and engaging discussions or email us at hello@therescuedletters.com.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the No Dusty Bibles Podcast. Remember, every page turned in the Bible is a step closer to understanding the heart of God. We're here to journey with you, one chapter at a time.

    In our daily readings, we are grateful to utilize the World English Bible (WEB) translation, a resource committed to making the words of Scripture accessible to all. The WEB is in the public domain, allowing it to be freely used and shared. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the contributors and supporters of the World English Bible for their dedication to making this valuable translation available to the public. Their work enables us to explore and share the Bible's teachings with everyone, furthering our mission to make the Bible accessible and available for every woman.

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    18 mins