Dec 9 2020

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    In this episode I talk about navigating being a working mom and dealing with high school admissions and getting my oldest on the Puns list all while also navigating this pandemic. Emotions I have been putting off are all coming to a head and I'm okay... but I'm also not okay lol

    Not to mention our towels have been rationed by my youngest so he no longer has to fold as many.

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    13 mins
  • REMOTE LEARNING & MELTDOWNS With Special Guest Dr. Kortney Peagram
    Nov 2 2020

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    The 3rd installment of Interviews with Working Moms discussing; Remote Learning, Working mom tips and of course Mom meltdowns.

    Today I’m doing an interview with a fellow working mom and friend Dr. Kortney Peagram who is a Professor at the Chicago School of Profession Psychology and the owner of Peagram Consulting. She has a lot of experience with the social and emotional needs of kids with cyberbullying and social media to learning to finding your passion and building your dream business. She even has Personal coaching to help build a better relationships with your teens.

    I knew she was one of my people the minute I met her and found out that her mission through life is to to eradicate bullying through kindness, connection, and social boldness.

    I’m super excited to sit down with her today and discuss remote learning and other fun topics.

    Grab a a glass of wine or a cup of coffee/tea and join us as we discuss remote learning and other Working mom topics.

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    39 mins
  • REMOTE LEARNING & MELTDOWNS With Special Guest Barbara Murphy
    Oct 25 2020

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    The 2nd installment of Interviews with Working Moms discussing; Remote Learning, Working mom tips and of course Mom meltdowns.

    Todays guest is one of my close friends. She is a fellow Special needs mom who not only has owned her own business but went back to school and received her masters in social work. I am always in awe and inspired by this working mom and how she navigates life. I'm so excited bring you her perspective.

    Grab a a glass of wine or a cup of tea and join us as we discuss remote learning and other Working mom topics.

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    28 mins
  • REMOTE LEARNING & MELTDOWNS With Special Guest Joanna
    Oct 24 2020

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    The 1st installment of Interviews with Working Moms discussing remote learning, Working mom tips and of course Mom meltdowns.

    Todays guest is my best friend growing up and fellow working mom, Joanna. Joanna is a teacher for over 20 years in the Chicago suburbs and has her masters in Early Childhood Special Education. She is a wife to a Chicago Paramedic and a mom of 3 and an overall inspiration.

    Grab a a glass of wine or a cup of tea and join us as we discuss remote learning and other Working mom topics.

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    34 mins
  • NAKED AND AFRAID -Social Media Detox Check-In,Week 3
    Oct 13 2020

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    Social Media detox check-in and basically I stare at random trees, wish people had more boundaries and that fatty foods were healthy. I'm a girl who asks for very little. (lol)

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    13 mins
    Sep 29 2020

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    In this episode I talk about how the work life balance does not exist. I even give you some tools on what you can do to feel less guilt as a mom and find more calm.. It's all about quality not quantity.

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    13 mins
  • Social media Detox status & Withdrawal dreams
    Sep 28 2020

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    In this episode I give you my one week update on my social media detox and tell you all about my withdrawal dream starring Ariana Grande .. will I eventually go back...I'm not sure.

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    11 mins
    Sep 22 2020

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    In this Episode I talk about how I started my 30 day Social Media Detox. We also touch on how I'm pretty sure I'm going crazy now and I can not even post about it.

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    15 mins