• 234 - From Prison To Pulpit- A Life Transformed
    Nov 3 2023

    Gary DeRosa faced hard time after deciding to rob a local bank shortly after he was married. After six years in prison, he met a drug dealer who invited him into the world of crime. Hear his inspiring story about how Christ captured his heart and took him from Prison to a pulpit sharing his faith with the world.

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    20 mins
  • EP 233: Why Some Fear The Upcoming Revival
    Sep 25 2023

    For many years, pastors and their congregations have cried out for God to send revival, but do we know what we are asking for? Revivals of the past brought massive upheaval in the church, often condemned by the very leaders who prayed it would occur! Are we ready for a genuine revival in our day? Is it possible, that it is already underway? Let's talk about that in today's video.

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    18 mins
  • EP 232: Is Deception Undermining Your Ministry?
    Jun 9 2022

    Technology has dramatically increased our access to information and teaching. It has also afforded many Christian celebrities to influence hundreds of thousands via YouTube and other platforms. Have people in your church endangered their faith by listening to the "prophets" of social media? During this podcast, I want to identify one source leading people toward a destructive belief system at odds with scripture. Don't miss it!

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    21 mins
  • Have You Been To The Cross Lately?
    Apr 26 2022
    The cross is a message pastors preach in thousands of churches throughout the world each week, but what does the cross mean in real-time? Paul said that he lived a crucified life and, through that experience, preached the gospel. What does it mean to live a crucified life, and how does that impact a pastor's life and ministry?
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    15 mins
  • EP 226: Are You Casting Your Pearls Before Swine?
    Apr 5 2022

    Whether you realize it or not, you have accumulated pearls throughout your time as a gospel minister. These pearls have value, but are you sharing them with people who don't appreciate them? Jesus' warning is particularly appropriate for those in ministry who give so much of our time, only to be devalued by those who should know better. I speak today about your pearls and how to avoid pigs! 

    View the video series on the prophetic.  

    Check out my books on Amazon.

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    17 mins
  • EP 225: Why Pastors Are Some Of The Most Unforgiving People On The Planet
    Mar 28 2022
    Unforgiveness is challenging - especially when people hurt or slander our reputations. Pastors are no different when it comes to releasing those who have hurt them. Today, I share a universal problem that nearly every pastor faces in day-to-day ministry with respect to forgiveness. I hope you can join us!

    During the podcast, I share a free resource for any leader who wants to explore the biblical gift of prophecy. Many seem to misunderstand how this gift is designed to benefit the church, and some misuse it all together. 

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    13 mins
  • EP 224: Has Worship Lost Its Meaning In Today's Church?
    Mar 15 2022
    Some might rightly ask, Has worship lost its meaning In Today's Church? Churches worldwide compete to display the "best" worship sound, lights, band, or voices. Is that worship from God's perspective? Some churches declare they have "contemporary" worship. What is that, and is the statement true. The sad reality is that our worship, in many cases, is just another form or ritual we endure before listening to a sermon. Is that what God meant in John 4:24 when Jesus said the Father is seeking worshippers? Probably not. What does New Testament worship look like, and has the church fallen away from what God defines as the worship He enjoys? Join me today for an inciteful examination not of our style but of our methods in worshipping the One, True, God.

    During today's podcast, I mentioned, Bob Sorge. You can access his books on Amazon.

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    17 mins
  • EP 223: Does Your Life Or Ministry Need Realignment?
    Mar 8 2022

    If you're driving your car and notice the steering wheel pulling in one direction or another, it should alert you to a problem with your wheels. In all probability, your tires are out of alignment, and if you don't get this fixed, they will wear out faster and more unevenly over time. The same principle applies to many things in life and particularly ministry. Due to the recent pandemic and seemingly endless crises in the news, many leaders have unknowingly fallen out of alignment with God's vision, direction, or purpose in their vocation. Today, I speak about getting back to some basics of what ministry is truly all about.

    During the podcast, I mentioned my latest book, Foundations that you can view on Amazon. 

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    14 mins