In this episode of "Nihongo no Tane," Yumi introduces a new, furry member of her family —a playful and adorable kitten named Pon-chan! She shares the heartwarming story of how this little ball of fluff captured her heart during a church gathering and quickly became part of the family. From its charming "sock-like" paws to its lively antics, Pon-chan has brought new energy and joy to Yumi’s home. Tune in to hear about the kitten’s journey, its growing bond with other pets, and the simple happiness a tiny companion can bring!
- 加(くわ)わりました — Joined; was added (past tense of 加(くわ)わる, meaning "to join" or "to be added").
- 生後(せいご) — Post-birth; the time since birth. Often used to describe the age of babies or young animals, as in "2 months old."
- ふわっふわっ — Soft and fluffy; an onomatopoeic expression describing a light, fluffy texture or feeling.
- オス — Male (used for animals).
- 全体(ぜんたい) — The whole; entirety. Refers to something as a whole, like the overall appearance.
- 足先(あしさき) — Tips of the feet; the ends or extremities of the feet.
- ハチワレ — A cat pattern where the fur on the face is divided in the shape of the kanji 八(はち) (hachi, meaning "eight"), creating a "V" shape.
- 貫禄(かんろく) — Dignity; presence; an aura of authority or maturity, often associated with animals or people that appear strong or confident.
- 柄(がら) — Pattern; design. Refers to markings or patterns, often on animals or fabrics.
- 経緯(けいい) — Circumstances; details of how something happened. Often used when describing the background or sequence of events.
- 間中(あいだじゅう) — Throughout; during the entire time. For example, "throughout the meeting."
- 丸々(まるまる) — Entirely; fully; completely. Also used to describe something plump or round.
- 今引(いまひ)き取(と)った — Now adopted; recently taken in. A combination of 今 (now) and 引(ひ)き取(と)る (to take in, adopt, or receive).
- すっかり — Completely; thoroughly. Indicates a full or complete state of something.
- 居心地(いごこち) — Comfort; the feeling of ease or comfort in a place. Often paired with よい (good) or わるい (bad).
- もらって頂(ちょう)だい — "Please accept it." A polite way of requesting someone to take or receive something.
- ポンポン — Plump; round. Often used to describe a rounded belly, like a cat's.
- スクスク — Growing quickly and healthily; an onomatopoeic expression describing steady growth, often of children or animals.
- 先住(せんじゅう) — Previous resident; used to describe animals (or sometimes people) that were already living somewhere before others arrived.
- 仲良(なかよ)くなりつつあります — Are gradually becoming close; used to describe forming good relationships over time. [仲良(なかよ)く getting along well; なりつつあります is becoming; a formal way of describing an ongoing change: Formed by なり (ます-stem of なる, "to become"), つつ ("while" or "in the process of"), and あります ("exists"). It means "is in the process of becoming" or "is gradually changing."]
- 覗(のぞ)き込(こ)む — To peek in; to look into something closely or intently.
- 喉(のど)をゴロゴロ鳴(な)らしながら — While purring; literally, "while making a rumbling sound in the throat." Refers to the sound cats make when they are content.
- 幸福(こうふく) — Happiness; bliss; a state of contentment and joy.
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