• The 6 Things that God Hates
    Mar 3 2025

    This episode is in awareness of the 6 things that God Hates. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises evil plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness, and 1 who sows discord.

    There are 6 things that our Heavenly father specifically says He hates, and 7 that are an abomination to Him.

    Jasmine speaks on the importance of us knowing these sins, so that we all can strive to walk like Jesus daily. None of us are perfect humans, nor will we ever be, but knowing exactly what upsets our Heavenly father is something that we should NOT aim to do. The Bible lists these abominations as practical warnings.

    We have to pick a side. It's either we obey God , and walk like Christ. Or we're on the other side. There is no in between.

    Bible Version: ESV (English Standard Version)

    Chapters in This Episode: Proverbs 6 : 16-19

    Social Networks: TBD

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    9 mins
  • A Father's Wise Instructions (Proverbs 4)
    Feb 15 2025
    Proverbs 4 is all about a father's teaching, and the urgency to pay attention. This episode hits on the warning to not enter the path of the wicked and to not walk in the way of the evil, by any means, we are to avoid it. Jasmine briefly talks about the need of fathers teaching their kids wisdom and teaching them about Jesus (whom wisdom is from - Proverbs 2:6). For the simple fact that kids don't know what is evil, or what generational curses are, or that we are instructed to walk in the ways of the LORD, and not evil. It's up to the earthly fathers to teach, guide, and lead the household.Jasmine also lets listeners in on her upbringing, and her lack of biblical teachings by her own father. The truth is even if you fall into the same category as Jasmine when she was a youth, and not being taught Proverbs 4, or any biblical principles by your earthly father, there is still hope. Nothing should hinder us from getting to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on our own, and having a real relationship with Him. He's waiting for you, with open arms.
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    11 mins
  • Psalm 37
    Feb 1 2025

    In this episode on Psalm's 37 , Jasmine talks about the verses in the chapter that really stood out to her. Jasmine emphasizes on the importance of being 'still' and not repaying evil for evil in this episode. Because let's be honest, in this world, there are A LOT of evil people, doing evil things, and it is in fact sometimes hard to not retaliate. But we must. For the Kingdom of God is at hand. Jasmine speaks about the spiritual warfare that is happening, that none of us can see, but is oh so very real. Jasmine speaks on how God laughs at the wicked, verse 13 , and explains what will happen to them if they don't turn away from there wicked ways.

    Jasmine speaks on some of the things we ought to be doing such as repenting daily, having a real relationship with Him, keeping His commandments, vs not doing any of these things and thinking we are a real believer. If we really love God, we should most definitely strive to obey Him, keep His commandments, repent on a daily basis, humble ourselves, and walk like Him.


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    13 mins
  • He left the 99, to find me
    Jan 10 2025

    There's a parable about a man that has 100 sheep's and 1 is lost.

    Jesus is making a correlation between Him (the man) and the lost sheep (us the sinners). Jesus expresses the rejoices of finding the lost sheep, and how there is no abandonment.

    Reminding us that we too, go astray and STILL there is rejoicing if ever we are found, and come back to Christ.

    Bibe Verses in this episode:

    Matthew 18:10-14

    Luke 15:2

    Ephesians 2:4-5

    Bible Version ESV: (English Standard Version)

    Social Networks: TBD

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    11 mins
  • Fear God
    Jan 5 2025

    In life there are minor things that we fear here and there. Although God reminds throughout the Bible to have no fear, for He is always with us, there is one thing that He wants us to fear, which is Him. To fear the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). This episode talks about fearing God, and how Him and only Him has ALL power. This episode touches on those that blaspheme God, those that do not believe in Him, and those that do not take Him seriously.

    The Bible says in Hosea 4:6 that 'My people perish for lack of knowledge'

    This episode reminds us all that we are only here temporary. Everything on this earth , that God created, is temporary. Everything is vanity, and the only thing eternal is Jesus Christ. Yeshua. Yahweh. In order for us to have eternal life with our Heavenly father, we have to be obedient children, and fear Him, for He is not our equal. He is our father.

    Bible verses in this episode include:

    Proverbs 1:7

    Deuteronomy 31:6

    Psalm 34:16

    Psalm 50:17

    Psalm 50:22

    Matthew 25:30

    Psalm 50:19 - 21

    2 Peter 2:10-12

    Hosea 4:6

    John 8:24

    1 Timothy 6:10

    Matthew 6:24

    James 2:2-7

    Psalm 53:2

    Psalm 34:9

    Matthew 10:28

    Matthew 7:21-23

    Psalm 53:3

    Psalm 68:2

    Bible Version: ESV (English Standard Version)

    Social Networks: TBD

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    18 mins
  • Fasting
    Dec 16 2024

    This episode talks about the importance of fasting. Who needs to fast, when to fast, why fasting is necessary, and how to fast?

    Fasting is a deeper way for us to connect with God, and has been accepted and approved by God since the days of Moses. Fasting will always be recommended for any of us whether we're grieving, longing to feel closer to God, or wanting to repent and truly apologize to God. Jesus reminds us in The Bible in Matthew 6:16 that God rewards fasting, and to keep it a secret between only you and Him.

    Chapter: Joel , Chapter 2 : 12-13

    Bible Version: ESV (English Standard Version)

    Social Networks: TBD

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    16 mins
  • King Josiah
    Dec 8 2024

    King Josiah was one of God's most righteous, reforming, and God-fearing Kings. However, his father (King Amon) and his grandfather (King Manasseh) were not. Therefore because of them misleading Judah, by worshipping idols, and fake gods ... God said that he would bring disaster to the ENTIRE Judah.

    This episode will briefly talk about King Josiah's father and grandfather and how they worshipped fake gods. Which led to everyone's demise. Also, how King Josiah discovered the Book of the Law in the House of the Lord, and how Josiah was deeply terrified afterwards because in that moment he knew that his father and his grandfather had been worshipping fake gods, which God told the people (and us present day people) NOT to do. The wrath of God was among everyone. So, Josiah began reform. In an attempt to undo every evil thing that his father and his grandfather had birth.

    Jasmine talks about how God gives Josiah grace, because Josiah was highly remorseful of what his forefathers had done, and Josiah was nothing like his father or his grandfather. Josiah loved God, feared God's wrath, and God made Josiah a deal.

    The bible says 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy one is understanding.'

    - Proverbs 9:10

    Chapter: 2 Kings 22:8-20

    Bible version: ESV (English Standard Version)

    Social Networks: TBD

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    13 mins
  • David & Goliath
    Nov 28 2024

    This episode is about one of God's mightiest Kings that ever existed. King David. This story is about King David slaying a 9ft tall giant with the help of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. God absolutely loved David, and he succeeded in all that he did. David was God chosen king.

    We will segue into both how much David loved God, and how much David trusted in God. Jasmine starts her reading from 1 Samuels chapter 17 verse 3-58 , with a few stops in between to explain certain verses. This story is truly a clear example of when God chooses us to do something, it is for a good purpose, and he already knows the outcome of it. This story of David and Goliath also demonstrates how God will ALWAYS be there with, and for us no matter how big the opposer is, no matter the weapons formed against us, no matter how small we may be on the outside, he will fight for us. (Exodus 14:14).

    Chapter: 1 Samuels ; 3-58

    Bible version: ESV (English Standard Version)

    Social Networks: TBD

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    22 mins