In this episode of "Nihongo no Tane," Yumi shares her delightful encounter with a professional pianist whose lifestyle is a page out of history. Explore a home adorned with Victorian elegance, complete with a century-old telephone still in use! Immerse yourself in this captivating tale of classical music, vintage fashion, and timeless grace.
- 教会(きょうかい) — church
- 個人(こじん) — individual; personal
- 音楽(おんがく)を専攻(せんこう)されて — to specialize in music (音楽(おんがく): music, を: object marker, 専攻(せんこう)されて: to specialize in - honorific passive form of 専攻(せんこう)する)
- 憧(あこが)れているところがあって — there is something that I admire (憧(あこが)れている: admiring; longing for, ところ: place; aspect, が: subject marker, あって: there is; existing)
- なんか — somehow; kind of (informal)
- お誘(さそ)い — invitation (honorific form of 誘(さそ)い)
- 19世紀(せいき) — nineteenth century (19: nineteenth, 世紀(せいき): century)
- 服装(ふくそう) — clothing; attire
- 非常(ひじょう) — extremely; very
- 膨(ふく)らんだパフスリーブのブラウス — puffy puff-sleeve blouse (膨(ふく)らんだ: puffy, パフスリーブ: puff sleeve, の: possessive marker, ブラウス: blouse)
- 長(なが)い裾(すそ)の広(ひろ)がったスカート — long, flared skirt (長(なが)い: long, 裾(すそ): hem; skirt edge, の: possessive marker, 広(ひろ)がった: spread out; flared, スカート: skirt)
- 和風(わふう) — Japanese style
- 日本風(にほんふう) — Japanese style (synonym of 和風(わふう))
- 受話器(じゅわき) — telephone receiver
- 40歳代(さいだい)ぐらい — about in one’s forties (40歳代(さいだい): in one’s forties, ぐらい: approximately)
- 連発(れんぱつ)する — to repeat continuously; to fire in succession
- そっくり — exactly like; spitting image
- 口癖(くちぐせ) — habitual phrase; pet saying
- 私(わたし)にとっては — for me (私(わたし): I, にとって: for (someone); from the point of view of, は: topic marker)
- 出会(であ)えて — to be able to meet (出会(であ)う: to meet, in its て-form)
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