• Nature to Nurture: Supporting Your Child's Interests
    Jun 24 2024

    Hey there! In today's episode, we're chatting about how to discover what your kids love and support their interests meaningfully. I'll share some simple tips to help your little ones thrive. Grab a cup of tea and join me for this heartwarming conversation!

    Key Points:

    1. Discovering Passions: - Pay attention to what excites your child during play and activities. - Encourage them to explore different interests.

    2. Creating a Supportive Environment: - Provide materials and opportunities for their passions. - Let them take the lead and make decisions.

    3. Balancing Passion and Responsibility: - Teach responsibility through their interests. - Celebrate successes and support them through setbacks.

    Tips for Caregivers: - Observe and Listen: Understand what excites your child. - Provide Resources: Offer tools and opportunities. - Encourage Independence: Let them manage their projects. - Teach Responsibility: Use their passions to teach life skills. - Be Supportive: Celebrate achievements and navigate challenges together.

    Join Our Community: - Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Sign Up Here] - Join Our Facebook Group: Join Now - Follow Us on Social Media: Facebook, Instagram

    Thanks for tuning in! Keep nurturing your child's passions and watch them grow. Until next time!

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    8 mins
  • Mindful Parenting: Calming Techniques for Stressful Moments
    Jun 11 2024

    Welcome to the Nature to Nurture: Simply Caring for Our Children podcast! In this episode, Tiffany dives into the essential topic of staying calm during stressful parenting moments. As a parent of twins, Tiffany understands the challenges and shares her personal experiences dealing with childhood meltdowns. She reveals how traditional techniques and the wisdom of elders can help parents stay grounded and provide a safe, calm environment for their children.

    In this episode, you will learn: - Quick tips for maintaining calm during stressful moments - The common stresses parents face, such as technology overload, social pressures, and information overload - A personal story from Tiffany about handling meltdowns and the valuable advice from her grandmother - The benefits of traditional parenting techniques, including connection to nature and natural rhythms - Simple breathing and grounding exercises inspired by traditional practices - The importance of modeling calm behavior and incorporating mindfulness into daily routines

    Join Tiffany as she explores how traditional wisdom can foster stronger family bonds, meaningful connections, and rituals that young children thrive on.

    Don't miss out on future episodes! Subscribe, rate, and review our podcast to stay updated. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more tips and to connect with our community. Have questions or want to share your thoughts? Email Tiffany at naturetonurturedgo@gmail.com.

    Tune in next time for our episode on "Summer Nature Journals: Encouraging a Love for Nature, Art, and Storytelling." See you then!

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    19 mins
  • Parenting Hacks: Simple Solutions for Summer Morning Routines
    Jun 3 2024

    Welcome back to another episode of Nature to Nurture! In this episode, we explore how to simplify summer morning routines for parents and children. With summer upon us, mornings can be a bit more relaxed, but having a routine is still essential for maintaining stability and reducing stress. I share practical tips, personal stories, and the importance of incorporating nature into your morning rituals.

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    19 mins
  • Nature-Based learning: Sensory Exploration for Toddlers in Nature
    May 31 2024

    Welcome back to Nature to Nurture! In this episode, we're diving into the magical world of nature-based learning, focusing specifically on sensory exploration for toddlers. Join us as we explore the benefits of engaging young children with nature, offering practical tips and activities that parents, caregivers, and educators can use to create enriching, sensory-filled experiences.

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    12 mins
  • Nature to Nurture: Simply Caring for our Children - Rediscovering Purpose in Parenting
    May 31 2024

    In this episode, I’m excited to introduce myself and share my journey with you. I’m Tiffany, an early childhood expert with 15 years of experience and a mother of twins. My passion for early childhood development and cultural inclusivity has driven me to create this podcast, where I explore nature-based learning, intentional parenting, and traditional caregiving practices.

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    9 mins
  • Nature to Nurture Trailer
    May 20 2024

    Welcome to Nature to Nurture. This podcast explores nature-based learning, traditional caregiving, and intentional parenting. Join our cozy coffee chats for practical tips, stories, and insights to nurture curiosity, creativity, and resilience. Discover the beauty of nature, diverse traditions, and expert advice. Whether you're a parent, educator, or caregiver, let's embrace nature to nurture our little ones. Join me on this journey!

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    2 mins