SO YOU THINK YOU CAN CONTROL THE UNIVERSE HUH? Well you can try, but its going to hurt like a motha.
It's going to feel like the world is falling on your shoulders, like your going against a current and everything is hard. (And NO, life is not supposed to bed hard, frusterating, depressing. The universe did not put us here to suffer).
Just put the sword down. Stop the fight. Stop controlling. And stay in your alignment no matter what blazes your path.
Staying in alignment means, keeping yor eye on that prize and keeping your humans thoughts, feeling and actions in alignment with that in which you desire.
You are in a deep state of power when you stay true to your desires, live eat and breathe them and hand the rest to the universe and allow it to do its job.
So stop deciding how life is going to go, flow with what shows up and lean the eff back for a minutte.
Kepp taking conscious and inspired actions towards your goals but whatch what happens when you loosen your grip just a tiny bit and revel in lifes treasures.
Love you,