The Ninth Legion (Legio IX Hispana, also sometimes called the "Lost Legion") had a long history. It served under the command of Julius Caesar during the First Century BC, on the side of Octavian in the civil war against Mark Antony and Cleopatra, and was sent to Spain, Germania, Pannonia, and Britain. In Roman Britain, it fought against rebellions, including the rebellion of Queen Boudica in which it narrowly avoided destruction. But its trace was lost in Northern England in the early Second Century AD, which is highly unusual for such an important unit at a time when the Roman Empire was in good shape overall. Was it destroyed in Britain by Celtic tribes, sent to the Netherlands, or did it disappear in a later conflict in Judea or Cappadocia? In this story, we examine the hypotheses and historical context, which provides a good opportunity to explore what Roman legions were, the conquest of Roman Britain, and other aspects of Roman history.
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