• 188 - Seeking Inner Wisdom with Automatic Writing
    Mar 15 2023

    One of the best ways to get your ego, anxiety, and worry out of the way so you can tap into and listen to your higher self is through Automatic Writing or Stream of Consciousness Writing or Journaling.

    This is different than typical journaling in that you're really trying to remove all conscious thought and just let words flow out through your pen without any judgment.

    When you do this, you're going to discover what aligns with your soul. If you're facing a challenge in business or you're wondering what type of business would really light you up and get you excited about it every day, this is a great tool.

    Ready to Replace Your Day Job with Work You Love?
    If you're stuck in a job you hate, feeling burned out, and lacking passion, I'd love to jump on a call to help you discover a way to replace your 9-5 job with an online business that aligns with your purpose and allows you to finally live the fulfilling life you desire and deserve.

    Schedule Your Breakthrough Call

    I'd love to connect with you wherever you hang out most often:

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    10 mins
  • 187: Discovering & Trusting The Wisdom Within
    Mar 14 2023

    We all have a secret within us that can help us make decisions that align with our values and our Souls. When we learn to tap into this internal guide, we also tend to produce much quicker decisions, which will help us execute and impliment our businesses more quickly.

    In the next 10 minutes, you're going to discover your intuition. What it is, how to become more aware of it, how to trust it, and how to tell the difference between your intuition and your fears, anxiety, or ego.

    Ready to Replace Your Day Job with Work You Love?
    If you're stuck in a job you hate, feeling burned out, and lacking passion, I'd love to jump on a call to help you discover a way to replace your 9-5 job with an online business that aligns with your purpose and allows you to finally live the fulfilling life you desire and deserve.

    Schedule Your Breakthrough Call

    I'd love to connect with you wherever you hang out most often:

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    8 mins
  • 186: Perfect Perfect vs Business Perfect
    Mar 13 2023

    Strriving to do your very best can often lead to perfectionism, which almost always leads to procrastination.

    In this episode you're going to learn the difference between "Business Perfect" and "Perfect Perfect." In business, you don't have time to hit perfect, but you do want to do your very best. So how do you reconcile those two things?

    You'll completely shift your mindset on "perfect" after this short 10 minute episode.

    Ready to Replace Your Day Job with Work You Love?
    If you're stuck in a job you hate, feeling burned out, and lacking passion, I'd love to jump on a call to help you discover a way to replace your 9-5 job with an online business that aligns with your purpose and allows you to finally live the fulfilling life you desire and deserve.

    Schedule Your Breakthrough Call

    I'd love to connect with you wherever you hang out most often:

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    9 mins
  • 185: Helping You Believe The Impossible is Possible
    Mar 10 2023

    The only limitation to what's possible for us as humans is our imagination and our belief.

    Nobody could run a 1 mile race faster than 4 minutes until Roger Bannister did it in 1954. Since then over 1,500 people have officially run it in that time.

    In this episode I want to help you believe the impossible is possible. That your wildest imaginations can come true.

    Expand your belief and realize we've already done so much and we're going to do even more. These are exciting times and you are part of the incredible chage coming.

    Ready to Replace Your Day Job with Work You Love?
    If you're stuck in a job you hate, feeling burned out, and lacking passion, I'd love to jump on a call to help you discover a way to replace your 9-5 job with an online business that aligns with your purpose and allows you to finally live the fulfilling life you desire and deserve.

    Schedule Your Breakthrough Call

    I'd love to connect with you wherever you hang out most often:

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    10 mins
  • 184: What I Wish I Could Give My Kids
    10 mins
  • 183: Keeping Preparation from Becoming Procrastination
    Mar 8 2023

    Taking the time to prepare for something important is a good thing. But what happens when we shift from preparation to procrastination?

    When you constantly find something else that needs to be done before you take action? When you have a long list of details you need to do but most of them don't really impact the outcome.

    This is something that holds a lot of entrepreneurs back from taking action toward their biggest goals. Let's talk about it and why it happens.

    Ready to Replace Your Day Job with Work You Love?
    If you're stuck in a job you hate, feeling burned out, and lacking passion, I'd love to jump on a call to help you discover a way to replace your 9-5 job with an online business that aligns with your purpose and allows you to finally live the fulfilling life you desire and deserve.

    Schedule Your Breakthrough Call

    I'd love to connect with you wherever you hang out most often:

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    9 mins
  • 182: The Secret to Reaching Your Goal
    Mar 7 2023

    After decades of research and personal experience, I have discovered the absolutely critical element to achieving any goal. It's going to seem obvious to you, but the most obvious answer is usually the right answer and it also happens to be the one we most often over look.

    So, if you're looking to do something big, this is where to start. Right here with this episode. I promise you, if you do what I share in these 10 minutes, you will move closer to your goal.

    Ready to Replace Your Day Job with Work You Love?
    If you're stuck in a job you hate, feeling burned out, and lacking passion, I'd love to jump on a call to help you discover a way to finally break free from the mundane so you can do something that aligns with your purpose and allows you to finally live the fulfilling life you desire and deserve.

    Schedule Your Breakthrough Call

    I'd love to connect with you wherever you hang out most often:

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    10 mins
  • 181: Creating a New You
    Mar 6 2023

    If you could be anyone you wanted to be, who would you be? Not a real person, but how would you describe this person you would become?

    • Courageous?
    • Brave?
    • Disciplined?
    • Proud?
    • Confident?

    If you could make a new version of yourself, what would you put into this new you?

    The great news is, you can!

    How would you feel as this new person? How would that new feeling impact your life?

    I talk about a practice you can put into use today that will create a brand-new version of you. It's simple, it doesn't take long, and it has an amazing impact on your life.

    If you love this show, please leave a 5-Star rating and review to help pay-it-forward.

    Ready to Replace Your Day Job with Work You Love?
    If you're stuck in life? In a job that leaves you wanting more? In a relationship that lost its passion? Living a boring and dull life?

    I'd love to help you break through all this so you can live the life you deserve to live. A life of purpose, passion, and peace.

    I have a few slots available in the next couple of weeks where we can jump on a free call and look at where you are and what we can do to get you to where you want to be.

    Go in and schedule a time right now:

    Schedule Your Breakthrough Call

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    10 mins